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Featured Pics Vol. IV

We here at NJEF bring you some pretty damn funny and sexXxy pics. Here is a compilation of some of the snapshots we've higlighted as our Featured Pics.

03.17.03 - Brought to you by Liv
You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals...

04.28.03 - Brought to you by BexXx
"*Throws up the Kirkpatrick gang sign and slurs* I'm Chris...I'm drunk...and this is my gotta problem with that?"
FYI: He's making the letter K in sign language with his hand.

09.18.03 - Brought to you by Mel and Liv
Silly popstar, pecs are for porn stars.

10.03.03 - Brought to you by Mel and Liv

10.17.03 - Brought to you by BexXx and Liv
"Awww, the ham is sick?"

01.28.04 - Brought to you by Mel and Liv

04.28.04 - Brought to you by BexXx
"I wonder if she'll do for me what Monica did for Bill..."
*Thanks to Alli for donating this picture*

01.05.05 - Brought to you by BexXx
Justin: " sweetie! Who did YOURS???"

01.16.05 - Brought to you by Olivia
The way they were... *sniffle*

01.25.05 - Brought to you by Becca
"Hey Lance...How do YOU feel about Justin's solo album?"
Yep...Me too, baby...Me too...

03.14.05 - Brought to you by Becca
"Do you think if I wear this mask...The ladies will think I'm a big ostrich and try to ride me?"

02.18.06 - Brought to you by Liv
"Oops!...I Did It Again!"

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