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We did a bad, bad thing here at NJEF...we let Becca on to find out what she's been thinking about.

Dia says that Justin has a "Penis nose"...I don't agree with her, but she's Dia...whatchagonnado?

Alli's online right now...I should IM her and ask her for help with my random thoughts...

I just realized something:

If I asked Alli for help with my random thoughts, they wouldn't be random at all...they'd be prompted thoughts, and we can't have that can we?

I'm sitting here with an unlit cigarette hangin' out of my mouth...Just caught glimpse of myself in the mirror...I look like the Marlboro man with boobies.

Not that smoking is a GOOD thing! It's BAD! BAD I tell you! Never's a nasty habit, and your teeth will turn yellow.

Not that MY teeth are yellow...

Speaking of teeth...I love JC.

I don't love him like...sexually...(much) because Liv would personally kill me...and dead Becca's aren't much fun!

I'm drinking a Vanilla Coke...surprisingly enough, it does taste like Vanilla...

My dad said it tastes like "Creme Soda on Crack"...

Okay, so he DIDN'T say that...but it would have been funny if he did!

I've already talked about Justin and JC in this article...who next?

How about Chris? What can I say about Chris...hmmmm?

Dia loves Chris, so she would never say he has a penis nose...I think that's probably because Chris doesn't HAVE a penis nose...I admit, Justin does...but it's still not nice of Dia to talk about it all the time!

Lance is going to space...that just makes me laugh, so I think I'll say it again...

Lance is going to space...hahahahahahahahaha

Okay, I've lost it...

Some might say I never really had it.

I bought myself a VCR recently...I've been renting movies like a madwoman...but do any of you care? Nooo...

Alright, I think I'm done with my random thoughts now...they're getting a little less random as I go along...

Oops! Wait! I forgot to say something about Joey! (go figure)

Joey doesn't have a penis nose either...but he does have a big butt...

Unfortunately, I'm not Sir-Mix-A-Lot, so I don't find his big butt attractive.

NOW I'm going to stop...

It was nice chatting with you guys...keep in touch, won't you?

Peace, Love & Creme Soda on Crack,


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