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SteveR's Random Thoughts

With Chris', JC's, Wade's and Justin's random thoughts in tow, Steve thought he'd join the fun too. (Actually, Brittany wrote these. LMAO!)

hi i'm steve.

remember me?

not too many people do.

i hate that.

i once had a plan to be the E in ENSYNC

then wade came along.

he's younger then me.

its OK for him to have sex with younger girls.

plus he doesn't have a wart on his face.

or an accesory at all times.

yanno, the camera?

and his brothers not fat.

i hate that.

i'd like to give wade an accessory all right.

a black eye.

damn aussie.

im from brooklyn.

im a lot more hardcore than him.

haha. i said "hardcore"

it reminds me of this time i met this 15 year old girl and her mom and....


i imagine jail sucks so i'll shut up now.

i look a lot like joey.

a LOT.

did you see me replace him in the pop video?

oh that's right.

i didn't.

i hate that.


what they don't realize is i have the tapes.

i'm just waiting for the right time to fuck them over.

i figure i can get a few more plaid shirts out of the deal first.

and some more 13 year olds.

that was a typo.

i hate that.

i meant 31.

those tapes are my gold mine.

have you ever seen justin naked?



you know you want to.

coming soon to a steve's video emporium™ near you:

NEC'ED version 1.0

get it? justiN, lancE, jC? NEC'ED? Nekkid? Naked? Get it?

never mind.

all naked joey and chris footage has been destroyed.

it's considered lethal in some parts of the world.

i hate that.

they shoulda learned not to mess with me.



I hate that.

i hate that.

i hate that.

i hate that.

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