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Peace, Love, & Bass
Issue Four
Page One

Table Of Contents:
Editors' Welcomes
*Nsync Preschool
When Teenies Attack!
Who Let Da BexXx Out?

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Editor's Welcomes

Wassup faithful readers? It's BexXx, comin' atcha once more! =)
One of the other editors had a really good idea! I've been asked a few times how old I am and such by readers IMing me. (Which you guys are welcome to do! The SN is BexXxPLB!) So when Kari suggested telling y'all a little about ourselves, I thought it would be fun! =) Here goes Nuthin'!

Name: Becky
Nickname: BexXx
Age: 22
B-Day: December 30th (Send Presents!)
Location: Southern California (Near San Diego)
Favorite Nsyncer: Lance (Like, DUH!)
My bestest friends: Holly, Helen, Brooke, Kari, Mel, Ly, Cress, Annie...and the list goes on and on and on and on and on...

One more small thing before I go. One of my fanfics has been considered for a contest. PLEASE go read it, and make sure to vote for me, okay?

Here's the Link!
*Nsync Love Stories
The story you'll be looking for is under Lance. It's called "Watching Stars Without You." But there's another one up there you might like too! Just look around! Oh, and PLEASE sign the guestbook! =)

much guys!


Hey guys, how's it going? Mel here saying hello. I wanna thank you guys for supporting this zine and sending in your comments, suggestions, etc. It's a nice little boost to have, so, thank you again. Anyway, here are a few basic facts about me.

Name: Melody
Nickname: Mel
Age: 17
Birthday: January 6, 1983
Location: Central Louisiana
Favorite NSYNC member: Lance
Best buds: Lise, Bex, Holly, Tonya, Megs, Beck, Melissa, Amber, Aaron, Clifton, Janet, Tracy, Ginger... TONS more!

Well, that about does it. If you have anymore questions about me or my life (ask, I don't mind) write to PLBEditors and put "Question for Mel" for the subject. I'll respond personally.

Enjoy the 'zine!



Hey PL&B readers! Let me be the first to introduce myself to y'all- I'm Kari and I'm the newest edition to the zine! All the editors have been telling me how awesome you guys are and I'm glad I can be a part of it! (pssst....scroll down for more info.)

Name: Kari
Nickname: Kari Bear
Age: 21
B-Day: January 16th.....All I want for my b-day this year is Brad Pitt :)~
Location: WIssy and O-town
Favorite Nsyncer: I <3 them all :)
My bestest friends: All my friend are good friends, but special shouts go to BexXx, Brooke, Holly and Nikki:)


Hey hey!!! This is Ly here! I hope all you gals and guys (if there are any...HI!!!) are doing good and enjoeying our nl!!! I was told to write a lil intro about here goes! Sorry if I bore you to death!!! Well my name's Ly (pronounced like LEE) in case yall didn't know! lol And I'm just about to turn 20!!! (October 13th to be exact-AND NO I"M NOT SUPERSTICIOUS....oh and btw I was born on a MONDAY!!!) My MOST FAVORITED *NSYNCer is.....MAN you know, it really does change from day to day!!! I do love the guys equally. But-fine since BexXx is twisting my arm (OwWw) I'll have to say Justin Randall Timberlake! Gosh okies! Ok next...who are my bestest friends??? Well....*sigh* I have lots of friends actually...close friends....imma name them goes!!! Mai, Lorraine, Lu, BexXx, Zinnia, Peanutt, Xay, Kimmie, & Nikki...those are the only ones I can get outta my head at the moment. I guess that is all for now! Well ttyl!!! Write me if ya want!!! Baby ba ba ba!!!
<3, *NSYNCiness, & YIFE,
~~}~~~ Ly @~~}~~~
*(pronounced like LEE not LIE) ; )*

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This week, we will explore what would happen if JC taught preschool. If Mister Sleepy could stay awake long enough to actually TEACH the class...We think it might go a little somethin' like this.

JC lifted his head, and looked up from the growing puddle of drool on his desk into a sea of little smiling faces.

"Oh...Good Morning Class!" JC said, yawning and stretching.

"Good Morning Mister Cha-Says!" The class cried in unison.

