Ain't That Funnay?

Hey kiddies, Liv here. Frequent EF surfer Kate sent this and I thought it was funnay, so I added in my two cents and wa-la! Fun stuff, I tell ya. My comments in blue.

Just a few pics I found on my travels. I hope you can give these a good home.

Kate x


He looks sexified as is. He doesn't need to wear a pointy bra.

Ummmmmm.....doesn't Justin look tastey today.

Is he smackin' his lips over Justin, or the Justin-flavored lip gloss?

I know we're all thinkin the same..... "eww" spings to mind.

I agree. That just ain't right.

Everybody...rock your body.....

Whoops! My bad? Wrong song...wrong GROUP!

No freakin comment.

How hot is this? *snort* From the 1997 swimsuit edition of NEIGH-14 magazine. heheh

I think you know where i'm headed with this one.......

As far as Justin? Yeah...but the first thing I noticed was JC. He's coppin' a feel of Chris' junk, and Kirky ain't diggin' it.

Anyway, thats all folks.

See ya next time! *waves*

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