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Happy Birthday, JC!!!

August 8th, 1976...the day Joshua Scott Chasez was unleashed upon the earth to spread glitter and feathers wherever he roamed. The world has been a brighter, more "sexified" place ever since!BexXx took a few moments and sat back to think about all the BAD things that would happen if there was no JC...

And since the cheetah beast has turned 25 years young, Let's take a look at the top 25 reasons that it's a damned good thing there IS a JC...(Special thanks to my weiner, Julie for all her help!)

If There Was No JC:

1) There would be no C in NSYNC...Which would mean the group would be called NSYN...which is pronounced "IN SIN"...Then the mothers of all those 12 year old fans wouldn't let their kids listen to the music! *Scratching her head wondering if that's such a bad thing after all*

2) Elton John would be the only male celebrity who wears feathers and rhinestones, and let's face it folks...he doesn't look HALF as good as Jayce does.

3) All of Nsync's songs would be sung mostly by Justin...Mind you, I LOVE Justin...but would you REALLY wanna see what THAT would do to his ego?

4) There would be NO "Space Cowboy", and NO "Against The Wall"...I don't know about you, but I wanna kiss the man's feet for writing the song that inspired the bulls...

5) There would have been NO WIPEOUT! *Nuff said*

6) This one will need a bit of explanation...When I saw the guys in Detroit with Liv, JC exibited a habit of running VERY fast up the catwalk to the stage...Hence, earning himself the nickname "The cheetah Beast"...C'mon, you know how much the man jumps around...wouldn't it be a far more boring world without it???

7) All the element of fear would be taken out of Nsync appearances...remember, flailing arms and bulging veins CAN injure an unsuspecting bystander!

8) I really LIKE saying YAY BUDDY!®

9) Did I mention NO WIPEOUT?

10) There would be one less set of pretty blue eyes in the world...*Okay, so I had to include ONE sappy one!*

11) Who would test all of Lance's new Mary Kay products? Lance would never know which looked better on him, Peach Passion, or Very Cherry rouge? OH THE HUMANITY!

12) Joey would be forced to hit all those high notes...and just between us, I don't think he'd look as good as JC does with those veins poppin' out of his neck...

13) Who would give Julie a heart attack and make her fling her headphones across the room better than JC when he sings "HOW'D YOU THINK THAT YOU COULD DO ME LIKE THAAAAAAAT?!?"

14) I would probably be a BSB fan...and sorry to offend anyone, but I personally cannot see myself finding Howie sexy...sorry!

15) No Timbs, No Baggy Jeans, NO Thug Appeal! Catch my drift?

16) ALL the girls would love Justin! His head might explode!

17) We would have never heard "Digital Getdown"...and we wouldn't have been able to chuckle when he explained the song as being about a "chatroom party". Yeeeah...*wink wink, nudge nudge*

18) No one would have licked the stage on the HBO concert...and truthfully, would we have found that even HALF as sexy if it had been CHRIS?

19) Three words...No Tulip pants...("WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM!?!?!?" - Julie)

20) Who would be the C in NSYNC? Jules says she knows a gay guy named Eric...I suppose HE could be the C...

21) Okay, because this NO WIPEOUT thing is distressing me to NO end...

22) Bobbie wouldn't be a "women's issues" writer... *Y'know, it bothers me that I can come up with reasons why no JC would be a GOOD thing...*

23) You know without JC there, those guys would be saying all KINDS of incriminating stuff in interviews!

24) Body glitter and feather boas would be just for girls.

25) There would be no such person as Bonzai Buddy...*sobbing*


So, there you have it! 25 reasons why JC is a good thing! I, for one, am extremely happy that there IS a JC...

Happy 25th Birthday, Sassy-Pants! A Chasez by any other name wouldn't be (or dress) as sweet!

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