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MMMMMMM... Im Fuzzy!

Lucky woke up just in time to do her homework.
What does she do? Get RANDOM BAAAAABYYYYY!

It's 4:21am on Wednesday.

Stever, Justin and TRACE are not online.

Olivia isn't online. She left.

This is why i am taking her ideas. BUAH-HAHAHA!!!!

I fell asleep @ 7:15pm while petting my cat.

I woke up @ 3:01 and said "Oh shit! I still have to type up my enlish paper!!!!"

I did the introduction. Im a good writer. I just took my old paper and 'kiced it up a noch' to fit this assignment. My teacher wont notice.

I have a new english teacher. Her name is Ms. Shepard. She's cool.

We made my old english teacher quit. We hated her. We came this close >.< to giving her a nervous breakdown. It was fun!!!

I just ate a Joey bar. It was good.

BexXx, Alli and myself decided that if Joey was a food he'd be cream cheese.

I had some cream cheese and it said "IDEAL for spreading" on the lid. That's why Joey is cream cheese. ;o)

So now anything containg cream cheese can be variations of Joey. Like my "Quaker fruit & oatmeal bar in Strawberry Cheesecake". Since it has Joey cake, it's a joey bar.

Bagels with cream cheese are just called Joeys. Those are the originals.

I will be on a plane for Puerto Rico in exactly 3days.

I LOVE Taco Joeys.

Yes i know there is no taco flavored bagel. I eat plain bagels and i crunch up the taco flavored Doritos and put them on top of the cream cheese. MMMM.

Now im hungry.

I dont have any bagels. DAMNIT!

My english class starts in exactly 2 hours and 10 minutes from now.

Justin shaved his head.

His head is shaped like a strawberry. :o) Just look...

I LOVE Strawberries.

So does Lance....

"Yes Lucky, that's correct. I love strawberries that are in the shape of Justin's head. Yum-yummy!"

I am being SOOOO random right now.

I scare myself sometimes.


(that was my scaring myself)

HAHA... i could SOO see Chad from 2ge+her saying that! He's so adorable. We have almost the same last name. It's kinda cool.

I miss QT!

R.I.P Michael!!! We miss you...

Procrastination is bad.

I can prove it. I wanted to join the NSYNC fan club back in 98 (when it was free) but i never got around to it. Then i wanted to join last year (when it cost $19.50) but i was laways busy, then i lost the form... something came up! And now i printed out the form (so i can get meet and greets) and those bastards are wanting $25.50!!!!

That's OUTRAGEOUS!! that costs more than the damn cd!

Do you think im gonna pay that? you better believe it.

Why? because im a sap and i want meet and greets.

"We go and we meet 'em and greet 'em." -BUSTA

If i get a MNG, and they pick me to ask a question, im going to ask Justin if i can rub his fuzz.

Don't belive me? Pssh... bet i will!

My friend David had that hair cut about a year ago.

His old hair felt like "expensive French carpet".

It was so relaxing and thereputic to rub on his hair.

It sounds sick but it's true.

Email my friend Buffy and ask her,

Buffy's gonna KILL me for that.

Hey Buffy! I luff ya gurl! Don't hate me!!!

Now this application says that MNGs dont come with the membership. MNGs are drawn by a lottery for every venue.

Doesn't NSYNC know that almost 90% of their fans aren't old enough to gamble!!!!

It's a conspirasy I tell you....

*NSYNC is going to take over the world.

I'm not complainging. I mean if our leaders were anywhere as powerful (or sexXxy) as NSYNC the world would be a better place.

Pssh... im about to go. I can feel the randomness fading and me waking up.

A lesson in random: you cannot just "be" random. You have to be in the right state.

No i dont mean like Cali or Michigan kinda state.... i mean you have to be in that gap between sleep and awake.

It's called Twilight. It's a fun, magical place.

Where you cant really see straight and everything's funny as all hell.

Kinda like Justin's new hair......

This only happens between the hours of 3 and 5am.

It is now 5:00am and i am fully awake.

Goodbye All!



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