[e-mail: materialgirl8259@hotmail.com]
Listen little girl, we were on your web page and our other hate mail was in there.(we're the one's with no grammer hahaha)and we just have to say that your little comments about our opinions was a bunch of crap!! You think your sooooo funny don't you well by the amount of HATE mail that you put on there, you the only one that thinks so. I guess your a little jelous now that justin is going out w/ britney. I mean we know how much you like her and all. Must be tough. So you never wrote us back. What too cool? You probably had much better things to do like make a web site about nsync that makes you look like you have no life. And why don't you write us back and tell us what you think so we can laugh at your gay humor. Well we g2g we're wasting our time.
Hello my name is Kristina Cobabe. I am an editor on Everybodys Free.. I just wanted to write you and re-itterate the things we've already covered on the site more than once. First and foremost if you felt this was a waste of time why did you ever start? I know that right now I have better things to do than e-mail you and explain why it is you are an idiot. Our site is dedicated to mocking Nsync for no other reason than that we don't want to get ahead of ourselves in the recent spasmodic trend. Our site doesn't make us look like we have no lives because of the overlooked fact that it's not hard to update a site a few times a week. All of my time does not go into Mine and Olivia's site. I know Olive is currently crunkin' it through college, and has much more important aspects to cover throughout her life other than your concerns for a site Nsync will most likely never come across. You guys wrote to her and made yourselves look foolish, and I pity you for being so feeble minded. Open your horizons beyond Nsync and realize there is a lot more to life. The fact that you have traveled our entire site and looked through enough to find your old letters on it shows you have a lot of free time that I believe could be put to better use (Not to mention there has to be something you like there or else I cannot place why in God's holy name you were there so long). I would guess you are probably a stable 8 maybe 9 years old.... and that you probably shouldn't even be investing your time on the internet due to the ever growing pornographic content placed here. One day when you step into a world other than the fanbased, Nsync biased, loatheful and loney one in which you currently reside you will see the idiocy you have portrayed to me and my associate Olivia.. yes that is Olivia, not Brit so if you do e-mail her back, attampt to dignify yourself somewhat by correcting her name. Your maturity stupifies me.. you need to grow up and focus on some sort of goal. We at Everybody's Free wish you ! a wonderful holiday season, and wish to appologize for all of your troubled nine year old issues.. Someday you will grow into the ugly little girl you are now. Also, I would like to remind you you are not going to marry any member of Nsync, you ARE infact strange looking, most likely fat, and you have very few friends. Please do write and let us know about the site more often, we love our fans and love to hear from them! Also, let other know about us! We're always hear to listen ;)
Thanks again.
P.S. Please, don't forget to check back for updates!
b. You have an even stranger obsession with Britney Spears.
c. You cannot deal with the fact that they are dating and have been dating since they were 11 years old. (Personally I think some thing might be wrong with you... you flipped out in your first letter to Brit stating he only liked her as a friend "DAMNIT" This shows extreme hostility towards the fact that he is not in fact in love with you... A 10 year old little girl that has nothing better to do than turn yourself into a freakshow on an Nsync humor site.)
d. You have very very strong anger management problems that you should seek counseling for or it could lead to problems later in life.
e. You have psycho obsessive needs to call people homosexuals (This statement was most intriguing to me.. I felt that maybe you have issues with a lack of breasts (Hence the comment about Britney Spears' bra signing comment) And are also battling some tough to accept homosexual issues.
f. The fact that you do enjoy us belittling you leads me to believe you are a masochist and along the road in a marriage this could make or break your sex life... be careful.
g. You're UGLY.. That's what bothers me the most I think.. I get all this mail from freaky lookin little girls.. why can't you accept who you are, then go out get a membership to a gym (Yes that means exercise fatty) some make-up, and some new clothes... Pump yourself up and throw something at us we can actually work with. You're idiotic tendecies make me want to shoot you and put you out of your own sad misery.
h. My friend has some things to add. YOU"RE AN IDIOT AND EVERYBODY"S FREE ROCKS!!!!
i. Thanks Tara.
