Hi there Olivia,
My name is Erin and I was surfing your site. I really did enjoy it. I was
reading in the love section the part about the 2001 album. I began reading
what you guys all thought the boys should inprove on and I just thought I
would tell you what they are doing for this album. The boys did do a song
with Stevie Wonder on this album. He plays harmonica on one of the songs.
Also the boys have written and produced songs on this album, more than the
last. Last but not least, the part about how Joey, Chris and Lance should
sing more. There is a song called Selfish on this album that Joey sings on
by himself. Chris sings all the time and Lance never sings by himself
because his voice is to low and he knows this. So yeah I just thought I
would tell you guys this. Thanx for making a site that I love to go and
visit just to read the newest thing. It is great.
To: BexXxPLB
hi there.
i wrote you once before from the site and i didn't realize you were a jrt fan...you may have seen this but hells, it is damm good enough to peep again!
you know...sometimes you think dang! he is only 20....and then you look at these pictures and suddenly you don't give an eff....
I read that girls random thoughts.
I said to myself - "Self, how come SHE gets to have random thoughts?
Why not me?"
So now I'm writing random thoughts.
Damn you, self!
I am listening to Evan and Jaron.
What happened to them?
They were crazy about a girl once.
Then I guess they fell of the end of the earth.
This song reminds me of a guy I know.
He thinks I don't know how he feels.
Hey buddy, I do.
Oh I do...I soooo do.
I've known for months.
Notice I have NOT done anything about it.
Take a hint.
I am trying to be a bad girl right now.
It's not working.
I want to download "Gone."
It keeps stopping at 30%.
I'll 30% that right up your ass!
Quit stopping.
Don't stop, hit it, hit it.
I'm looking at a picture of me and mom right now.
It says "cheesecake" right above my head.
My mom's says "Italian creme."
How come she gets to be Italian creme?
That's not fair.
"Life's not fair."
That's what Mom always says.
I hate the name Blanche.
I know a little girl named Blanche.
Everytime I see her I think of the Golden Girls.
I want to pull her aside and sing into her ear-
"Thank you for bein' a friend...
Travelled down the road and back again."
She might tell her mom though.
Then I'd be fired and sent to a mental institution.
There's another little girl at work and we call her Arnold.
From Diff'rent Strokes.
Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?
Why do people call themselves So-and-So Timberlake?
I've met so many Timberlakes lately.
Justin either has a lot of girl cousins or he's Mormon.
I haven't decided.
Or is that the Amish?
I hope that does not offend anyone.
I have a friend who is Mormon.
I like him.
He's nice.
I don't know any Amish people, sorry.
Why is Wade so popular?
I don't think he's very cute.
Sue me.
Mandy Moore sings about panties.
Nothin' but panties in her pockets.
Why does she carry panties in her pockets?
Or maybe the more important question...
Why isn't she wearing her panties?
I'm tired of being random.
It hurts my head.
I think it might POP.
Dirty Poop. Baby baby you can't poop.
I know you like this dirty poop.
This must be...
That was GA-ROSS.
I just came up with that though.
Aren't ya proud?
I am.
To: NsyncJadedOJC
I've been a fan of the site for a while now. You guys are doing a great job. =)
To: NsyncJadedOJC
hi! i visited your nsync site everybody's free and i absolutely love it! it's so hilarious. I wanted to know, i read some of the encounters and there's some where people were seatfillers for the VMA's, how'd they get to be seatfillers? do you sign up at seatfillers.com or something? if you could get back to me asap i'd really appreciate it. thanks. bye
Hi! Seatfillers.com is one way to be a seatfiller. Another way is to get tickets to the show and then "seatfill" for yourself. Trust us...lol
Subj: crazy picture
hey, what's up. i am a fan of the site and am on the mailing list.
i was looking through it just now and i was in the body vault 2.0 section. i came across the picture of jc and justin "about to kiss." i have seen that picture before and they were NOT that close together. where did you get that version of the picture? if jc and justin were kissing, good for them, they do whatever they want, but that picture just does not look right to me. i have seen that picture before and they are just looking @ eachother, not really close. oh well. let me know. am i crazy? or has that picture been tampered with? OR have i seen the one when they are just really close and this is the next picture in the sequence of them kissing? hit me back!
the site is great and extremely entertaining. i even enjoy the non-nsync related stuff. adios!
To: NsyncJadedOJC@aol.com
Hey Darion! Yes, that picture was tampered with, though I don't know by whom. I have seen the original pic, and I have to admit, whoever messed with it did a damned good job because it looks pretty convincing. lol Thanks for writing in!