"It's ShZAY!" JC bellowed, standing up and smacking his desktop with a yardstick.

The class responded with random mumbles. JC just shook his head sadly, and decided to go on with that day's lesson.

"Okay guys...Today we're going to study two things." JC said, walking around to the front of his desk, "First of all, we're going to learn how to jump around like we're on a constant sugar high...THEN, we're going to learn how to take a nap...Any questions?"

A small young boy from the back of his room raised his hand.

"Do we get to eat sugar?" He asked.

JC laughed, "No kid...We're going to be using..." He stopped himself short, and said, "Yeah...sugar...LOTS of sugar."

JC went into the supply closet, and pulled out a tray full of sweet treats.

"Here kids, eat your hearts out!" He said, laying the tray on the floor in front of the children.

The children dug into the tray of goodies like sharks on a dead dolphin. Soon, 15 chocolate covered faces looked back at JC, awaiting their next instructions.

"What now, Mister Chase-say?" One little girl asked, licking twinkie frosting off her chubby little fingers.

"DAMMIT! IT'S SH-ZAY! SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-ZAYYYYYYY!" He cried, jumping up on the desk top.

The children all looked at him wide-eyed as he jumped up and down in an angry rage.

Suddenly, the entire class broke out into a fit of sugar-induced hyperactivity. There were children climbing bookshelves, children trying to fly off the tops of their was mass-pandemonium.

After about an hour of this freaking out was over, the children began to pass out into deep sleep on the carpet.

JC looked around the room happily, as he sunk into his chair. He then pulled out the pillow that he hid underneath his desk, and drifted off to sleep himself.


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When Teenies Attack!!!

(Could Also Be Titled: "Lance's Lament")

Hey folks! Here we are again with our popular "poser section" of the zine. I'm amazed at how many of you wrote me to tell me you enjoyed this part! (I guess there ARE people with minds as demented as ours!)

For this week, We sicced someone posing as Lance on an unsuspecting teenie...Rather...She sicced HERSELF on HIM! Remember how I told you before about this section, that the posers NEVER tell the teeny right off that they are supposedly one of the guys? Here's your PROOF!

Watch how this chick *Who is 14 years old, btw* Attacks poor "PooFu" with a machine gun of questions...I still feel bad for the poor guy!

