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The Story of *NSync

I think it's pretty cool how these five talented hotties all hooked up. I'll do my best to explain to you all how the group came together. If any of this is not accurate, PLEASE let me know!! :)

Well, I guess I'll start out with The Mickey Mouse Club. Justin and JC were both on the MMC tv show, which is of course how they met. They immediately became friends. JC was on the show a total of four years, the last two being the years that Justin was on the show.

After they were done with the show they both ended up in Tennessee. They discovered that they both had similar singing styles and that they could possibly work together.

Meanwhile, back in Orlando, FL, Joey and Chris were working together at Universal Studios. Joey, Chris, Justin and JC pretty much all knew eachother in someway. Lance was the only one they didn't know. Chris was very serious about his music and decided that he wanted to put together a music group. He called up Justin, who called up JC, and somehow Joey was notified. "It's funny to look back on how well we all came together; it just happend step by step," Jusitn told Billboard magazine during an interview.

After those four put themselves together they began practicing for hours everyday in a nearby warehouse. A few months passed and the quartet's harmonies sounded great, and their dances were in step.

The first year they were together they were really struggling to find management. But when they did find it, they found one of the best managers-Johnny Wright. Johnny hooked the guys up with a choreographer, Robert Jacquez, who helped improve the group's dancing skills. Their vocal coach worked with them as well, and soon their harmonies had improved. Even though they sounded smooth, they knew something was missing. "We knew we needed a bass to round off our sound." Chris said in an interview with 16 magazine. So, Justin called up his old vocal coach back in Tennessee and asked him to reccommend someone with a bass voice. He reccommended Lance Bass. Lance immediately flew down to Orlando and started working with the guys.

The summer of '96 was when they got their recording contract with BMG. "Two days after we signed the contracts they said 'Pack your stuff, we're leaving.'"And we haven't stopped since." Lance and Justin explained to All-Stars magazine.

Well, that's pretty much sums up the whole story of how *NSync hooked up. Like I said before, if anything I wrote is not accurate, please tell me. Email me
