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Random... Randomness???

My random thoughts prompted one crunk reader to send me some of her own. She is the first person to have stated that she'd like to have her own page of random thoughts within her random thoughts. And hey, who are we to deny the readers of what they want? So here you go... (yes, they are funny.)

Editor's Note: Although we love reading your random emails, please do not email us with expectations of us posting them. If we did that, THIS random article would not be funny anymore. We just wanted to do something a little off-center. So just chill out on submissions for now. Enjoy this article, though. :o)

i like your random stuff

i think its funny

i can be random too

justin has ice around his neck

i wonder if its cold

he should beware of frostbite

fans might accuse britney of giving him hickeys

thats a gross image

im drinking coffee

coffee is for the morning

its not morning

justin is grumpy until he has breakfast in the morning

lance is never grumpy

probably cuz he's from mississippi

im from minnesota

we have cold winters

if i was a singer, id tour the northern states in the summer

then the southern states in the winter

then i wouldnt ever have a cold winter

but youre on a bus dude

why am i writing you my random thoughts

did you ask for them

no they popped out of the toaster

right up there ^  where i wrote popped...i almost wrote pooped by sorry that was just gross

i wish i could have a page with my random thoughts

random....brandon....say that out loud....

i like a guy named brandon

he's short

im tall


he plays it

i watch him

hes good

hockey is better

he doesnt play hockey

jessica simpson turned skank

maybe she's trying to make her ex nick feel like he's missin out

i dont think he's missing out on much if he never got any to begin with...

he should've gone for britney

but justin wouldve kicked his a.....


i have to go

i want to read more haha stuff on the nsync humor site you work with

yeah...cuz its funny

tell the other gurls i said so

my name is N*****E

and i too, can be random

nsync is cool

thats why bsb drool

whoa...i rhymed

i call rhyming "busting a flow"

i have a flow sista

she's goofy

ok bye

for real

peace out chica! ;-þ

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