DumBlondee: hey, i just wanna say that u and the rest of the people at everybody's free r really funny
NsyncJadedOJC: Thanks.
DumBlondee: n/p :)
DumBlondee: i like how JC drinks the espresso straight from the machine, damn that'd be funny to see
DumBlondee: then him spazzing out
DumBlondee: i talk to this girl who says she's good friends w/all of them, and she told me some weird stuff
DumBlondee: she told me their *ahem* sizes...if u get my drift..
DumBlondee: and needless to say..Chris is vvveeeerrrryyy small compared to the others
NsyncJadedOJC: It's okay. Chris is STILL my bitch.
DumBlondee: lol, and she told me how much of a freak JC is
DumBlondee: i don't think you understand, i don't mean his personality..i mean sex freak
DumBlondee: he once paid two girls $1,000 each to make out in front of him at an after party...then went to his hotel room and had a threesome
NsyncJadedOJC: Whooo! yeah baby!
DumBlondee: ha ha, and she told me abuot how Joey is in bed..
DumBlondee: i don't think i'm ever gonna look at him the same
DumBlondee: i was watching the very end of Making The Tour yesterday when they were doing Space Cowboy, and my sister's friend said Justin looked like he got attacked w/a beddazzler
DumBlondee: i just laughed really hard cauz it's true, they're EVERYWHERE i swear, i feel sorry for Britney sometimes
DumBlondee: u know all those *NSYNC lip balms?
NsyncJadedOJC: *rolls eyes* Yeah?
DumBlondee: well....my sister worked at Spencer's...
DumBlondee: needless to say, i got 10 free lip balms
DumBlondee: i stopped using Lance cauz he turned my lips blue
DumBlondee: now i'm addicted to JC, he smells yummy
DumBlondee: what does JZ stand for?
NsyncJadedOJC: J is my middle initial. Z28 is my car.
DumBlondee: have u ever heard their song If I'm Not The One?
NsyncJadedOJC: Yeah...the part about Justin writing letters to his garbage can. Niiice...FREAK.
DumBlondee: oh I know! and I'll Never Stop is the definition of stalker song
DumBlondee: i'd just be like "kay..i'm flattered you feel this way and all, but...GET A LIFE!!"
DumBlondee: this boy in my english class made me realize some very interesting hidden things about Looney Tunes
NsyncJadedOJC: Like what?
DumBlondee: pepe le pew is a rapist
DumBlondee: uhh..Bugs is bi and a cross dresser
DumBlondee: oh, last one, Yosemite Sam is a total drunk
DumBlondee: i just realized I didn't tell u my name..it's S____
DumBlondee: my birthday is in 11 days :)
DumBlondee: lol, i got a question
NsyncJadedOJC: Shoot.
DumBlondee: am i the only one who realized that JC looks like he has a caterpillar on his chin?
NsyncJadedOJC: You noticed it too?!
NsyncJadedOJC: *gasp!*
DumBlondee: i hate it! it freaks me out
DumBlondee: did u know Justin wears prescription colored contacts?
DumBlondee: *nods* and as if JC isn't short enough, the other guys call him C
DumBlondee: he's been demoted to one letter, such a said thing
DumBlondee: *sad i dunno. i wished he'd just have been called josh.
DumBlondee: well..then is wouldn't be *NSYNC...it'd be *NSYNH
DumBlondee: i wouldn't even know how to say that
DumBlondee: u know those people that have big dogs and name them like, Fluffy?
NsyncJadedOJC: Yeah?
DumBlondee: well...i have a cat named Dummy
DumBlondee: if i'm in my room, and my blinds r down and she wants to sit on the window sill, she paws at them until i give in
DumBlondee: it's really pathetic when i'm just coming out of the shower, and i hear her meowing at the bathroom door...it's obvious she hates closed doors if somebody's on the other side
DumBlondee: Inside the Making of No Strings Attatched u should really read that, it's hilarious
DumBlondee: did u see the making of the halftime show?
NsyncJadedOJC: Of course.
DumBlondee: i loved the thing where chris was like "i'm just gonna sit here and move in on britney and be like 'hey brit-'" then justin jumps on him
NsyncJadedOJC: I still like the part where JC is talking about Joey and the turkey.
DumBlondee: lol, yea, that and when joey's like "it's so *bleep* cold!"
DumBlondee: and u can't forget about Chris complaining about the things they were attatching to their bodies
DumBlondee: omg, and when it's the day of the super bowl, and they show Lance, he's just like "Howdy" i crack up laughin
DumBlondee: then i kept trying to do it
DumBlondee: i was really tiffed when everybody kept saying the Giants were gonna win...i guess it's just cauz i'm partial to the Ravens since i live in Baltimore *shrugs*
DumBlondee: u know Sisqo and the rest of Dru Hill r from Baltimore, right?
DumBlondee: they used to work at this place downtown called The Fudgery, and i remember going there when i was like 7 and watching them sing and make fudge
DumBlondee: yea, then i went there like, 3 years ago and it was really boring
DumBlondee: i was thinkin something..
DumBlondee: since JC wrote Digital Getdown...maybe he wrote Liquid Dreams for O-Town
NsyncJadedOJC: I checked. He didn't.