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Body Vault

Disclaimer: This article contains profanity and strong sexual content, as do most of my articles. Deal with it or click that handy little "x" in the corner! Thanks! Oh, and if you or someone you know is the artful mastermind behind any of the pictures from this article, please e-mail me and I'll be glad to give you credit where it's due!

Moving onto something a little more delectible...



Ok, we know the boy's got a nice tongue...(gaze and drool ladies, gaze and drool)

And his lips seem pretty kissable...

And apparently Justin agrees with us...NO COOL POINTS!!!!

Yes, Lance definitely has a tongue...does he use it in the right ways? I'm thinking

Ok, is Lance a vampire? Because he always has these little fangs that stick out and WHERE DID HIS UPPER LIP GO? Oh, wait, he doesn't HAVE one!

Despite the fact that his lips are SO not kissable, Kathy Griffin wanted to see for herself. Her verdict? NO COOL POINTS!!!

Instead of showing y'all a picture of Joey's tongue and lips, I went out on the streets and tracked down a girl who was up close and personl with them. Read on to see what I found...

Me: *I see a short big breasted blond and I walk up to her, deciding that she is the Fatone type* Excuse me, Hi! I noticed that you're wearing an *N SYNC shirt! *DUH! Good one, Kari! How observant of you!* Her: Uh...yeah. *Ding, ding, ding!!!!*
Me: Right, well I work for a website called *N SYNC Jaded EF-
Her: What does EF mean?
Me: It stands for Everybody's Free...anyway, I'm working on an article and-
Her: *N SYNC Jaded Everybody's Free? That doesn't make sense.
Me: Right, well, see, Everybody's Free [to make fun of *N SYNC] used to be the name of the site but we changed it, see...*annoyed look*
Her: *Expressionless face* Riiiiight...
Suddenly, I decide that this fan is far to dull and smart for Joey. I think she may be a JC fan. So I move on to find someone else who will be a better study

*I spot another blond [who's taller and skinnier] reading an issue of Tigerbeat*
Me: Uh, excuse me, yeah, I'm doing an article for a website and it's about Joey Fatone from *N SYNC!
Her: Mkay *smacks gum, twirls hair* He's the one with the curly hair, right? Gawd, he's sooo fine, girl! Like, I would for sure hook up with him and oh my god wouldn't that be totally wild? I would be like, FREAKIN' out like WHOA! *Obnoxious laugh*
Me: Did I say *N SYNC? I meant LFO. MY BAD! Catch ya later! *Finds a desk and bangs her head on it*

Ok, so I gave up pretty easily and I went home, cause I live in WI and as slutty as Joe is, he wouldn't go for the homely girls that live here (at least I hope not...) I log onto and after some research I find the following (Some content may be edited):

"Joey has a tongue like a wild raccon!"
"Joey is a nice guy with a nice mouth!"
"I've met Joey before and all I could do was stare at his beautiful lips!"
"Joey is a fag!" *LMAO*
"Both of the Fatones have hurricane tongues and they *** me from morning to dawn!" *Raises the roof for Joey and Steve*
"Joey is my Spacecowboy and I got digital with that juicy tongue of his and let me tell you, girls, JC ain't got nothin on him!" *Jaw drops*
Apparently, Joseph has more skillz than just his singing. 1 cool point!

'Nuff said :) 1 cool point!

~*~Now, this WOULD be where I would display a picture of Chris's tongue/lips, but see, the only thing that comes to mind when I think of Fuman's mouth is DENTURES!!!! Sorry, girls! NO COOL POINTS!!!!~*~

Don't be mad at me, man! It ain't my fault you ain't kissable :)~

[Part 1][Part 3][Parts 4 & 5][Conclusion]
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