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Boybands In Space
*Insert 2001 Space Odyssey music*

The final frontier...
This is the voyager of the starship Dirty Pop...
It's ongoing mission,
To explore strange worlds, Seek out new civilizations...
To boldly go where no boyband member has gone before!

Hi everybody! It's BexXx...comin back atcha after a long hiatus. (Betcha didn't even know I was gone!) Enough about that though...I gots somethin' to talk about!

Today on TRL, (Which I don't usually watch unless I'm deathly bored) Carsonofabitch Daly announced that our beloved Lance wanted to be the first pop star in space. I find this really funny, personally.

I hear that it takes about 6 months of extensive training for someone to go up in a spaceship...which leaves me to wonder, what the hell are the guys gonna do without Lance for 6 months? Who's going to sing bass? Who's going to keep all their schedules straight? WHO'S GOING TO LOVE JOEY!?!?! *Breathes* Sorry, I had a moment there.

So, as I sit here eating these God-awful Nsync "Cool Candy" message hearts...Thanks Kathleen! =) (My last one said "*N 2-U" How creative...*Rolls Eyes* ) I wish Poofu the very best with his upcoming trip into the great beyond... We'll miss you back here on earth, hurry home!

One more thing...because I can't stop laughing thinking about this...

I watched some show on the Discovery channel or something about astronauts and how they live in space...It said that 90% of the people who go into space get severe motion-sickness and end up barfing all over the place...I can't get the image of Lance with his face all green and puffed up outta my head!

The show also talked about how astronauts go to the bathroom...and their toilet is something like a vaccum cleaner...*Snicker* Oh, the dirty little things I could come up with about that one...but I'll refrain...this is a family site.

Anyway, that's it from me for now...tune in next week when Joey announces that he's moving to Siberia to teach underpriviledged children English!

Live Long and Prosper,


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