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The Random Mind of Chris Kirkpatrick

Random thoughts have become a humor staple of ours around here. And judging by your feedback, you guys seem to like them. So, we've decided to take it up a notch. What if NSYNC wrote their own random thoughts? While we don't know what they'd sound like, Mel did an interpretation of what Chris's random thoughts MIGHT sound like. They're, uhm, interesting. :o)

I should be asleep.

I was asleep.

But Busta woke me up.

I think he had a bad dream.

He was whimpering and stuff.

At first I thought it was Lance.

'Cause Lance whimpers in his sleep, too.

Not many people know that, shhh.

I had an idea for Fuman Skeeto.

I thought about adding a new clothing item.

Can you guess what?


Isn't that an INGENIUS idea?

Yeah, I thought so too.

Wade stole my prototype though.


We "Just Got Wade."

Well, not JUST.

We've known him for a while.

But now he's like a crotch fungus.

He's annoying and he won't go away.

He's Australian.

I'm Irish.

Did you know that?

Duh, of course you did.

I don't know why I'm Irish.

They always talk about the luck of the Irish.

I never get lucky.



Joey just farted.

He's asleep too.

We got a guy that farts and a guy that whimpers.

We're a regular traveling side show.

I'm looking at myself right now.

Well, actually, a picture of myself.

It's the cover pic off "Celebrity."

Damn I look cool.

Don't you think I look cool?

I just woke Justin up and asked him if he thought I looked cool.

He said no.

Note to self: Clean Busta's teeth with Justin's toothbrush.

Why do they always put Justin in the middle?

You'd think he'd get claustrophobic after a while.

Eat eat eat

All day long

Eat eat eat

While I sing this song

Eat eat eat

Goldfish taste real good

Eat eat eat

In your neighborhood.

Good GOD what kind of crack were we smoking?

I hurt my hand not long ago.

I ran into a wall.

Well, not voluntarily.

I told Lonnie that he looked like a big black Mr. Clean.

Especially with his arms crossed all the time.

And his tight shirts.

And his bald head.

He didn't like that too much.

You can guess what happened next.

Now I'm looking at Lance on the cover of "Celebrity."


What's with that face, man?

He's like, scoffing or something.

And the hand gestures, too.

He's all like, "Talk to the hand, brotha."

Lance used to not be as outgoing.

Then he went and got sexified.

And learned how to dress.

Lance cracks me up.

ESPECIALLY when he's intoxicated.

Steve videotaped some of that shit.

Good times. Good times.

JC's the only one awake right now.

He's beating something brutally.

No, not Bobbie.

And no, not his meat either.


Can you guess what he's beating?

I like to play guessing games.

Nope, not eggs.

Psht, you think he can COOK?

Nope, not a punching bag.

Nope, no drums.

Give up?

A video game!

Wow, guessing games are fun.


Well, I need to go.

Busta just woke up and is now running in circles.

I think he needs to take a shi.. err.. stroll.

But I had fun doing these random thoughts.

I'm glad Mel and Alli asked me to do them.

Maybe I can do them again sometime.



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