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The Calls

Delve into the relationship between Britney, and Justin.

JC: OHHH crack is good crack is good, it makes me feel so nice.. dadadadadadadaaaaa batman!

Lance: Ok well, we know what JC's choice for warm up song is, anyyybody got a better one?

...:::Justins cell phone rings obnoxiously as the rest of the band turns towards him and gasps:::...

Justin: Aww hell naw, Lance buddy yo ass got to take dis shii.

Lance: I told you to leave it at home on the nightstand, but noooo they'd start suspecting...

...:::JC flails around spazmatically:::...

JC: I got it! I got it! C'mon man I can take it!

Justin: I dunno man you been dealin' yoself in recently brotha? This be intense and shii..

JC: Justin I can do it I swear the crack has no affect on my judgement.

Justin: Man Ah don't thin

...:::JC walks outside picks a small girl out of the crowd and as she squeals with joy, hurls her at a nearby brick wall. Justin watches and tosses JC the cell:::...


*Britney* Thats Britney you cracked out sloth I need to talk to Justin, he promised he'd call me back!!

JC: Yeah, but see yo that was like 10 minutes ago... he be like meditatin and whatnot.

...::JC motions at Justin who begins OMing loudly::...

*Britney* Ok I'll hold then.

JC: DUUUUDDEEEE SSSSSWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!! Hold then bitch.. but, you know it takes him a good couple of hours.

Justin: Ommm he's right Britney bes' jus' lemme call you back know?

*Britney* Ok baby.. luuuvvv you don't forget this time.

...:::Joey closes the cover to the cell and eats it:::...

Joey: Damn she tastes real good!

Chris: Joey you like to eat wood??

...:::Chris hides his cane:::...

Joey: Huh?

Chris: Pfshh yeahhhhh I know what you're thinkin'

Justin: Naw naw man.. he said Mah phone tastes GOOD! Damn you lame?

Chris: I know what he said Justin and no, he can't have my cane!

JC: Can I play with it?

Chris: Yeah you can play with her tits, bitch broke up with me cause I was way to craazzzyyyyy for her. That's why I put my hair back in braids.. Now I'm even CRAZZZZZIIERR ya know??

...:::Lance goes into the dressing room and Joey follows:::...

Justin: Man.. our group be whack... Ah mean.. dag we don't even have a Jesus look alike.

JC: I know man, good thing BSB's voises su

...:::Justins phone rings and he picks it up:::..

Justin: Aiight Johnny thanks fo callin' me back yo. Ah preciate dat.

JC: Why was Johnny calling you?

Justin: Joohhnnnnyyyyy whoooo???

...:::Justin's phone rings obnoxiously again:::...

JC: How'd you get it to ring like that for just her calls?

Justin: Ah didn't do shii.. It does it on its own yo.

JC: Wish I had one of those

...:::JC Twitches slightly as his beeper goes off and heads to the women's bathroom:::...

Justin: Hey baby!

*Britney* I have been tryign to get ahold of you for 3 hours now!!

Justin: Babe iz only been like ten minutes...

*Britney* Are you calling me a LIAR?!?!

Justin: Naw baby it's not like..

...:::Chris sits back in his chair and turns his music up all the way:::...

Chris: Hey J man, the base sound weak on this?

Justin: Yeah man what the shii you do to yo synthesizer?? It..

*Britney* JUSTIN!??!!

Justin: Damnit woman Ah got to call yo ass back!!!!!!!!!

...::Justin closes his cell and sticks it in his pocket as JC walks out of the bathroom, and Lance comes out of the change room adjusting himself::...

Lance: Show starts in ten, we should get ready.

Chris: Sweet lets go bitches.

JC: I *giggles* I thought that h, damn man *Giggles harder*

Joey: Hey sorry I got here as quick as I could I was just takin' care of that stuff Johnny asked us to take care of....

...::Chris spints out ready for the show, Joey adjusts himself, and a teenager wanders out of the change room snapping the buttons on her pants::...

Joey: She helped... Ya know move stuff.


JC: When'd you turn into the violent member?

Joey: Man you used to be layed back.

Lance: Not layed back enough

Justin:Did he eva!

Lance: Don't braig Justin

...::Chris starts to scream and the guys assemble into their costumes quickly. JC heads to the bathroom for the last time of the night and heads out::...

JC: Good hackie guys, I'm proud of you.. very really

Joey: Sweet!

Justin: Joey, we haven't done the hackey yet....

JC: Well I did... Over there by myself... and I ain't doin it again.

Lance: But JC we have to do a hackey before every concert, You're being unfair!

...:::JC picks up the hackey and throws it violently at Lance's face:::...


Justin:Well aiight den, lets hit it!

...:::The guys head out and do the performance, one on crack, one horny, one having a mental breakdown, one in physical pain, and one on the telephone:::...


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