Allow me to rebutt the supidity of your email in the order in which it was
written. First of all, I am 21 years old and in college, which makes me a
certified adult, not the "little girl" you ignorantly and addressed me to be
in the first sentence of your email.
Secondly, when you wrote your hate letter, you obviously did not have enough
sense to realize that I'm not Brittany. To enlighten you, Brittany is the
creator of Everybody's Free and the one who posted your first hatemail on the
site. BRITTANY was the one who made fun of you, your friend, and your letter.
You asked (in your exact words, poor grammar and all) "You think your
sooooo funny don't you well by the amount of HATE mail that you put on
there, you the only one that thinks so." As for me thinking I'm funny...sure,
I've got a sense of humor, or else Brit wouldn't have left the site to Nina
and I when she left.
As for the hatemail, since Nina and I have inherited the site, we have not
yet posted any hatemail, but we will now that you decided to actually send us
one. Again, I re-iterate by saying that all the other hatemail on the site
was posted and commented on by Brittany. And as a matter or fact, we have
gotten more emails from people saying that they love the site than from
people who didn't like it.
You stated "I guess your a little jelous now that justin is going out w/
britney. I mean we know how much you like her and all. Must be tough." May I
remind you again that I am not Brit? How embarassing for you to send hatemail
to the a person who did not have anything to do with your previous submission
to the site. Coming from a more mature point of view, Justin himself is
legally an adult and can date who he pleases. It just so happens that he is
dating Britney. It is his life, all the more power to him. Justin dating
Britney is supposed to make me mad because...?
Then you stated "So you never wrote us back. What too cool? You probably had
much better things to do like make a web site about nsync that makes you look
like you have no life." No, BRITTANY never did write you back did she? As a
matter of fact, I do know her and she DOES indeed have better things to do
with her time. I am sure you did not know, but Brit is also in her twenties
and has other things going on in her life than this website, which is why she
left. This site does not make Brittany look stupid at all, especially since
she personally knows the guys, and for a fact the guys have seen this site.
Finally, you said "And why don't you write us back and tell us what you think
so we can laugh at your gay humor. Well we g2g we're wasting our time." You
just contradicted yourself. You just stated that you felt you were wasting
your time and that the website is gay. If you felt that way, then why did you
take the time to find your hatemail on the site and email me back? You just
wasted a good amount of your own time doing that, not mine. If you really
thought badly of the website and Brittany, then why did you even spend time
writing her...or myself for that matter?
Well, I think that covers your letter. Sorry I wasn't Brittany and that I
cannot give you the satisfaction of someone getting pissed off. I think my
co-editor Nina has already emailed you. I have read her letter, and I think
she pretty much covered everything else. I offer you one piece of advice,
though. Next time you decided you want to write an email, make sure you are
sending it to the person you intend to read it.
b. Again, like Olivia said, If you felt we were a waste of your time why would you a: Spend the time to wander throught the site until you found a small update in a section that didn't have anything to do with hate mail. b: Take the time to write us back where upon you asked us to e-mail you back again! Would that not be another large waste of your insignifigant time?
c. I find myself incredibly humorous. The fact that you don't know me leads me to believe you are a premature judge of character, and are just as rude, if not ruder, than I. Making fun of Nsync isn't cruel, it's damn funny, and they agree. If we were giving poor Justin a complex that you could prove I might feel like a bitch. But, we aren't.
d. You have no life, and are wasting my finals prep time by writing me this horendously stupid e-mail.
e. You have no self-esteem.... if you did, it would remain to be very minute.
f. You erroroneously chose the wrong people to screw with.
g. In closing, I want you to know that I pray for you nghtly, asking the lord to use his blessed skills to give you a brain. I know it's hard for people such as yourself to comprhend my greater than genius, but give it a whirl... step into the mind of someone more normal and come visit us again!
...:::Remember:All hate mail is to be sent to n_cobabe@hotmail.com Thank You :::...
Dear Janine,
a. You have an odd obsession with Justin Timberlake.
Dear Janine,
a. You do have poor grammar... A thesaurus and dictionary are both easily accessable through the internet. For further information please contact www.m-w.com