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Where In The World Is Christopher Kirkpatrick?

Has anybody seen Chris? I mean, seriously. Has anyone SEEN him in the last few months? Because frankly, I (BexXx) think he's missing in action just about as bad as Julie is...and I miss both of them terribly!

    Chris has been missing for a while now.  He's either holed up in his house, eating nachos and drinking beer...or he's locked up in someone's closet with tape over his mouth to silence the infernal singing of "The Song that Never Ends".
    The last time Chris was seen, was by our friend Katie at approximately 3:00pm on June 23rd, 2003 in Orlando, Florida, and then once again at Challenge for the Children in Miami in July of 2003.
    This means he was still kickin' at the beginning of the summer...but after that, we have no recorded Chris sightings, for all we know...he's living at a bus stop in Boise, begging change for double cheeseburgers off the dollar menu at the McDonald's next door.
    My theory is this...Chris has been doing absolutely NOTHING for so long, he's starting to smell bad.  You know how when swamp water sits in one place for years and years it becomes stagnant?  I think that's what's happened to Chris...I think he's become stagnant.  He probably smells like old socks now, and no one will even go to his house to check on him because of the stench eminating from inside.
    I think I speak for the rest of the Jaded Ladies when I say that if Chris doesn't show up somewhere pretty soon, we're going to go on a manhunt.  Even if it means putting on gas-masks and protective clothing...we're going to FIND him, dammit!
    Thinking about it...maybe Chris and Julie are in the same place!  Maybe they're BOTH tied up in someone's closet...I can see Julie singing "The song that Never Ends" with him...Dammit Chris, pull a MacGyver and bust you and Julie outta there!  I'll send you a paperclip, a balloon and a Don Ho album!
    Liv makes a good point...let's say Chris and Julie HAVEN'T been kidnapped, and they're just living together in stagnant solitude...Chris isn't making any money right now off Nsync, so where is he getting the money for their beer and nachos?
    I'VE GOT IT!  He's running a phone sex ring out of his house and Julie and him are the operators!  They're getting 9.99 for the first minute and 1.50 each additional minute to talk dirty to lonely pop stars on the road!  I've talked to Julie on the phone before, she'd be PERFECT for this!
    Now it's either that, or they're collecting Food Stamps.  But see...that kind of falls through because you can't buy beer with Food Stamps...but you can buy maybe he buys his beer with the money he makes whoring Julie out to Justin...I'm pretty sure Julie wouldn't mind I'm comfortable guessing that might be what's happening.
    These theories works out perfectly, because this means they're getting an now that we have that established, we can go on to how Chris gets to the store to GET his beer and nachos...
    It's simple really...he shops online!  Most stores have a way to do your shopping online Chris just hops onto his laptop and orders all the beer and nachos his little heart desires! 
    I feel so much better now.  I'm not afraid for Chris anymore...and I'm pretty sure I've figured out where our dear Julie is too!  If you guys have any ideas as to where he is, or what he might be me!
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