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BexXx's Random Thoughts

Hi everyone, I decided that it's MY turn to write some random thoughts...I'm one of the most random people I know...

I have a stuffed monkey sitting on my desk. He's wearing boxing gloves and red velvet shorts...I call him Justin.

Speaking of Justin...I prefer calling him LANCE. Because see...I'm SUPPOSED to be a Lance fan...and if I call Justin LANCE...then hey, I'm not lying!

Olivia just told me that her cable modem needs a "good kick in the ass"...Which leads me to a cable modems HAVE asses?

Why is it that when I'm trying to DL a song off Napster, and I'm doing things on AOL at the same time...Napster gets bitchy with me if I try to open a website? I just tried, and it told me it would take 36 hours to download a 3 minute song...

Fanfic is harsh stuff sometimes...because you get all into it...and when you wake up out of your little world, it's STILL not true.

I think the monkeys at the zoo should be forced to wear they can't hypnotize you. *I stole this one from Jack Handey*

I wish Kari would get online.

Babies grow up too fast...I remember when my daughter's foot was the size of the inside of the palm of my she kicks me...

I taught my daughter to say all of the editor's of EF's names...*Waves to "Cucky" "Awee" "Cowee" "Mew" "Tah" and "Wiva"!*

I learned something new tonight. Sound systems on your computer won't work unless you plug them in first. Technology sucks!

There are too many lights on in my house...I'm going to turn some right back.

I'm back.

I smoke far too many cigarettes a day. If you smoke - you should quit...if you don't...don't start.

Julie and I call smoking cigarettes, "Miffing Justin." I read on this one English website where they asked Justin what "Miffed" (annoyed) him, and he said "Ladies who smoke fags." I thought that was hilarious, because do you really think Justin talks in British slang?

My friend Danger told me once that I have made kissing ass an artform. Hey! Everybody's gotta have a hobby!

That's it from me this time around...

Peace, Love & LANCE!!!


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