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Stupidity Speaks For Itself

I (Liv) am not suprised with this stuff anymore. First of all, she IMed me on my old site SN, and you all know that I DO NOT under any circumstances discuss EF on that name anymore (except for the elist). Second, becuase I get much mail asking the same thing, I WILL NOT divulge any personal information (email, SN's, addresses) regarding the guys. I respect their privacy, and besides... if you had the information, would YOU share? I didn't think so.

The girl's name has been changed, even though she was SERIOUSLY asking to be humiliated. My site SN appears, and additional comments outside of the convo will be in orange.

Stupidty07: do u have jc No, but I want him.

Stupidty07: aol name

NsyncJadedOJC: You mean, my site name? I thought she was asking me about my NsyncJadedOJC name. I mean, she's not very coherent, is she?

Stupidty07: no

Stupidty07: do u no jc's aol name Oh... is THAT what you were trying to ask me? Why didn't you just SAY that?

NsyncJadedOJC: If I did, why would I give it out? lol

Stupidty07: i donno

Stupidty07: do u though

NsyncJadedOJC: I'm not at liberty to say. lol

Stupidty07: what do u mean I mean that I don't wish to address your question.

Stupidty07: do u have his aol name

Stupidty07: its a question

Stupidty07: duh Like, really? That's a question? Like, these past four years of college, I like, never would have known!

Stupidty07: lol

NsyncJadedOJC: Does it matter whether I do or not? I just told you, I wouldn't give it out.

Stupidty07: asl Age, sex, location? THAT'S irrelavent.

Stupidty07: y wouldn

Stupidty07: *wouldn't u Because I repsect him, and he deserves his privacy.

Stupidty07: u dont anywayz Oooh... reverse psychology. Unfortunately, I'm a psych minor, and unlike her, I'm not stupid.

NsyncJadedOJC: Maybe I don't... maybe I do. You'll never know.

Stupidty07: o

Stupidty07: asl Older and smarter than you.

Stupidty07: g2g sry u take to long to answer a question Sorry that you lack common sense.

Stupidty07: bye Don't you mean "Bye Bye Bye"?

She IMed me again later asking me who my favorite guy in the group was. When I said JC, she said, "ew." So then why in the HELL did you harass me about his SN? I ignored/blocked her after that.

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