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Survey Says!

Alright, like we said, lately we have been on this survey kick, especially *NSYNC ones. It's hilarious how crazy and similar some of our answers are, so we thought we'd share more sillyness with you.
Here's a key so you know who's who:

Liv's comments will be in orange
Bex's comments will be in green
Jules' comments will be in blue
Mel's comments will be in yellow
Alli's comments will be in light blue
*Lucky's comments will be in Pink
Tabz comments will be in red

PartOne: The basics

1) Whats your name, age and state you're from?

Olivia, 22, Michigan

The sleepy Bexbox, 24, state of exhaustion

Julie, 18, Connecticut

Mel, 19, originally from Louisiana, currently reside in Mississippi-a

Alli, 18, New Jersey and Pennsylvania

*Lucky, 17, DETROIT WHAT?! (But i'm moving to NY soon!)

Tabz, Tabitha, Tabbycat, Happy's Keeper, "M.I.A." A sad sad two and half decades + one = ME I've seen the decline of western civilization and it began with the 80's big hair bands...I'm from a state you'd have to look up, so I refuse to answer. It will save you time.

2) What grade are you in at school?

My fourth year of college.

Umm...second I think...I'll get back to you on this one.


first year college

first year college (Temple Owls baby!! Whoa, I sounded like I cared for a second)

I have 24 school days left of my Senior Year in HS

My Dad says I'm a graduate with honors from the school of "Learn Everything The Hard Way and Then Forget The Lesson When Faced With The Problem Again" But at least I'm an honor student! WOOHOO! Hmm, that would be alot to fit on a bumper sticker.

3) One of your fave songs is?

"Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" Will Smith

"Addictive" by Faithless

"Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart" -HIM

Beautiful by joydrop

"hang" by matchbox 20

"Theif" by Our Lady Peace

I may have to go with "Amish Paradise" by Weird Al or even "I'm An Asshole" by Dennis Leary

4) Fave ice cream?

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! =) I ain't picky, but I like mint chocolate chip or Mackinac Island Fudge

Peanut Butter Chocolate

Choc. Chip Cookie Dough.

Ben and jerry's half baked.. mmmm

cherry garcia

Ben & Jerry's Half Baked and Chunky Monkey

The ice cream flavor is solely dependant on the smell of the man wearing it. Some fragrances clash so horribly after all...

5) Fave movie?

Forrest Gump

Man on The Moon

Anything 80's

10 things i hate about you

anything by kevin smith, mainly the "jersey trilogy"

Dirty Dancing

I'm sort of attached at the moment to 'Lilo and Stitch' "DON'T FORGET CUTE AND FUZZY!"

6) Fave season?

Don't Michigan, we experience the four seasons all year round. That whole cliche about the weather changing in Michigan every five's true. But, I must add that I LOATHE construction season...I like fall.



autumn :oD

spring or fall, in new jersey at least. We have four seasons!

I like 'em all. Except "construction season" Bah!

I'm partial to the seasons that I am free to travel. Any season here is a reason to leave!

7) Would you rather be rich or famous? security is a good thing.

Um...I'd rather be sleeping...but rich would be nice! *NOT CRONIN!*

I think I'd rather just be rich.. I don't know if I could take being famous...

which rich? and who's famous? never heard of 'em...

I wouldn't want to be Rich, cause I'm a girl.

Famous. And I will be too!

Famous, because no matter who I murdered, my Barbara Walters special and subsequent shows would be syndicated, earning me a book deal, movie rights, choice of soundtrack artists, and I'd wind up with the money. Then Justin Timberlake could be my bitch for a day. "How badly do you want in on the biggest criminal soundtrack of the century dawg?"

8) Whats your favorite color(s)?

Blue and Orange

Dark Green & Silver

Mauve.. no really, light blue.

black and blue

pink, green, or black


It's not the color that matters, it's the fit of the jeans that inspires me most.

9) Would you rather have a hug or a kiss?

Hugs are great all around, but kisses are nice.

Both please, I need affection!

Hugging WHILE kissing! :)


from you? I don't even know you. Pssh

I'm with Julie, both at the same time.

I'd rather have a certified copy of your Health Certificate. The rest can be discussed later. I'm not difficult.

10) Who's your fave *N Sync member?


