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Body Vault

Disclaimer: This article contains profanity and strong sexual content, as do most of my articles. Deal with it or click that handy little "x" in the corner! Thanks! Oh, and if you or someone you know is the artful mastermind behind any of the pictures from this article, please e-mail me and I'll be glad to give you credit where it's due!

Here's something not quite as tastey, but equally as interesting...



*Falls off her chair laughing HYSTERICALLY!!!* Ok, ok, I couldn't resist putting these in here. They all have such nice abs and strong calves and the matching shorts are pretty cute, too :) They can dream, right? I can assure you, I did NOT make these. I found them on a website about a trillion years ago and I'd knew they'd come in handy for something! AMEN TO KEN!

Ok, I've made a couple observations. I have decided that when the guys were just boys, their stomachs looked a hell of a lot better than they do now!!!!

Justin at what? Age 14 With a 6 pck? HEH! 1 cool point for him. JC, he had a nice stomach back then, and I think he has one now, so ya know, cause I'm a Josh fan, 1 cool point for him.

Moving on to Lance. Um...well...::twiddles thumbs::. I can't tell if those are abs or if that's a shadow. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and award him with 1/2 a cool point.

Now, we all know damn well that Joey's stomach does NOT look anything close to that NOW. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? DON'T YOU EVER GET SICK OF THE DING DONGS, HO HO'S AND TWINKIES JOE? *sobs openly* NO COOL POINTS! And for Chris, I'm gonna chalk this one up to old age? Perhaps he's not a fitness buff (ya think?) but he could put SOME effort into it, man! No cool points!!!! For some reason, I'm imagining the Ken dolls again. *sigh*

[Part 1][Part 2][Parts 4 & 5][Conclusion]
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