I've got a secret! I made a birthday dinner just for you!
Well...atleast I tried to...
"I love you too, sweetie!"
Love, JC
one of my poser police officals...what can i say... we have helped make the world a better place!
i hope you have a kick ass birthday....i will tell steven.... im sure he will want to wish you a happy one!
happy birthday to you cha cha cha
happy birthday to you cha cha cha
happy birthday to liiiiiiiivvvvvvvvvvvvvv
(cha cha cha)
happy birthday to you
love ya girl
well since i don't really know you.. we'll just stick with the original.. hehe.. take care girl, and enjoy this birthday to the fullest.. go to chuck e cheese and do that little bowling thing, and play with the balls.. *be careful with the blue ones, they're sensitive*
god bless..
I hope Nsync really DOES rock your socks, because that would be funny!
And remember...it's JOCK ITCH!
I Love Scoop!
Kathleen Bass
You know Chris Kattan and Will Ferrell in Night @ the Roxbury... that reminds me of us in your car doing the NSYNC dances. ::does 2 of us moves:: I hope you have a JC-riffic b-day! You deserve it you funny kick ass chica you... ROCK ON WIT YA BAD SELF! P.S. I'll see you... On the Line. ;o)
*Lucky C. Timbertoaster
You and I have a bond that I sometimes just can't understand. We finish sentances for each other, we get the same ideas at the same time...and I wouldn't change that for the world!
You are an awesome friend, and one hell of a sister!
I wish you love, luck, and a big haired cheetah beast to call your very own.
Happy Birthday, Liv!