Subj: Celebrity
I was listening to Celebrity and I really think that through the CD one of the guys ( I think JC,who else had a girlfriend like Bobbie?) is trying to dump a money hungry girlfriend. I mean, most of the songs (not that I don't like them) are about dumping some girl who only likes them (or him) because he's a celebrity,or whatever.
To: NsyncJadedOJC
PS Your site is AWESOME!!! Keep it up!
Subj: Letters to the SteveR
Man, I read that "article"...oh, I laughed til I cried. Well, I didn't really cry. But I could have! I can only hope that you really sent him porn. :)
To: NsyncJadedOJC
Forwarded Message:
ya might wanna share this with the other girls, everyone loves compliments.. lol. this was in a zine i got today:
*NSYNC Jaded Everybodys Free
the classic humor site. the best *nsync humor site ever.
Subj: awww!
To: BexXxPLB
Subj: i wanna marry u..lol.j/k
Hey person!
Whats up? I just wanna say I love ur site..its phunnie as hell! Anycrap,I was reading some of the comments u guys got from ur fans and this one girl asked how u guys got the hookups to meet NSync or something like that.Well I have a lil' theory here that explains how u guys get all the hookups.I think u guys work with NSYNC and they pay u to do stuff for them and then u make fun of them on ur site.I also think u guys work for the Devil or u might just be the Devil..haha! Thats not funny! So anywayz,I know my theory is probably (WTF am i saying 'probably')I KNOW ,well I HOPE its not correct,but it's exactly 4:00 AM and i think i'm drunk,so thats my story and im sticking to it.U guys rock! Keep up the AWESOME work on my fave site.I think u guys should become famous.U should have ur own show on like MTV or something where u just make fun of NSYNC.People would love it,HELL,I would be ur biggest fan.Trust me,u should try and do that.Well bye for now! ;-)
~aLDiNa (a.k.a.) George Clooney's BITCH!! George Clooney's a HOTTT motherF***ER!! peace!
To: Jille Jalo
Subj: Random Stuff at 1:36 AM
I love your site especially your randoms and I am wide awake at the butt crack of dawn. So I figured I'd try out some randomness and send it to you. It may not be as funny as all of yours but I'm bored and over exhausted and figured I'd give ya'll some amusement. Enjoy!
Ever wonder why non-scented deodorant smells? I thought it was supposed to be non-scented.
I wonder if Lance wears non-scented deodorant. Lance NEVER sweats.
Watch the first Disney Special.
Justin is sweatin' like a pig in July and Lance is as dry as a towel straight out of the dryer.
I want Lance's deodorant so I don't swet. Swetting is the DEVIL.
I think Wade is the Devil.
He tried to take Joey's place in "POP" but he weighs about a thousand lbs. lighter.
I have no problem with big boys. There's just more for the loving.
Joey's kinda dirty though.
I think Wade gains some cool points for the break down choreography in "Pop"
Ain't nothing wrong with Thrusts and Grinding on the floor.
Wade choreographs for both NSYNC and Britney.
I think he's doing it to Britney behind Justin's back. I'd laugh.
Justin would be getting played out by a Face.
I call Britney Face cause she has some wacked out expressions.
What's up with that stinking-the-tongue-out-on-the-side-of-her-mouth thing?
Someone should tell her that's not cute...at all.
I think Wade is trying to weasel into NSYNC. He wants to be the new favorite.
Pauly Shore is CRUNK! Hey...it's the...Weeeaasseeelll!
I loved Pauly Shore on MTV. He was crunk.
Justin used the word Crunk back in like 98 and now it's popular.
Justin was on the Wayne Brady Show a little while ago.
Wayne called Justin, himself, and Brian McKnight a "Lop Sided Oreo"
I found that funny.
Justin's body guards say he has a little black in him.
I think he fronts. He tries to be hard core but he's really just a Pansy-ass Momma's boy
Sorry, I got bitter for a sec. No hard feelings for Momma Crunkness or Curly Puff.
I hate it when guys say they like girls for their personalities.
Justin said that. Look who he's dating now.
Size 2 fake boobies fake blonde hair fake tan(see a pattern here?) & the brain of doggie poo
Thats the kinda personality he's looking for.
Britney annoys me. She gets paid bazillions of dollars to sing
Does she sing live? NO!
She sings to a back track that covers her voice cuz she does "heavy dancing"
Well she sucks standing still too!!!
Remember when she sang "Silent Night" on NBC like 2 years ago for a Christmas special?
My grandparents made me change the channel
They said she was "Killing the song" and "singing like a dying sea gull"
My grandparents crack me up. They are crunk. They don't act like most grandparents.