Interrogator: a/s/l
MysteriousBass: *laughs* I'm old enough. (Old enough for what???)
Interrogator: lol
Interrogator: How old? (Now starts the questions...prepare yerself "Lance")
Interrogator: Around?
MysteriousBass: Well, I can buy alcohol...
Interrogator: Older than 21, (And that's my final answer, Regis.)
MysteriousBass: But that's about the only real privilege.
Interrogator: Who are you? (Ummm...Why don't you just ask what's on your mind?)
MysteriousBass: I'm me. Who are you? (Hit her back wid it, "Lancikins!")
Interrogator: Where do you live?
MysteriousBass: I'm all over. (Did you explode????)
Interrogator: I'm _____ from Ca. (Name blanked out to protect the ignorant.)
Interrogator: lol
Interrogator: Come on, I'm serious. Why can't you tell me you're name? (*Poke, poke* *Prod, prod*)
MysteriousBass: Cali's nice.
MysteriousBass: I'm there a lot. (10 points to "Lance" for saving his neck!)
Interrogator: Yeah, it's beautiful here.
Interrogator: For reals? Why do you have relatives here? (Maybe not...)
MysteriousBass: No. Just do a lot of business there.
Interrogator: Why can't you tell me where you really live? (What do you want, his freakin address?????)
Interrogator: What kind of business? (O...M...G...)
MysteriousBass: I already told you, I am all over! *laughs* (Starts cleaning Lance-particles off the ceiling...He really IS all over!)
Interrogator: Okay, where were you born?
MysteriousBass: The south. (I would have left already...stronger man than I, I guess.)
Interrogator: What is your name?
MysteriousBass: James. Hey! Your profile says you're in Florida. Not Cali (And again our hero tries to save his own ass.)
Interrogator: What is wrong? Why can't you tell me anything? What are you trying to hide? (Damn! Who gave these teenies the right to question? They should all be in the FBI, man...)
Interrogator: I am not in Florida. Sorry, that was my brother messing with the computer. They do that.
Interrogator: I am in Ca, near San Francisco.
MysteriousBass: I tend to know how that goes. Guys can clown around a lot. Haha
Interrogator: lol
Interrogator: James Bass (That was random...)
MysteriousBass: Hmm? (DAMMIT! I wanted to see how many more questions she would ask!!!)
Interrogator: I am aware that a lot of guys or people in general pretend to be you, so you can be one of those people, but I'll trust you (Guilt trip achieved...)
Interrogator: Are you Lance?
Interrogator: Are you there? (I guess I didn't miss out on the questioning, did I?)
Interrogator: hello...
MysteriousBass: Sorry about that. I just got slammed with a bunch of IMs.
Interrogator: Why?
Interrogator: Are you Lance Bass? (AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!)
MysteriousBass: You tell me. *laughs* (Notice not once has he admitted it?)
Interrogator: Ok,well, if you are, you will be able to tell me who you talked to online last night. (Say what??? Why doesn't he just tell you what he had for breakfast too!?!?)
Interrogator: Never mind, well do you like Nsync? (Duhhhhhhhhh...)
Interrogator: I love them. They are my favorite band in the world.
MysteriousBass: They're pretty cool. (Non-commital...I'm impressed!)
Interrogator: Lance and Justin are my favorites.
Interrogator: They are all hot and talented.
MysteriousBass: *blushes* (Altogether now, AWWWWW!)
Interrogator: I flew all the way from my hometown, Ca, to Pa to see them perform. They are the greatest.
MysteriousBass: Wow, that's some dedication you have.
Interrogator: Yeah, when I stick to loving something, I put all my devotion into it.
Interrogator: They are something in my life I want to dedicate myself to. (You and 25.8 kajillion other girls world-wide...)
Interrogator: So, do you go online often? (More questions!!!!!)
MysteriousBass: Not as often as I'd like
Interrogator: why? (Stares blankly at the screen.)
MysteriousBass: Busy a lot.
Interrogator: You're really busy, right, duh _______.
Interrogator: I wanted to tell you that if you really are Lance, which I am trusting you are, that you are the most wonderful, talented, respectful guy in the world and I love you. You are my # 1 fan. (HE is HER biggest fan? WTF????)
Interrogator: I will do anything for you. (Okay, and if that's not scary stalker material, I don' t know what is...)
MysteriousBass: Well that is definitely sweet. (::"Lance" is getting scared."::)
Interrogator: How is Justin and the other guys? (Well, atleast she didn't talk SOLELY about the other guys like some of the other ones have...)
MysteriousBass: They're all okay. We're anxious to start up the tour again
Interrogator: yeah. That's really exciting. I am going to definitely go to one of your concerts.
Interrogator: You guys are such good performers. (*whispers* It's been a while since you asked a bunch of questions...)
Interrogator: Is this your real s/n or are you going to change it?
Interrogator: Can we chat?
MysteriousBass: I change it every so often. (And will be changing it again as soon as this chick signs off...In fact, maybe BEFORE this chick signs off!)
Interrogator: oh, what is it going to be next?
MysteriousBass: To be honest, I make them up on the spot.
Interrogator: oh, I kinda figured. Yeah
Interrogator: Do you have the other guy's s/ns? (Yeah, they're right here...lemme get those for ya. **Rolls eyes**)
MysteriousBass: Yeah sweetie, but I can't give them out. Why don't you write to them through their website? (Because that would be silly when she has "connections" now wouldn't it?)
Interrogator: Oh, please. I have talked to so many people. They all give me s/ns that i am not sure are true. Can you tell me if these are any of their's?
Interrogator: "Supposed Justin SN"
Interrogator: "Supposed JC SN"
MysteriousBass: Well, I can tell you it would NOT be anything obvious. (I love how "Lance" doesn't admit anything! You go boy!)
Interrogator: Is it their names? (*Ducks from the spray of questions.*)
Interrogator: Like "Justin" for Justin's?
Interrogator: Are yuo there?
Interrogator: you**
MysteriousBass: Yes I am.
Interrogator: okay
Interrogator: So, nothing obvious, right? (That's what he said!)
MysteriousBass: Definitely nothing obvious. (That's what he said AGAIN!)
Interrogator: Well, anything that describes them at all?
Interrogator: Like Justin's could have babyblue in it. (Oh god...will you PLEASE give it up???)
MysteriousBass: Well, I have the ______ screen name that I almost never check
Interrogator: ________, can I im you on that?
Interrogator: Would you answer?
Interrogator: What times are you usually on? (*Hides behind "Lance"* SAVE ME!)
MysteriousBass: I have all instant messages blocked usually.
MysteriousBass: And like I said, I hardly EVER get on.
Interrogator: oh, that's too bad.
Interrogator: You can't tell me at least Justin's. I love all you guys so much. I just want to say "hi" and tell him I love him. (Wonder what part of "No" she doesn't understand...)
MysteriousBass: If I could, I would. But I have an obligation to keep.
Interrogator: oh, please... (*Can feel the questions coming on...)
Interrogator: Is Justin going out with britney Spears?
MysteriousBass: Yes. They are dating.
Interrogator: They go out with each other?
MysteriousBass: They've been long time friends.
Interrogator: have you ever seen them kiss? (ROFLMFAO)
Interrogator: That's none of my business. I'm sorry. (Ya damned right!)
MysteriousBass: *laughs* You know the saying "I don't kiss and tell"? Well, it goes the same for my pals. I don't talk about their personal lives.
Interrogator: Do you know someone named _______?
MysteriousBass: I know a lot of people, sweetie. (What a trooper, he's being so nice!)
Interrogator: I was chatting with someone named _________ and she said she knows you guys and hangs with you and chatted with you online last night.
Interrogator: I never hear you swear usually. That's a surprise. (Why? Do you suppose he cusses like a sailor normally?)
MysteriousBass: I've sworn in public before. (*chuckles*)
Interrogator: Oh, okay, I've just never heard you. (*Teenie plots to take back the microphone she has planted on obviously isn't working if he hasn't heard him swear*)
Interrogator: Did you have fun on that dream date you had with that girl?
MysteriousBass: On the Snowed In thing?

