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Confessions, By Nina.

Hey everyone. I get a lot of crap for writing here, for dawgin' on the boys... I just wanted to let yall haters know somethin'that you've been ignoring.

I confess I love Justin, I love the way he does stupid things and doesn't care. Cause he just wants to be regular, like everybody else. I feel sorry for him because he cares about a woman who could never be good enough for him. I like his new hair sometimes. I loved the fro more than I dig my JC look alike pants.

I confess I love Chris so much. Maybe more than the rest because in case some of you didn't know Chris has had a harder life than most. He's gone from losing two father's, to living in a car, to raising his huge amount of little sisters. I totally respect him for being so damn awesome under so much pressure. He's worked damn hard to get where he is and it's payed off.

I confess I love Joey. There have been, and will always be rumors about Joey and sex, I don't buy them. Not to say he doesn't enjoy himself, but, Joey is no male whore, he's a good guy. He's gonna have a kid and I for one am excited for him. I think it's awesome he took such a big leap because there were other alternatives to keeping it.

I confess that I love Lance too. I give him a lot of crap cause he's an easy target. But, the truth is, he doesn't look gay, there is no steriotypical gay man. He's gotten hotter over the years and has one of the sexiest voices I have ever heard. He's a good guy who gets no credit and you can see in him that he doesn't get the credit where it's deserved.

Lastly I love JC, more than all of the others. If you watch him, other than when he's performing. He's got such a humble face, a humbled expression. He has worked harder than anyone I know. He's a very accomplished singer, and composer. He makes people feel comfortable, and he makes them feel worth it. Nobody is ever ugly nobody has ever been not worth his time. I know they get busy but you can't blame them for what they cannot help.

I DO LOVE NSYNC, possibly more than anyone else reading this and there is no one who could ever tell me I don't just because of what I write from my imagination. Nobody ever hated a writer because of their words, and if they did it was an unfair hate. We all interpret differently, don't let my associates, and my website define the extent of hapiness in your day. Unless it's gonna make your day better. You should make your hapiness, not tell us what we've taken away from you, or from them. We have taken nothign away from Nsync, only given them laughter. How many of you can say you've given someone joy? Anybody at all... now you take how many people you give joy and multiply it. We do make people happy. Everyday.

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