*Looks at Liv with a smirk* Yeah...Lance...*nods*

J to the U to the S to the T.. ok, I don't feel like doing that anymore.. Justin.


wade, of course, but if he doesn't count, jc.

Chris and cometimes Lance. No wait, Justin. Can I switch Jayce and Chris? Now that I think about it, it should just be Joey.

Current favorite member of *NSYNC? Nelly. Hands down. And "Tag-along Timberlake" too.

Part Two: Who would you date first:

1) Lance or Chris?






I'd go ON a date with Chris first but I'd rather make-out with Lance. He's HOT!

In the same evening? Lance first, because obviously he could eat. Then Chris, because it would be dark by that time one would think. Did I miss the point of this?

2) Justin or JC?






Justy (he's single now, WOO!)

Hmm, along the same evening lines, you'd be best to do this at the same time. They are so competitive at the ending of songs alone, you know you'd walk away one spoiled ass little chick!

3) Joey or Chris?

Chris...think of the damage we'd cause together. lol





Both @ the same time. :oX

My dog's name is George. Although I think Mel and George would get along just fine, I'd sooner chaperone the friend and the poodle than I would date Joey Fatone.

4) JC or Lance?

Lance...*conscience gets the best of me* Okay, C....





I dunno. Jayce.

Lance first, as again, he so obviously eats and JC so obviously DOES NOT. A girl cannot starve to death, but cannot be faced with a serving larger or wider than the date shes eating it from.

5) Justin or Chris?


D) Jar of Almonds




Chris for the date, Justin for the night.

(see my answer to #1 and switch "Lance" to Justin and switch "make-out" to *censored*)

Justin first, as men can tend to be so much more disappointing than your fantasy images. If Justin turned out to be a "teeny weenie" than at least you could laugh with Chris about it later, and the night wouldn't be a total bust.

6) Lance with red hair or Joey with purple?

How about Justin with the FRO?!

Lance with red and purple hair, and Joey with the FRO.

Lance with red pubic hair.

justin w/ brown hair with blonde highlights

Wade with blonde highlights

I'm going FRO with Liv and Mel.

Lance with NO HAIR, and maybe Joey with Paul Walker's hair....face....and maybe, no most definitely Paul's body.

7) JC with a mustache or Justin with a beard?

Justin with the FRO! lol


JC with crotchless panties.

chris with a buzzcut

Justin with the blonde FRO circa 1999

Neither. I HATE Jayce's chin stripe. Ew!

JC with a milky white type mustache and Justin with the full on beard of same substance. Hmm, perverse but sweet imagery. Should I be censoring this?

8) Chris bald or Joey with long hair?

Justin with the FRO!!! COME BACK FRO!!!

Chris bald, and shaving Joey to make a wig.

Chris bald.

joey w/ long hair

Chris bald, it's going to happen sooner or later

LMAO BexXx. Joey with long hair. i'm thinking a mullet.

I want Joey with the Waldo "do" from the beginning of Pop Oddessy. Chris could shave it bald, as long as I could make him show people who didnt believe he could still see enough to shave it.

9) Chris with a unibrow or JC with no eyebrows?

OUCH! lol

Justin, in the Conservatory with the lead pipe.

Hahahaha.. Chris with an unibrow.. we could call him unibrow like that scary lady from Austin Powers! Ahahaha.. *ahem*

lance w/ an eyebrow ring


HaHa! I'd pay $1.00 to see Jayce with no eyebrows.

I'll take that dollar all the way to CFTC. As long as Livi will hold him down for me. Doesn't Chris look enough like Bert already you cruel evil bitches?

10) Lance with a pot belly or a stick thin Joey?

ROFLMFAO *gasps for breath* Lance with a pot belly.

*Falls over laughing picturing A stick thin Lance with Joey's pot belly*

A.. what?

jc with a big ass

Doesn't Lance already have a potbelly?

I second that Mel! "I wanna ask yo momma where your butt be at."

A stick thin Joey. That way I KNOW I'm in no danger of ever having to take him ANYWAY.

11) JC with noticeable nose hair or Chris with noticeable ear hair?



LMAO. You're sick.


*hides in corner*

Ew! Neiter. But I'd like to be close enough to either of them to tell. :oX

Jen says if we move to colder climates JC could at least wear earmuffs. Do they make nosemuffs?

