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What type of things go through *Lucky's mind?

If you guessed "random things" then ::ding ding ding:: you've won an all expence paid trip to read *Lucky's random thoughts!!! WOOOO!

Hello my loyal NJEF readers. I looooovvvvvvveeeeee yooooooouuuuuuuu (lol Bexy)

Im bored. It's Friday (5-11-01) @ 11:57pm.

Im DLing all this music. Including "(Dirty) Pop" by *NSYNC.

I cought TRL today. Car-són was absent so i continued to watch Dave. I love Dave. then they mentioned NSYNC's new song so i watched it.

I was being good and quiet until... "OH MY GOD!!"

I scared my Gramma. :oD

They did that little thing where they're about to do a push-up and then thrust/bellydance/the worm in the air... My Lord it was beautiful.

I would just like to take this time to give a personal THANK YOU to Wade J. Robson for his sexy dance moves. mmmmmm

I LOVE that BBMak song and video. It made me wanna go back to Puerto Rico. It really is beautiful.

Hey that reminds me... when i went on my cruise (what seems like years ago) i kept a lil NJEF journal thingy. But i never got around to typing it up.

If you guys want to read about my trip then email me here: I like Evan and Jaron. They can really sing.

Im SO glad Eden's Crush and BBMak are opening for my *NSYNC concert.

OMG im SOOOO pissed!!! WHY is the new album coming out on July 24th instead of June 24th?! That means it wont be out for my concert. :'-(

But in the words of my buddy Eamon (pronounced A-men) "Opt - oh well. Could be worse."

I miss seeing Brian McFayden and KK Holiday on MTV everyday. They're sexXxy bitches. I wanna go clubbin with both of them.

My AOL is "frozen". I HATE AOL so much. especially 6.0. They better hurry the frack up and release 7.0 so I can be rid of this firey demon.

"i didnt mean to fall in love with you and there's a name for what you put me through it isnt love its robbery, im sleepin with a ghost of you and me"

Well im tired. I recommend DLing the BBMak song if you've never heard it. Also "The Painter" by O-Town. that song is damn beautiful.

There's a mini-boyband called Dreamstreet and they sing a song called "Jennifer Goodbye"

It's worth a DL. especially if your name is Jennifer like mine. :o)

Well im done ramblin for tonight mah homeskliiets.

It'll be back tho!

Peace, Fuzz and Dirty Pop!!


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