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April 10, 2002 marks an incredible day for all the NJEFers. After relentless jeering, endless interrogation, and downright annoyance, a major milestone has been passed. The Rat Bastard himself has replied to an NJEF editor. Read below.

4/10/02 2:24:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time

NJEFMel: Where were you last night man????
JPSJJ: who is this
NJEFMel: Come on, seriously, where the hell were you?
NJEFMel: You should at least call so people won't be concerned.
NJEFMel: That was pretty inconsiderate of you and we were all worried
NJEFMel: Fine Andrew. If you want to be immature about it, that's your decision but keep in mind next time that you do that crap, you're affecting OTHER PEOPLE

I think I just creamed myself. That is fuckin' crazy. I feel like a bright light is shining down at me at this very moment and saying "Steve has answered"

..and he thought he could avoid the NJEF girls. Pshaw. He thought wrong. SUCKER!

- Jules

Please don't take Olivia's PopOdyssey picture. If you want it, ASK first. Thanks.

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