12) Justin with one tooth or Lance with one eye?

Lance with one eye. *sings* One eyed, wide ass, thrusting Mississippi eater... (Don't's very late at night)

How about Joey with a tooth in his eye? Huh? How bout DEM APPLES!?!??!

Coming this December.. Lance: The Cyclops Story.

joey with twelve heads

Justin with one tooth = Justin as trailer trash

*Lucky can't answer this due to her uncontrolable laughter at Olivia's response.

How about we remove the remaining tooth and let him go to town? No fear of ouchies anymore, and I've seen him work that tongue. Danger Will Robinson! DANGER! I'd chain him to my bed and be a walking jelly - legged mess for life.

13) Joey with an extra hand or Chris with an extra head?

Last thing Joey needs is an extra Chris with an extra head. He's good for a few laughs.

I am far too tired to be thinking like this...I'm going to dream of mutated Nsyncers.

Who's giving who head?

justin with a strap on

Joey doesn't need three hands, he does ENOUGH damage with two

If could do it, I'd be washing my brain out with soap right now because I just had some DIRTY THOUGHTS!

Joey could take his extra hand and work Chris' extra head. The sick visuals alone made me vomit and choke.

14) Food with Joey's saliva on it or a bandana with Justin's sweat on it?

Haven't enough girls already swapped saliva with Joey? J's bandana, hands down.

Does it have to be a SWEATY bandana? Cause that's kinda nasty...

J's bandana. Saliva is icky. Freak.

sorry, no diseases for me today please

Way to incite a teeny riot with J's bandana

That depends on 1. if I'm hungry, 2. what kind of food and 3. where was that bandana?

You people and your sick obsessions with forcing vomitous Joseph visuals into my psyche. I'm going to suffer severe sleep deprivation, go insane, and end up drooling on my straight jacket and pissing on the floor of my padded cell. I hope you can live with yourselves.

15) Chris' sweaty socks or Justin's sweaty sneakers?

Chris' socks if they are from Fumanskeeto.

What the HELL is the thing with sweat in this survey???

Justin's sneakers.

twelve monkeys

Bodily fluids are natural, but not something I should be thinking about

And a partridge in a pear tree! lol. (both. FaBreeze can take the smell out!)

I like ALF. I don't think he sweats.

16) Justin with a pierced eyebrow or Lance with a pierced nose?

Lance with a pierced nose. that would EVER happen.

LANCE with a Prince Albert. *snicker*

Lance with a pierced toe.

jc dressed up like a moulin rouge girl

a cross dressing Steve Fatone

LMAO Mel. Justin with a pierced tongue. (wink, wink)

Justin piercing me would be nice and stylish. Dontcha think?

17) Joey with a pierced tongue or JC with a pierced belly button?

C with a pierced belly. I don't wanna hear anymore about Joey and his tongue, saliva and what not.

Joey with his tongue pierced TO JC's belly button! ROFLMFAOOOOOOOOOO

I like cheese.

oh my god, joe w/ tongue ring. yes yes, please.

Can JC PLEASE get his tongue pierced? That could be…uhhh…fun ;-)


Your forcing Joey on me again. Feel the drip.

18) If your fave member had to get a tattoo(I know JC hates needles) of either a princess, fairy or a mermaid, which woud u pick?

JC probably won't get a tattoo, so I'm gonna go with J with a fairy...just like the one his plastic...I mean, Britney has.

Joey with a naked Princess. said fairy...

lance with a mermaid. it sounds so wrong it's gotta be right

Joey with ANYTHING naked

I'm with Mel. I thinkLance and Ariel!

JC with a tattoo of Justin's face superimposed over Mickey Mouse's. I can see him with the ears and white gloves. Hehehe. Wait, I fell outta the rabbit hole. Neither.

19) Joey in briefs or Justin in a thong?

I pick J in a thong. (Bex, I'd bring my camera.)

Justin? Thong? Mmm...where do I sign up?

Justin in crotchless panties.

lance in a g string

J + thong = I'm there

Me in Justin's thong!

Does no one care about my pain? Joey in Justin's thong. It's so obvious, it's brutal.

20) JC wearing a bra or Chris in thong?

