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Support System

Here's the latest compliation of emails we've gotten in the past couple months. You guys have shared your views on everything from our humor articles, to our recent plagiarism crisis. We are so fortunate to have such supportive and loyal readers. Thank you 150 billion times for sticking with us!

Subj: not bad
Date: 6/27/2002 10:49:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: WinterAngel1989
To: IAmALilPrincess

ur site wasn't bad, and even though i know ur sites about nsync, i couldn't help but notice that when u wrote about ur experience at the MTV movie awards (2001), u didn't even mention how HOT sean patrick thomas is!!!! it also sounded like u didn't even talk to him!!! wasn't it soooo kewl that u got to sit next to him!!! if i sat to him i would definitly talk to him whenever i got the chance!!!! please email me back asap, and tell me wut ALL ur ppl (olivia, lucky, tabz, ect.) think about the hottie!!!

-gangsta sarah

Hey, BexXx here.. Twas I who got to sit next to him...but it wasn't the MTV Movie Awards like you said, it was the Teen Choice Awards! He definitley is a cutie...and it was really cool getting to sit by him and Julia Stiles that night! I didn't even realize it was him until my friend, Mari pointed it out to us...and he noticed her pointing it out and laughed. Then we exchanged hellos, shook hands and that was the end of it! Hope that answered your question!

Subj: hey
Date: 6/28/2002 8:01:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (rose)

cool site, wish i could help run it

later, Rozlyn

Subj: NSYNC's Remix Album
Date: 7/12/02 3:01:25 AM Eastern Daylight Tim
From: DreamSeeker222
To: DakotaSkyeHobby

i'm a huge fan of the site and i about pissed myself when i read this. most of your sections are hilarious, but this was the tops. my family now thinks i have torrets(sp?) because i was cracking up and busting out with random parts of the song. then to add icing to the cake, i sang the lyrics outloud...and my family heard. so if i'm put in a mental ward, it's your fault... but it was funny as hell.

Subj: hi = )
Date: 7/12/2002 3:08:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jcrugbrat2
To: Lucky02RASHN, DakotaSkyeHobby, BexXxPLB
To: M QuirkyGirl, Jille Jalo, NsyncJadedOJC
To: IAmALilPrincess

hiiiiii! i was just on ur site...ive written maybe twice before to tell u how much i like it but i figured id do it again...i hope its not overcrowding the immense amount of fanmail u probly already get...anyway ive kept up with ur site on and off for quite a number of months but everytime i check back for updates theres always something very interesting to read about it...never do i leave ur site disappointed...that sounds so im talking about...well i dont know what i would be talking about but whatever...i love everything about it and all the humor is so original...oh well ill keep this relatively short...i hope u keep up everything ur doing with the site bc it really is awesome and all of u guys seem really kool...i would love to have seven more friends just like u guys...anywayyyyy...i love love love ur site...thank u for making me laugh for so long...keep up the good work...byebyez

<3 |* MaRiE *| <3

Subj: EF site
Date: 7/13/2002 4:30:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time
To: NsyncJadedOJC

I wnted the person who did the justin timberlake posing to read this. [I hope this is her] Um i just wanted to say that what you did was brilliant. i was gonna try it, but it might be illeagal. i don't wanna be in jail for false advertisement and fraud. i don't think that it is illeagal, so you should really do it again. It was evily hilarious, guys! You deserve a medal or something! Do it again!

Hi there. No, I (Olivia) was not the one who is repsonsible for the Justin Timberlake posing. That is the genius of our founder, Brittany. But, if you want more poser fun, check out our back issues of PLB. We used to have a poser section.

Subj: Heya!
Date: 7/18/2002 12:48:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (Kayleigh Timberlake)

Hey! I just wanted to tell ya your site is phantastic! I've been a long time reader, and it just keeps getting better! Keep up the good work!


P.S. Sorry for the overuse of the exclamation point.

Subj: Just puttin' in my 2 cents
Date: 8/2/2002 6:48:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Hey! My name's Ava and I'm an avid visitor of the site. I think it's fabulous. Certian things I just had to comment about:

Survey Says! Question 6 in part two. Why Lance w/ red hair? I'd like to see Joey with Justin's Fro and have it died Clown Wig Red.

All of the pictures in Chris in the Funhouse scared me.

I don't think it's fair that your site is so frickin' funny and my computer is broke, so I have to look at all this stuff at the library. People think I'm weird cuz I'll start laughing like mad for what seems like no reason.

I know it's a humor site and you're SUPPOSED to make fun of the members of *nsync, and I know Joey just begs to be made fun of, but have you actually listened to "I Thought She Knew"? That man can sing! I'm not whining, but try to give him just a little bit of slack?

