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*Lucky here. I decided, because we were turning 4 and all, that I'd IM Stever and let him know of the goings on. Did he answer? Of course not! But you get the one sided convo anyway. Enjoy.

Lucky02RASHN [2:39 AM]: Hey Steve
Lucky02RASHN [2:39 AM]: How are you doing?
Lucky02RASHN [2:40 AM]: Good I hope
Lucky02RASHN [2:42 AM]: Well I just wanted to make you aware that NJEF is turning 4 years old on the 28th!
Lucky02RASHN [2:42 AM]: we've been being funny for 4 years Steve! Can you believe it?!
Lucky02RASHN [2:42 AM]: Make sure to check us out on the 28th to see all new stuff.
Lucky02RASHN [2:42 AM]: HOLLA!
Lucky02RASHN [2:43 AM]:
Lucky02RASHN [2:43 AM]: ;o)

And for those of you who have AOL or AIM, Stever has a gumby icon. Who knew he was a fan. I prefer Pokey myself. :o)


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