My nana says "Hoochie" & "da Bomb." She's nuts. I find her amusing.
She thinks JC is hott.
I might marry him if he shaves that caterpillar off his chin and stops shopping at Mandees
My Nana likes Lance too.
Lance has green eyes. I have green eyes.
Lance likes Dr. Pepper. I like Dr. Pepper & I just drank a 2 liter.
Not a good thing to do when you wanna fall asleep.
I can never sleep at night. I go to bed at like 5:00 am and wake up at like 3:00 pm.
I'm like a Vampire.
I'm done I think. I have more on my mind but it's getting really long. So I'll go. Good-bye
You are the weakest link...GOOD-BYE.
That lady scares me.
Okay for real I'm gone.
Peace Out.
To: NsyncJadedOJC, IAmALilPrincess, Lucky02RASHN, DigitalFanatic, BexXxPLB, PLB Editors, Jille Jalo
Subj: random thoughts.
To: Jille Jalo
Yo...I'm always at your guys site. It RAWKS, lol. I really like your random thoughts. I decided to do some too. Since that one girl emailed ya all her randomness I'm emailing ya mine. Do as ya wish with them. I don't really care. I was bored and tired and needed to get some things out of my system:
I'm going to do my own random thoughts.
Because randomness is cool...
Well, not really, but who cares?
. . .
I was in an *NSYNC chat room yesterday
This girl said she was going to marry Justin
I asked her if I could lick him first because I don't want to be the 'other' woman
She said that was fine with her.
I asked if I could lick him twice.
She said "ONCE."
I told her 'fine' as long as I get to choose WHERE I lick him.
She said 'ok'
I don't think she should have said that.
I have blue highlighter on my hand.
...I don't own a blue highlighter.
I know a guy that looks like Justin.
He's cuter.
I'll lick him instead.
I almost burned my house down last week.
I cooked a burrito in the microwave...
For 30 minutes.
My digits slipped.
I like the word 'cheerios'
They say 'cheerio' in England.
My grandma says I'm related to Jesse James.
Does that mean I'm going to go rob a train or bank?
Hell yes.
I'm just kidding.
It's dark here, but its 2pm.
I stayed up all night...
Theres a weird sound coming from my kitchen.
It's going 'ding bing chaching'
When my hair is dry I get a big curly fro.
Just like the one Justin used to have.
His mommy has a fro too :)
This is getting kind of long...
Do I care?
NOT I! lol...
My brain is telling my eyes to close.
I should go to sleep...
Yeah. Then I can dream of fu--
Bye Bye Bye!
Oh my god...I am sleepy...
Peace + Harmony ~ Tabitha
Subj: your website
Hey, I surfed on to this site last year when Brit was here, and I've seemed to stumbled on to it again. I I just wanted to say that I love what you've done with it. It is so funny. But the point f this email is to ask if you guys still sold those tapes, like the home videos and the and the ones that you actually edited together yourselves. I don't see them anymore.
Hiya Nicole! Sorry, girl. We're not selling any tapes. However, I think Jen [from 'Just Thrust It'] was trying to sell hers. You may wanna look into that. :)
To: NsyncJadedOJC
Hey ,
i only have 1 question. where did yuo come up with Stever ? is that his real name cuse im not really sure who he is but he looks like Joey lol in j/p yuo would really have to be stupid to not know he was Joey's bro but i was just wondering how hes involved in *Nsync yea i knwo i sound like a spaz mostley cuse i am one and also cuse its like 2 in thwe moring lol but i also wanted to say that your sight is cool i mean im a big fan of them but your sight is really funny ok i just tought that i would say that now im gonna be my retarded self alone bye
"Stever" was actually a typo. Brit and Amy were talking one night and instead of typing "Steve" she added the extra "r"...hence Stever. And it's stuck ever since. :)
Forwarded Message:
i loved your ite! that is the funniest thing i have ever read! i got it from gina, she sent you her web page, and i saw you signed her guestbook, and she told me your page was hilariouse, and damnit, she was right! even though i dont like nsync (im more into metal rock, ie kittie, disturbed etc) but hat was awesome...KEEP IT UP GUYS! AND GIRLS!
a now huge fan, Danielle
Subj: the funny stuff i have been readin
Okay, in Humor, JC, Fun Stuff, u know, the thing where u took Justin's hair and put it on JC, that was hilarious, and it turned out good, VERY good. I'm not sayin they looked good with each other's hair, although JC looked kinda good with a first glance...U should do some more.
To: NsyncJadedOJC
Subj: dude! that was aweosme!!
To: sortafly@aol.com
(ps e-mail me back if you have time at danijl@hotmail.com)
To: NsyncJadedOJC