The Featured Pics Vol. 2 is great I love the one where Lance has turned all "Christopher Lowell" on us, and the one where Lance looks drunk, and stoned. Hey maybe he spented some alone time with JC.

Anyways I just luff you're site and I think it's Da Bomb. I'll catch you all on the flipside at the message board.

Peace Out

Subj: I can't believe that!
Date: 8/10/2002 1:05:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time

I can't believe she stole ALL your material! Don't worry...I'm on the case!

A Faithful Reader

Subj: Re: [CrunkNsyncHumor] Someone Plagiarized NJEF
Date: 8/10/2002 1:10:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Ok I just went to that girl's site and all I have to say is wtf? Does she lack that much creativity that she had to go and steal all the stuff from the ORIGINAL NJEF? That's really crappy on her part... oh well, I am SO gonna tell those people to shut her down; I really have a thing against kleptos

*Lucky Star*

Subj: (no subject)
Date: 8/10/2002 1:50:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: SHaZAmLuvr89
To: NsyncJadedOJC

ok this isn't really important but i'm bored so i just thought i'd tell you. any crap, i read about the phony njef and it made me very angry so, i emailed the expage people to tell them to shut it down and I told everyone i know to do the same(people that don't even like nsync)so they should be recieving quite a few emails today and maybe they'll shut it down. Keep working guys the site's great.


Subj: Good luck, girls!
Date: 8/10/2002 3:05:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time
To: NsyncJadedOJC, IAmALilPrincess, Lucky02RASHN, DakotaSkyeHobby, BexXxPLB, M QuirkyGirl, Jille Jalo

I could not believe the news that EF has been plagarized. I had to look at the site myself to actually understand what was going on...but I'm sorry that I did! I can't beleive somebody would have the audacity to blatantly copy like's just sick! I wanted to write you guys and let you know that you have people behind you on this! EF has been my favorite site for almost all of it's 3 years...good luck in fighting this, I know y'all can win!


P.S. here is a copy of the email i wrote to have to admit that it was VERY hard to leave out my "french"

I was extremely appalled and upset when I found out that this website: *//\\//synç Jåded, Eve®y ßody'§ F®ee is a complete FRAUD! All of it's contents are a result of plagarism from the REAL *NSYNC Jaded Everybodys Free The girls at the original site work their butts off and they don't deserve this kind of unfair treatment. I am writing this to request that you shut down this site as soon as possible. Plagarism is rude, uncalled for and, not to mention, illegal!

Subj: Please read the complaint I wrote to expage.
Date: 8/10/2002 8:23:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Ck1myluv71
To: NsyncJadedOJC, IAmALilPrincess, Lucky02RASHN, DakotaSkyeHobby, Jille Jalo

Dear expage person who is reading this email,

Hi my name is Celebrity and I have a major complaint!!! There is a girl named "Bethany" who has an account with you guys and I think her account should be deleted on the count of PLAGIARISM. Yes, that is right PLAGIARISM, in the next part of this email I will make my case on why this site( should be shut down forever!!!

I am a huge fan of nsync and let me tell you I know everything about them. I also know that they are normal people who like to make jokes about everything, even themselves. I am a faithful reader to Everybody's Free to make Fun of Nsync. I have been reading and laughing with that site since almost the day it opened. Ever since reading that site I have set a new standard for humor site's and so this is the only one I go to. Now I know such devotion might sound strange to you, but you have to understand that this site has quality humor and well I have a dry sense of humor so it takes a lot to make me laugh and if this site can do it over and over well, I am indebted to them. Now on the major point in this case. On August 10th I went to the (REAL Everybody's Free to make Fun of Nsync) and that is where I heard of this travesty. They informed me of the girl named Bethany and her so called humor site. I decided to go check this web site out before I wrote a letter of rage to you guys. So keeping a fair mind about this I went to look at her site. I was appalled to find that the site was word for word like the (REAL Everybody's Free to make Fun of Nsync). I read stories that she so called wrote herself and I remembered reading them like 2 years ago.

So as my closing statement... " I think that you should check out the real site and see that Bethany is copying them and that it should be STOPPED! Also I can't believe the Gaul of that girl to try to plagiarize the work of such great humor writers. I know that they work very hard on this site, they work for hours @ a time and even into the late hours of the night. So please shut down Bethany's site ( because it would not be fair to the ladies of the REAL site. Thank you for all your time in reading this email. I trust that you will do the right thing.


