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Body Vault

Disclaimer: This article contains profanity and strong sexual content, as do most of my articles. Deal with it or click that handy little "x" in the corner! Thanks! Oh, and if you or someone you know is the artful mastermind behind any of the pictures from this article, please e-mail me and I'll be glad to give you credit where it's due!


So, I bet y'all are just dying to see who came out on top aren't ya? Yeah, don't hold back your enthusiasm or anything! :)

JC: 4pts
Justin: 4pts
Joey: 2, plus 1 with help from Steve for a total of 3pts
Lance: 2 1/2pts
Chris: 1 1/2pts

Don't think it's fair? Feel free to e-mail me with your proof @ :)

[Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Parts 4 & 5]
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