JC wearing MY bra. (And make them kiss each other ROFL Bex!) JC wearing MY bra...that's funny. Reminds me of this picture:

Umm..."Now you...and you!" *LMAO Liv!* I'd have to go with the bra thing...

JC in crotchless panties.

no chris ass today por favor, mmkay

This is too much underwear for me.

Jayce wearing NOTHING!

The picture was too painful to comment. The question was answered professionally. Does anyone know a therapist brave enough to take me on?

21) Lance in briefs or Justin in a bra?

Lance in briefs. (And then take pictures... LMFAO Bex!)

How about this...LANCE in drag, tapdancing on the hood of a Chevy Nova?


did you know they make black panty liners now? cool

If Justin wants to wear bra, that's his thing, as long as I get to take it off. WITH MY TEETH

Mmmm. *drool* Both, in my room. ;o)

If Justin's wearing a bra, not a one of us females would ever be in his room. Nuff said.

22) What's the grossest thing you'd do to kiss your fave member?

Lemme get back to you...

Just for a kiss? Hmm...

Sometimes, when I'm alone, I relate to myself.

kissing one of them is probably unsanitary enough in itself

that's a hard one…let me get back to you. Think about it, will they want to kiss me after I do this thing?

Amen Mel! I'd touch Stever without gloves.

Feed Joey baby food peas. Then I'd get my kiss and commit suicide for escape from the horrible flashbacks.

23)Would you rather win Lance's boxers or Joey's briefs?

Lance's boxers...Lord only knows where Joe's briefs have been.

I'm with Liv on this one...I want NO PART of Joseph's briefs.


i almost caught lance's towel

no diseases for me. Lance is clean, I think

I'd rather just win Justin's %&^#$.

Double dildo.

24) Would you rather win Lance's cross or JC's leo necklace?

Lance's cross...cuz I helped pay for that. I'd actually like JC's necklace, but Lord knows the beatdown I'd get if I even tried to unclasp it from his neck.

I'd have to say JC's Leo necklace...for purely sentimental reasons...

JC backwards is CJ.

how bout i jutht win lanth. okay that thounds good.

I'm a Leo, he's a Leo. It's meant to be.

Lance's cross. I wouldn't wanna take that away from Jayce. Plus I hock the cross and pay for school.

I'd actually PAY to see what sort of spastic withdrawal symptoms would attack JC upon removal of that crusty old Lion. It may be embedded. Possibly non-removable at this point.

25) What's your dream date for meeting your fave member?

Orange cream coolers, cheetah print blankey, the jungle room, and a camera. ;)

Orange Cream Coolers and Jalapeno Poppers from Burger King...Then maybe shakin' our asses in a dirt lot in downtown Detroit.

crotchless panties.

meeting lance at The Dock or The Forum (Crazy 8 would do in a pinch), getting him really drunk, and then...... *sorry we're experiencing technical difficulties*

a Jersey boardwalk, rollercoaster, then, "under the boardwalk" *wink wink nudge nudge*

And date with any of them would be dreamy. *slaps self in face* Sorry teenie moment. (P.S. that was fun BexXx. Baby got back!)

I'd have to say getting Justin SLAMMED ASS DRUNK and trying to talk him onto the revolving dance floor at Mannequins Dance Palace. We'd have NJEF material for MONTHS.

26) If you had to eat ice cream off part of an *N Sync guy's body, what would it be;

JC's neck...

That sexy little indentation where the hip bone meets the pelvis...

off their crotchless panties.

lance's breasts, i mean.. chest

I love JC, and I'm not sure how "built" Wade is, so, Justin's pecs

Their lips. mmm... ice cream kisses.

Vin Diesel. He's too hot for ice cream. Ok, so maybe Vanilla Ice. Ick. No. Aj? What was the question again?

27) While you're kissing your fave member, would you rather have them:

Have them what? *thinks* OHHHHH....!!

Hell yes, I'd rather HAVE them than kiss them...

come again?

say wha?

I'm sorry, I am not fully qualified to answer this question

Ooh. No options?! I would rather make-out with Justin than my fave member (Sorry Chris, i luff you) and I'd have him all to myself! MUAH-HAHA!

Bare assed in blue paint screaming "I AM THE CHICKEN GOD!" hehehe becca.