Ps. I hope this letter helps you in your crusade against the enemy. Don't worry I will be sending this letter to them about once a day. I would also like to formally introduce myself. ( Hi my name is Alessandra and I am 16 years old. I have been a fan of nsync since I was 12. I have been to 10 concerts and 4 backstage meet n greats/soundcheck pass party things. I live in Orlando and I want to become a lawyer. Jc is my fav nsyncer because he has true talent, the fact that he is a cutie is only an added bonus.) All right now that I have wrote forever and a day I am going to say "BYE BYE BYE" Keep up the great work at the site and I will look for your great humor updates soon! :)

Subj: wow, people are sick.
Date: 8/10/2002 12:01:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Supergirl129
To: NsyncJadedOJC

hey girl~

i just wanted to let you know i've been a loyal fan of NJEF since forever. you guys rock and you're stuff is always hilarious. and because of that i am totally pissed off that someone would try to so blatantly steal your stuff. i mean, that is the worst case of plagarism ever. that's like when someone copys and pastes their essay from the internet and then forgets to change the font so every other word is a blue underlined link. that's insane.

anyway, i'm rambling. i just wanted to let all you guys know i'm totally supporting your crusade to get this site shut down. this chick is wack and needs help, quick.

i hope this doesnt prevent you guys from updating, everyone would be bummed if you stop. until then, good luck with this stuff. and peace out.


Subj: (no subject)
Date: 8/10/2002 12:10:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: SurfinNSB
To: NsyncJadedOJC

Hey.. I just heard about the imitation NJEF site that's out there, and I'm completely disgusted by the fact that someone would do that. I'm not sure if you've checked the AOL member profiles for the alleged editors of that site, but Javenson89, OdysseyBaby, and Rachae596 all seem to be the same person by looking at them. I think this "Brittany" girl just made up other screen names and people so that it would be harder for her to be shut down... This is probably obvious to you by now, but just in case, I wanted to drop a line. Anyways, the site is amazing as ever. And hopefully the fake site will be shut down in the near future. Plagiarism is against the law, and not cool. =)

-- KIM --

Subj: About the Plagerism

Date: 8/10/2002 3:18:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: SmackDatAzz1022

To: NsyncJadedOJC

Hey Olivia,

We don't really know eachother, but I'm the girl that works on Behind the Band with Nina *who worked on EF* I just wanted to let you know a few things you can do... first off, join AmyK's Zero Tolerance. By Joining ZT.. The person will be listed and you'll have even more people trying to shut them down! I just realized that the girl may have been stealing form your site, but she is also stealing Nina's material too. So I'm gonna do whatever it takes to help you shut that girl down!

Peace and Love,
Behind the Band

Subj: Hey about your site..
Date: 8/10/2002 3:26:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jujubeaner14

Hey! I just got that update about your site & the people who are copying it. Well, if you go & look at all the people's profiles who are the culprits, you will realize that they they could be all the same person, just with a bunch of different s/n's. The names may be different, but if you read what the profiles say..they all have orange iMacs, and they all quote "Do Your Thing", and they mention talking *alot* as one of their hobbies. I didn't know if you may have noticed that or not, or if it's any big deal, lol. I just found that kind of know? I could be wrong, but oh well, lol. Well, I hope you get this whole thing settled! :) Keep up YOUR awesome work! Bye Bye Bye.

- Julie -

Subj: Reply from :)
Date: 8/14/2002 9:43:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Katie27360
To: NsyncJadedOJC

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Re: Reporting Plagiarism
Date: 8/14/2002 8:02:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (support)

At 12:23 PM 8/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Abuse support,

I have noticed that the webpage '' contains the same material as the 3-year old, highly respectable ''. I know the ladies at the real NJEF (NSync Jaded Everybody's Free) well through their site updates, and I know that they would not stoop as low as to plagiarise someone elses material.

It disturbs me greatly that someone would steal 3 years of hard work, and call it their own. NJEF fans like myself have probably already sent emails on this subject of 'Bethany', and we would appreciate it if something was done about it.

Thank You.
REAL NJEF Fan for 2 years


Thank you for reporting the page. It has been removed from our server.

Joel Sanders - Support Services, The Express Page

Subj: Re: [CrunkNsyncHumor] EF Update 08.30.02
Date: 8/30/2002 7:32:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jess102796

hey thats awesome that yall were featured in a magazine *supposedly, anyways* if you ever get more details on that, id really be interested in knowing!


Subj: here im emailing you
Date: 9/1/2002 8:31:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Hi my name is Joy.

I read ur random thoughts.

They were funny.

And I agree with the Nicorette and MTV thing.

I thought Lance was from Laurel, Mississippi, but what geography do I know? Where am I again...

You met joey 366 days ago? That would've been the best.

What do you think of him on broadway?

Guess what? I like lance too, I have once considered jc but....lance.

I want the real nsync my age so I can see what they were like.

You want to go to Australia? I am in Australia, I want to go to America.

You sound crunk.

I don't even know if this e-mail is gonna work.

Do you know how I found ur website?

I went to google and searched for: nsync going to come to australia

I don't think they have come before.

I don't think they will any time soon.

Are you bored now?

I think you are.

See you.


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