Another random fact: My thumb nail on my right hand is almost half an inch long...ALERT THE PRESS!
Hippos...unbeknownst to most scholars, really DO enjoy swimming in the ocean. *It has something to do with the way the salt water feels going up their oddly placed nostrils.*
Justin Timberlake used to NOT be a dill-hole...shocking, I know.
It's cold...and I'm hungry...I wonder if I have any Chef Boyardee Ravioli...maybe I'll find a ravioli in the shape of a vagina! Hmm...
Liv and I are strange, not only do we talk to action figures...we also talk to her stuffed hippo...appropriately named, "hippo". He knows the future! He rocks! *waves to hippo*
Someday...when you're older...I'll tell you the story about the time I slept with 3/5 members of Nsync...
I have changed "favorite" Nsync members several times over the last 5 years...but only between two of them...until now...First it was Lance, then Justin, then Lance, now Chris...yes I said CHRIS...stop laughing!
Do you know who I hate more than anyone on earth? *I hear many of you screaming "Cameron Diaz!!* and although a good guess, that's not who I was thinking of.* ELMO...Yeah, the little red dude from Sesame Street...I have my reasons...and I want him dead.
I never got to finish my Jesus Slurpee story...I guess you guys will have to come up with your own endings for it...but just for the record? Jesus likes the Grape flavored Slurpees...don't get that wrong, cause he just might strike you with lightning or something...and that would suck.
Well, my ravioli is I guess I should be going!
But remember kids...
Smoking doesn't kill people...People trying to QUIT smoking kill people! *So THERE Chris!*