28) If your fave member could sing you any *NSync song, what would it be and why?

The Chilis radio jingle. LMAO...okay, seriously. "That's the Way Love Goes" ;) Although, I'd really appreciate "Falling."

"Believe in yourself" from Sesame Street...And I want ELMO there too, Dammit...*Winks at Dia*

The Real Slim Shady.

i dont care. i really dont

The Meaty Cheesy Boys jingle. Nah, "Selfish"

Fallin. I <3 that song.

Justin singin, "Hush my darling, don't fear my darling, the lion sleeps tonight..." Whoa Nelly.

29) Do you think Chris or Joey looks better in sleeveless shirts?



I like when Justin grabs his crotch.




Q: What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend?
A: Wiped his ass.

30) Do you think Lance or JC look better in tight pants?

Umm...they both look hot in tight pants. But since Becca is giving me this knowing look, I'm gonna say JC.

I think JC has no I'm going with Lance.

Robin Hood: Men in Tights.



That's all I ahve to say about that.

I'm going to say Justin. Lance has no ass and JC's package could poke my eye out and I'd still maintain my position that he needs food. Ethiopians arent sexy. Unless you're Livi. LOL

31) Do you think Justin or JC look better in sleeveless shirts?


*Licks the screen*


skinny crack fiend arms suck

Do I need to choose??

Justin looks better in my arms! lol. I agree Mel. Both of them could use a sandwich.

With the release of the POP ODDESSY dvd I fully believe that Justin wears shirts entirely too often. Someone should tell him that's uncool.

32)Do you think Chris or Joey look better in tight pants?

No more tight pants questions...but, I gotta say that Chris looks hella sexy in chaps. *pulls out a twenty*

*STOPS licking the screen*

Ballerina's wear tights.


Chris + chaps = me drooling on floor

Joey. (Whoa singles! Calm down ladies.)

Q: What do a tornado, hurricane, and a redneck divorce have in common?
A: Somebody's fixin' to lose a trailer home.

33) Do you have any kind of weird fetish?

This is a random question...but in answer to it, I take Buddy with me everywhere I go now.

Yes...I like sock puppets...Dirty sock puppets who pull my hair and call me names...

Rub my butt.

i like that song dickey ride by the southern playas

Honestly, feet

Yes but I'm not telling... ;oÞ

I cannot for the life of me stop staring at Chris's one weird eye. Is that a fetish?

Part Three: Which would you choose?

1)Lance hanging from a ceiling fan with only one sock on or JC streaking?

Where is the sock placed? And where is JC running through?

Wow...that just gave me some images I didn't wanna think about...

Lance swinging from the ceiling fan, wearing a leapord print thong, while screaming "ME TARZAN. YOU JANE"

Oh my gosh!  Lance hanging from a ceiling fan.  Dingle dangle  *hint hint*.  *giggles*

Strategically placed sock, eh? JC naked, if he shaves his chest.

LMAO Julie. But where is the sock? (Lance is HOT!)

JC streaking? Whats the opposite program from Jenny Craig? I'd be making calls.

2)Joey in a whipped cream bikini or Justin covered in hot fudge?

Oh my...

*Licks the RIGHT side of the screen*

Mmm.. hot fudge.. Justin.. Mmm..

JC with bananas all over him

Justin and hot fudge, please stop tempting me.

Mmm! Justin.

Lemme explain something to you sick psychotic bitches. When handed both a nightmarish nasty visual and an incredibly sexy one, guess which one won't go away?

3)Chris with pink lipstick on or Lance wearing eyeliner?

Reverse that...see, Chris wears the eyeliner and Lance wears the lipstick. DUH!

Lance beating Chris' ass because he stole his lipstick and eyeliner...

I used to think pink lipstick was cool.

Doesn't Lance already wear eyeli... nevermind

Umm, I want to see something I've never seen before: JUSTIN NAKED

Haha BexXx! Lance wearing my lipstick. (wink wink) and Chris drawing on Joey with eyeliner! lol.

Chris with the lipstick on which head. And Lance wearing black to bring out his eyes, or blue to be feminine. See, specifics people. They're not just a convenience, they're a requirement for such twisted individuals as ourselves.

4)Would you rather see your fave member mowing the lawn naked or leaf blowing naked?

