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SteveR Speaks?

Usually Steve doesn't sign online unless it's some cracked out hour of the night, but for once, he was on at a decent time. I (Olivia) honestly don't think it was him...the guys had a show that night, and you'd figure he'd be out doing his MC/video thing. I dunno for sure, but I know BOFF uses SteveR's SN sometimes, so it could have been him. But anyway, take a look at the latest installment.

Convos with JPSJJ - Lucky was the one who IMed him this time.

Lucky02RASHN [8:15 PM]: Hey
Lucky02RASHN [8:16 PM]: Is this Steven?
Lucky02RASHN [8:16 PM]: Or Joe?
Lucky02RASHN [8:17 PM]: Don't wanna talk to me?
Lucky02RASHN [8:17 PM]: I'm hurt.
Lucky02RASHN [8:17 PM]: :'(
Lucky02RASHN [8:17 PM]: Come on man. Stever....
Lucky02RASHN [8:17 PM]: don't act like you don't know me.
Lucky02RASHN [8:18 PM]: It's Lucky!
Lucky02RASHN [8:18 PM]: The Luckster!
Lucky02RASHN [8:18 PM]: Lux
Lucky02RASHN [8:18 PM]: You could at least say Hi or something
Lucky02RASHN [8:18 PM]: Maybe even a "go away beeyoch"
Lucky02RASHN [8:18 PM]: ut to just NOT say anything?
Lucky02RASHN [8:18 PM]: *But
Lucky02RASHN [8:18 PM]: How poop-head of you
Lucky02RASHN [8:18 PM]: Whome ever this may be
Lucky02RASHN [8:19 PM]: All you have to do is type me a lil sumpthin and then all titles of "poop head" will be lifted
Lucky02RASHN [8:19 PM]: Anytime you're ready
Lucky02RASHN [8:19 PM]: ::hums Jeopardy song::
Lucky02RASHN [8:20 PM]: Okay now that's just rude
Lucky02RASHN [8:21 PM]: This must be Stever
Lucky02RASHN [8:21 PM]: no one else in his family is THAT rude.
Lucky02RASHN [8:21 PM]: No even Phyllis
Lucky02RASHN [8:21 PM]: Nope. She's nice
Lucky02RASHN [8:21 PM]: She would have IMed me.
Lucky02RASHN [8:22 PM]: But i'm used to Steven being rude.
Lucky02RASHN [8:23 PM]: Fine then
Lucky02RASHN [8:23 PM]: Be like that.
Lucky02RASHN [8:23 PM]: >:o

then they signed off. How quaint.

A little while later, the entire crew got this email from one of our readers. You won't believe how her encounter went!

Subj: steve.....?
Date: 3/30/02 8:43:16 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: CoCaNuT 812
To: NsyncJadedOJC, IAmALilPrincess, Lucky02RASHN, DigitalFanatic, BexXxPLB, NJEFMel, Jille Jalo

hey girls!

first off, mucho kudos on your site...its FANTASGREAT! anyhoo, just thought you'd like to read the following. [side note- i had this screen name on my buddy list for like, a year and a half, and only during the buttcrack of dawn or any other ludicrous hour was it signed on......] i don't really know if it was 'steve' or not, but when i saw it on today, i thought "why the hell not, i'll give it a shot" its not that intresting, and not even that funny, but i thought maybe if any of yous wanted some mindless crap to is is! once again your website is awesome, and keep up the good work!


p.s. keep in mind, i started the conversation thinking he wouldn't type anything back...

CoCaNuT 812: how yooooooou doin, kid?
CoCaNuT 812: you there?
CoCaNuT 812: allie
CoCaNuT 812: who is this?
CoCaNuT 812: i dont think so
JPSJJ: why are you iming
CoCaNuT 812: i thought i would say hi....?
CoCaNuT 812: do you not want to talk to me?
JPSJJ: i am kinda busy
CoCaNuT 812: i see
CoCaNuT 812: with what?
CoCaNuT 812: actually you dont have to answer that if you dont want to
CoCaNuT 812: it was nice attempting to talk to you though

THEN.........he signed off.........or put me on block..........hey, at least he answered back!

Then there was Julie's response:

Subj: Re: steve.....?
Date: 3/31/02 4:11:12 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Jille Jalo
To: CoCaNuT 812, NsyncJadedOJC, IAmALilPrincess, Lucky02RASHN, DigitalFanatic, BexXxPLB, NJEFMel

Dude, he SO never answers me and I send him PORN for crying out loud! I bow down to you Alli, you got that rat bastard to respond to you. You are God.

- Julie

Conclusion: I'm gonna have to agree with Julie. We send him pictures, jokes, and porn...but he never talks to us! Pssh! Then I was talking to Alli (our editor, not our reader! lol) and we both agreed that Steve must have a note to himself not to EVER contact "those NJEF girls." lol...seriously, he probably has us on a list. So anyway...kudos to our lucky reader! STEVE SPEAKS...even if it wasn't to us!

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