M QuirkyGirl: okay
Searchin4ACowboy: I'm not Becca.
M QuirkyGirl: ok
Searchin4ACowboy: My real name...
Searchin4ACowboy: Is...
Searchin4ACowboy: Justin Randall Timberlake
M QuirkyGirl: good to know
M QuirkyGirl: have fun with that skinny whore you're fucking
M QuirkyGirl: hope you get an STD and die
Searchin4ACowboy: Okay okay...
Searchin4ACowboy: I'm really...
Searchin4ACowboy: Lance Bass
Searchin4ACowboy: There! I said it!
M QuirkyGirl: why lance? why?
Searchin4ACowboy: Why what?
M QuirkyGirl: penis? why penis?
Searchin4ACowboy: Oh that?
Searchin4ACowboy: That was just a phase...
Searchin4ACowboy: I really want...
Searchin4ACowboy: You.
M QuirkyGirl: good
M QuirkyGirl: you should
M QuirkyGirl: (on a side note, have you heard the song vege-tables by brian wilson?)
Searchin4ACowboy: (No...lol)
M QuirkyGirl: (it's funny like crack)
Searchin4ACowboy: (Crack is funny?)
M QuirkyGirl: (yeah butt crack is)
Searchin4ACowboy: (Ohhhhhh yeah!)
Searchin4ACowboy: I am Lance...and you are Melody...and when I marry you, you will be Melody Bass...
Searchin4ACowboy: Which I believe was the name of a singing fish.
Searchin4ACowboy: Mel, I like talking to you about anything!
M QuirkyGirl: good
M QuirkyGirl: cause i know everything
M QuirkyGirl: i swear, ask me
Searchin4ACowboy: Okay let's see...
Searchin4ACowboy: Hmm...
Searchin4ACowboy: What was the name of NKOTB's Christmas album?
M QuirkyGirl: slutty sleigh ride
M QuirkyGirl: next question
Searchin4ACowboy: What cartoon theme song was Andy Kaufman famous for lip-synching to on SNL?
M QuirkyGirl: home improvement
M QuirkyGirl: next questions
Searchin4ACowboy: Which member of the Beatles did everyone think was dead?
M QuirkyGirl: gene simmons
M QuirkyGirl: next question
Searchin4ACowboy: What is the meaning of life?
M QuirkyGirl: cookies and milk
M QuirkyGirl: next question
Searchin4ACowboy: Where's Waldo?
M QuirkyGirl: in my bra
M QuirkyGirl: next question
Searchin4ACowboy: What would you do for a Klondike bar?
M QuirkyGirl: ( o ) ( o )
M QuirkyGirl: next question
Searchin4ACowboy: Is the theory of evolution true?
M QuirkyGirl: only if you worship satan
M QuirkyGirl: next question
Searchin4ACowboy: Who IS Satan?
M QuirkyGirl: rush limbaugh
Searchin4ACowboy: What is the name of the fifth teletubbie?
M QuirkyGirl: OopsieIpoopsied
M QuirkyGirl: next question
Searchin4ACowboy: How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of Lil Kim?
M QuirkyGirl: 23958
Searchin4ACowboy: What happened to Britney Spears' morals?
M QuirkyGirl: carson daly ate them
M QuirkyGirl: next question
Searchin4ACowboy: What will be the name of the next Nsync album?
M QuirkyGirl: Me and my french fry
M QuirkyGirl: next
Searchin4ACowboy: What REALLY happened to Toby?
M QuirkyGirl: do the words black beauty mean nothing to you?
Searchin4ACowboy: What's Lance's boyfriends name?
M QuirkyGirl: julio
Searchin4ACowboy: What is JC really hiding in his pants that makes his package look so big?
M QuirkyGirl: justin's penis
Searchin4ACowboy: What color are Chris' "lucky" underwear?
M QuirkyGirl: the color of zebra blood
Searchin4ACowboy: Why did the chicken cross the road?
M QuirkyGirl: to prove to the armadillo it could be done
Searchin4ACowboy: Why don't guys like fat women?
M QuirkyGirl: because they (the women) are so sexy they (the men) dont know how to handle themselves
Searchin4ACowboy: Why did I get an Nsync tattoo?
M QuirkyGirl: because the backstreet boy tattoo artist was out to lunch
Searchin4ACowboy: Define: Nick Carter
M QuirkyGirl: nick carter, see speculum
Searchin4ACowboy: Why did Joe & Kelly name their daughter, Brianna?
M QuirkyGirl: because annairb sounded like a drug
M QuirkyGirl: next
Searchin4ACowboy: What the hell is wrong with Stever?
M QuirkyGirl: in need of head-from-sphincter surgical procedure
Searchin4ACowboy: Why Cameron Diaz?
M QuirkyGirl: eggs
M QuirkyGirl: next
Searchin4ACowboy: Will Justin EVER go back to "normal"?
M QuirkyGirl: no, needs same procedure as stever
Searchin4ACowboy: Why can't penguins fly?
M QuirkyGirl: because a breed can dream, can't it?
Searchin4ACowboy: Are burritos REALLY the perfect food?
M QuirkyGirl: no, that honor would belong to small children
Searchin4ACowboy: Why does Chris like tacos so much?
M QuirkyGirl: because the chicken made him
Searchin4ACowboy: What are little boys made of?
M QuirkyGirl: ketchup and evil
Searchin4ACowboy: What are little girls made of?
M QuirkyGirl: teriyaki sauce, diet sprite, and chlorine
Searchin4ACowboy: What's the difference between Justin and JC?
M QuirkyGirl: a package of ramen noodles and a hanson brother
Searchin4ACowboy: When was the last time Steve felt any human emotion?
M QuirkyGirl: when he donned the michael jackson mask
Searchin4ACowboy: Where is the love?
M QuirkyGirl: in my ass
Searchin4ACowboy: Why didn't Lance get more solos?
M QuirkyGirl: because butter is too soft if you put it in the microwave for more than 8 seconds