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I'm Bored.

Im bored. Im updating. Im random.

It has rained, been sunny, been gray, had sleet and snowed all in the past 12 hours.

We were rhyming random things with cuss words today in spanish. Like f*ck a duck, pass an ass, and ram a damn.

Hit is sh*t without and S.

I came up with the phase "Don't say my name, spell it!". It's a cross between American Pie (Whats my name? Say my name b*tch) and Cruel Intentions (He spelled the alphabet out with his tongue). You figure out what it means. :o)

My friend Heidi is a FREAK.

I "met" BexXx and her pals Kari, Hal, Xtina and J. They are CRUNK!

BexXx makes homemade porno for J.

And now she's gonna kill me! heehee.... It's all a joke. I think...

Like a rhinestone cowboy....

I watch Pop Stars out of bordom. They cut my favorite girl tonight.

Her name is Garland Gerber. She is CRUNK!

And now it's hailing... im serious!

I think Mother Nature is confused.

My random thoughts are so..... random!

Like a rhinestone cowboy....

I saw WADE all up in the Teen People's 20 Teens who will change the world special.

He's NUTZ.

All alone I walk with him til morning...

Im singing Broadway songs.

That song above is called "On my own" from Les Miserables.

Whatever Lola wants...

Lola gets.

Damn Yankees.

Well I better go.

Im getting tired and my random thoughts suck.

It's all good because they ARE random.

Like a rhinestone cowboy....

The remix to the song Stutter by Joe is sweet.

Peace and FROs.

Bye Bye Bye!


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