Leaf blowin...them suckers are mighty powerful. ;)

Is it a riding lawnmower? Is there an extra helmet?

doing the running man...naked.

Leaf blowing.  It's more suggestive.  Tee hee

leaf blowing. Geez

Vin Diseal already mows my lawn naked but Justin can blow my leaf any time!

Why would a naked leaf on a windy day turn me on? Aren't all leaves essentially "naked" ?

5)JC or Joey shirtless?



JC shirtless...wearing crotchless panties.


JC, if he shaved his chest

Lance. NASA has him ripped. And good Lordy he was FIONE at the Detroit show.

Q: How are men and parking spaces a lot alike?
A: The good ones are always taken and the rest are "handicapped."

6)Chris or Lance shirtless?



Lance shirtless...wearing a Mississippi thong.




Q: What should you do if your girlriend starts smoking?
A: Slow down. And possibly use a lubricant.

7)Justin or JC shirtless?

*screams* OJC!®


Justin naked.



Joey. lol.

This was so funny, I think we should revisit it.
Q: What should you do if your girlriend starts smoking?
A: Slow down. And possibly use a lubricant.

8)If your fave member had to sing you either a Britney or Christina song, which would it be and why?

JC singing a certain Christina Aguilera song, for sentimental reasons.

Joey and Chris doing a duet of "Genie In A Bottle" while Justin beat-boxes...

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


Wade, dancing Britney's whole tour...naked :-D

Lance and Joey singing Marvin Gaye's "Let's get it on" while Chris ad Jayce fan me with really big leaves and Justin gives me a lap dance. That's mah fantasy hot damn!

Justin singing both his and Britney's parts from the MMC version of "I'll Take You There". And he can't leave out that "disciplined child" rap either. Or the dancing arms. HEHEHEHE, giddy up.

9)What would you change on the *N Sync guys looks if anything?

Some of the stuff they wear....eeesh! =P Sorry Becca, but I luff C's hair. *looks at concert pics and basks in the glory that IS Jace's hair*

I would run a lawn-mower through C's hair first off...then I'd scream in ALL their faces, "IF ANY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WEARS ANOTHER ANIMAL PRINT ANYTHING...I WILL PERSONALLY TEAR IT OFF YOUR BODY..." wow...not such a bad thought...

I'm like a bird. I wanna fly away.


Justin's attitude

I'd give Jayce and Justin some sandwiches. They're too thin!! And I'd bring back my FRO! And Chris' lil chin horns would have to go!

Joey in it's entirety.

10)Would you rather see Joey in a thong or the rest of the guys naked?

Rest of the guys nekkid!


If you wanna touch my butt...just say so.

Bumble Bee Tuna

Rest of the guys naked, for the love of a higher power, I LIKE MY VISION!


I cannot believe the horrible things one would do to a friend. Whoever wrote this damned survey had better email me. More than one of you? Well then I guess you'll be splitting the psych ward bill. And I can take ALOT of aspirin so get a second job NOW.

11)Lance in briefs or JC fully clothed?

JC fully clothed. *thinks about the stuff he's been wearing lately* Umm...scratch that. I choose Lance in briefs, solely because "JC nekkid" was not one of my choices.

JC fully clothed IN Lance's briefs!

Lance in briefs.

JC, anyway I can take him.

Lance! Dayum he's fine. *stares @ concert pics*

How about JC "briefly" fully clothed? Why wasn't this an option?

12)Would you eat live slugs to kiss your fave member?

Probably not. =P

No...because then I would not expect him to kiss me...

No...No I would not.


I wouldn't eat live slugs if you paid me a billion dollars and told me that Wade was my personal slave.


Slugs. A healthy part of this nutritional breakfast. Are you frackin ripped?!?

13)If you were in charge of dressing your fave member for a day, what would you make him wear?

Why would I want to dress him at all? ;)

Bunny ears...(Don't ask!)

crotchless freakin' panties.

see previously aforementioned Moulin Rouge reference

Mos def, nothing.

Me. :oX

Everything that it is even REMOTELY possible that I have paid for. In Florida. In the heat. All at once. With a smile. Oh, and shiny purple lipstick. I ruff J-Rat.

14)Would you rather win Chris' chain or Joey's superman necklace?

Chris' chain.

I want them both!