she signed off and didn't come back after that

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~*~ wHo LeT tHa bExXx Out? ~*~

WAZZZZZZZZZZZZUP? What do you all think of my new title? I think it's pretty "Crunk!" **Gags on her tongue for even SAYING that word**

This is the article formerly known as "Random Ramblings"...I think the new one has more *ZIP* to it...(Kinda like Miracle Whip.)

I've decided that this week I'm going to talk about Lance...Which is one of my favorite subjects to talk about PERIOD. Oh, how I love that boy-man! (**Looks queerly at what she just wrote, but decides to go on anyway.**)

Lance is...Lance is...Wow...I don't even know how to explain Lance.

Is it just me, or did homeboy get FLY OVERNIGHT? (Sounds like an airline commercial...) It's like he woke up one morning, and was suddenly HOTTER THAN ALL HELL!!!!!!

I remember when I first saw *Nsync on television, I looked at my brother and asked if I was the only one that thought that the kid with the white hair looked like an alien. **Hangs head in shame**

But when I saw him just a year or so later...*PA-POW!*

I mean...DAMN peeps! That hair! Those eyes! That...rear end! He's like poetry in motion...Damn sexy poetry at that!

Now, I wanna cover something here that irks the living hell out of me.


People who say he's girly should listen to the guy's voice one time. He has a voice that makes the ground vibrate when he talks! *Not to mention various unmentionable parts of this writer's body*

How can people call someone with the voice of Barry White and the looks of a modern-day Adonnis "girly"???

That's all for this week. I can't write about Lance without getting all giggly and my heart starting to convulse, so send me your mail and let me know how you feel about Lance! I got some great comments on last week's article, I hope for more!

Did I mention his LIPS???? **Gets dragged away from the keyboard by one of the other editors...**

@}-,-,-,----- @}-,-,-,----- BexXx @}-,-,-,----- @}-,-,-,-----

On to page two for more funny stuff...

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