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It Was All A Dream...

Hey guys, Mel here. Wow, I had the most amazing dream. It was so wild I wrote a letter to all the EF and PLB gals to give them the details. See if you can spot a trend.

Dear NJEF and PLB girls,

Just wanted to drop you guys a line and say hi. I have got to tell you all about this totally whacked out dream I had last night. Oh my gosh, it was SO weird. You will NOT believe it (but every part of it's true, this I promise you) It's kinda long, but it's worth reading all of it. Maybe y'all can make some sense of it, because to me, it was as confusing as a riddle. Ready for it? Here we go...

First, I was out trick-or-treating with my friend, JC. He had on the most ridiculous costume. He claimed to be dressed up as a Space Cowboy, but I personally thought he looked like a horrible hybrid of George Jetson and Zorro. As if his costume wasn't bad enough, he starts bringin da noise! He actually started running through the neighborhood (on his broomstick horse) yelling "Giddy Up!" at the top of his lungs. He was banging on doors screaming "Gimme some candy! C'mon man, I KNOW you got it!" Children were running away crying. I begged him to stop. He tells me "Stop? Me STOP? Hah! I'll NEVER stop!" I don't know why his behavior was so odd. Withdrawals are a difficult thing to overcome, I guess.

Then, scenarios suddenly changed. I was conversing with my pal, Lance. He had just got paid, so he invited me to go sailing. Everything seemed to be going fine at first, but I had more than a feeling that something would go wrong. Sure enough, when he tried to raise the mast, Lance had forgotten that there were no strings attached to the sails! You can imagine what happened next. That lovely day of sundreams turned into a wet nightmare. I told him. "Lance, I think God must have spent a little more time on you to be as clumsy as you are sometimes." Oh well, go figure. If bad luck's gonna happen, you know it's gonna be me.

Then I was in the mall with Justin. He was shopping for Britney. I asked him why he was buying so much junk for the girl who has EVERYTHING. He spends SO much money on her, it just makes me ill! Anyway, he replied "Sheeit, I could give her everything I own and she wouldn't be satisfied. I drive myself crazy trying to please that bitch." I suspect he's not getting laid NEARLY enough... so I told him he should try a little digital getdown sometime. *wink wink*

After that, I was with Joey. Wow such a weird thing happened. He was like, obsessed with me! He was following me around like a lost dog, calling out stupid crap to me like. "I just wanna be with you! I'm crazy for you! I need love! I'll be good for you" Who would have thought he would have been that desperate. Lastly he called out "When there are no more Top Ten lists on Letterman, that's when I'll stop loving you!" Weird shit, eh?

Now, as if that wasn't bad enough, CHRIS enters the scenario and starts crying like a baby about being dumped. He asked me "Why did she go tearin up my heart like that? I thought she knew I loved her." Then he dropped to the floor and started sucking his thumb. I wonder where Busta and Korea were? Dreams are weird.

Well, I gotta jet for now. That's all that I remember from the dream. Ponder it a bit and get back to me. Make any sense to you guys? Love y'all!

Bye Bye Bye,

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