A Super Duper Birthday Shoutout

Hey y'all, Liv here. I can't believe it's Joey's 26th birthday! Because I love him so much, and because he deserves it (especially since he takes a lot of crap from us here at EF), I invited the FATone out on his special day. We had a lot of fun...

January 28, 2003

After I managed to wake up and get my busted ass out of bed, I called Joe to see if he was ready to get some brunch.

"Hello? Oh, hey Liv. No...I haven't eaten yet. *looks at sandwich* Fifteen minutes? Yeah I can be ready by then. Okey doke, see ya in a few. Bye bye bye!"

Exactly fifteen minutes later, I arrived at his house...but he was SO not ready.

"Sure, I am. I'm ready and waiting baby, if ya know what I'm sayin'..." *wink wink*

Now, I was having NONE of that "hey baby" ish and made him change. He was about to protest...

but thought better of it.

Twenty more minutes later, we were finally on our way. After a quick stop at the drive through...

(c'mon after all the promotion they did, why WOULDN'T we go there?)...

we met up with Lance at the stables and went horseback riding. I'm sure that's not the kind of "ride" he had in mind, but he seemed to have fun. Giddy Up!

At high noon, we decided to leave the cowboy to his herd and headed off to Universal Studios.

Joe was so excited, he suffered a teeny moment. "Dude, it's the Cat in the Hat! Man, you're phat!"

It was a touching moment until Chris took off the costume and replied, "I'm not a cat, imagine that. Just a guy who needs hydration, STAT!"

Hearing Chris talk about being thirsty made Joey thirsty so I suggested it was probably time for dinner:

(Yeah, I'm terrible, but whatcha gonna do? I'm a college kid with very little dolla billz.)

Of course we ordered the "baby back, baby back" ribs. And we were just about to chow down when one of his "friends" interrupted us to say hi and...

return the shirt he left over her house.

Joey's a nice guy, so to show his gratitude he got up and gave her a hug. She smirked at me the whole time. Pssh. But I'm not bitter, I'm better - and after lunch I took him back to his place for a special film that Steve helped me set up:

A video montage of Joey then, now, in the meantime, and in-between time!

There were highlights from...

concert tours...


his big splash on Broadway...

and especially past birthdays. :)

"We always knew that looking back at the tears would make us laugh, but we never knew that looking back at the laughs would make us cry."

Joey was so moved, he was rendered teary-eyed and speechless.

I hated to ruin the moment, but I had one more birthday surprise up my sleeve. I told Joey to get sexified, because now we be clubbin'!

I said SEXIFIED, but he came out JOEY-FIED, proudly holding up the baseball cap Justin got him. I just shook my head, and off we went to the club.

When we got there, he was greeted by random spectators, JC, and one VERY delicious birthday cake:

Go Joey, it's yo birthday, we gon' party like it's yo birthday!

That's when Joey threw his arms around me and started bawling right then and there.

I told him to make a wish, as if I didn't know what he'd wish for. Within minutes he was already pimpin' da hoes:

"Wow, that worked fast! Thanks, Liv!" he said as he wandered off with his harem...leaving me with the booby cake and one JC Chasez.

Happy Birthday, indeed!


Hugs, kisses and birthday wishes,
Olivia, Allison, *Lucky, Tabz, BexXx, Mel, Julie

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