Joey's superman necklace.

Hahahaha.  You said chain.  *cough*

Chris' chain

Chris chained to Joey.

Joey chained to CHris' hometown railroad.

15)Would you rather win a lock of Lance's hair or Justin's fingernail clipping?

Either...I could sell that stuff on e-bay and pay my tuition for next semester.

Lance's hair...fingernails are gross...even if they DO come from those long-ass fingers Justin's got on him...*Fantisizes*

fingernail clipping.. thats really nasty.. I'll take Lance's hair.

Wance's hair

Justin's French toast

Where is the hair coming from... Ew, neither!

Justin moves, adjusts, grabs, and holds his package and his ass far too often in public fully clothed. Makes you wonder what he does to himself alone in his underwear. He can keep his fingernails. All of them. Preferably intact.

16)Would you rather peck kiss Joey on the cheek or kiss JC on the lips?

JC on the lips...YAY BUDDY!®

Liv is SUPPOSED to be a Lance fan...*The truth will set you freeeeeeeeeeee!*

fe fi fo fum.

It's not snowing here right now


Joey. I luff him.

Home, home on the range. This question is undeniably too retarded to answer. It's not snowing here either, but I'm doing the Indian Rain Dance as we speak. Keyboard taped to my ass, and I'm typing without looking, using only one toe. Visualize that one.

17)If you and your fave member were dating, what song would you want to be "your song" with your favorite member?

"Thank You In Advance" Boyz II Men

"I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred

Josh Weiner.

Bootylicious or Shake that Ass

"I Finally Found Someone" by Barbra Streistand and Bryan Adams

"The bad touch" by the Bloodhound Gang. ]:o)

Grr. Hot Monkey Love. But I want Britney to remake it. Justin and I making out to Hot Monkey Love as sung by Britney Spears. hehehe.

18)If your fave member could say one sentence about you on TV, what would you want him to say?:

"Liv...I luff you, sweetheart!"

"And DAMN can she give blow jobs!"...okay, cause that was Naughty...=X

"Julie has crotchless panties and I don't see anything wrong with that. I want to touch her butt"

"Mel is the kindest, sweetest girl I've ever met in my entire life and I'm not lettin' this one go."

"And this one time, at dance camp, Alli…" - Wade J. Robson

"Will you marry me?" (can i get a collective "aw"?!)

"I, Justin Randall Timberlake, solemnly swear I will never sue you or force you to testify for/against me in a court of law."

19)If you could be anyone affiliated with N Sync for a day, who would you be?(you can't choose to be a member of N Sync):

Wade...I could make them do pelvic thrusts, floor humping, and stage licking for me all day.

Busta! What can I say? I like kibble... I could break his camera.

Baby Brianna so I could look at them through a COMPLETELY different perspective.

MASSAGE THERAPIST, hot, oily bodies, with my hands on them.

WADE! Cuz i'd get to dance with him. ("No no Lance, bed all the way over. Uh-huh like that. Now Justin com'ere. You get private lessons today.")

Head of wardrobe. I'd pass up the chance to rub sweaty oily bodies for the chance to end my personal humiliation at the hands of their stylists. Aside from that, Joey's personal assistant. By the end of that day, he wouldn't know who the hell he was or where the hell he was anymore. But the bill collector's and the IRS would. Maybe the mafia too. Hmm, and every back alley loan shark this side of the Mississippi. Hehehe.

20) If you could be any N Sync member for a day, who would you be and why?:

JC...because he can write songs and I can't. All those years of band, piano lessons and music theory didn't do a damn thing for me. I'd love to see his creative process.

Honestly? Chris...I would love to get into his mind and see how he thinks...

Chris...I wanna be funny like Chris.

Justin so I could see how it feels to be a cocky son of a bitch and not care about how arrogant I come off.

JC, I want his inspiration

Chris. He rocks so hard. And then I could be extra funny.

Joey, and I'd quit and move to a monastery. Or some remote country thats mostly desert and no women. Just lots of camels.

21)What food would you say describes your fave member and why?

Orange cream coolers. *smacks lips*

I don't know what kind of food it is...but it's naked and sweaty!


Greens.  :o)



Ramen noodles. Frosted cheerios. FRUIT FRACKEN LOOPS. And lots of Wheaties.

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