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Answer Me This

You people make it so easy for us. Here's a survey made and sent by YoungLPrincess.

Here's a key so you know who's who:

Lucky's comments will be in pink
Olivia's comments will be in blue
BexXx's comments will be in green
Mel's comments will be in yellow
Alli's comments will be in red
Julie's comments will be in purple
Tabz's comments will be in orange

1) How far would you go with Chris?

How far can a tank of gas get us?

How far would his one-week paycheck get us? lol

5.4 miles...

*thinks* Far is subjective. Far to you may not be that far to me, but then we see and may agree that far is a matter of perspective, you see? So normally, I'd oblige and be, happy to answer this question undoubtedly, but then I defer to my previous's all subjective, dearie.

I think I would go to Kalamazoo...just cause I think he and I would have fun there....

2) If your favorite member had a hairy butt would you sleep with them?

I wouldn't sleep with any of them. Reguardless.

I'm not so shallow, so I think I'd be able to look past that and get it on.

If my favorite member had a hairy butt...I would...well...yes...I'd still sleep with him! lmao

Once, again, "sleeping" with someone is subjective. :o) Are we talking boinky-boinky or just sleeping in the same bed? But to answer your question....maybe....if it was cold enough.

Umm..I mean hairy asses are unattractive, but I mean, if we were in love and in a committed relationship, then, I mean, why not? We could always have a fun day and Nair it off later.

3) Would you make them shave it first?

wax. ::evil girn::

Oooh. Little S&M question there. ;)

*Pictures my favorite member of Nsync shaving his own ass. Falls over laughing hysterically*

In the words of Leon Phelps: "Yeah, thath jutht dithguthtin'"

Nair it baby, or Nads...I just like to say Nads...

4) Would you shave it for them?

ewwwww no.


No, but I might gnaw it off...

Geez? Who do I look like? Steve? Trace? I'm not their bitch.

I'm with Mel...I mean, come on, I'm not Jiggalake's mom, I don't wipe and/or shave their asses.

5) How would you handle J.C.'s crack problem?

Classical Conditioning with some desensitization in the mix. (AP Psych! ::raises roof::)

If he HAD a problem, his ass would be sent straight to rehab. Tough love.


Make him wear high-waisted boxer briefs and make sure he never bends over?

I'd hold his hand, and tell him that I'm sending him up the fuckin' river. No, I don't know. I'd tell him, either it's me or the drugs, then flush his stash down the toliet while he's locked in the bedroom contemplating his answer.

6) If you were dating Justin how would you handle Britney calling all the time?

She wouldn't call all the time. ;o)

Don't you mean Christina calling with all her diva demands for their tour?

I'd change the number...

ROFL, you obviously don't know me, because if you did, you'd know I would NEVER date Justin. Bahahahahaaha.

I'd take her to lunch, and go shopping with her, and borrow her clothes, and starti calling her all the time. Pretty soon, she'd be sick of me, knowing I come along with the Justin package. I don't know, I just love Britney.

7) Would you allow Joey to eat in bed?

heehee... ::dirty thoughts::

*hands Lux can of whipped cream*

Fine with me...I'm not going anywhere near Joey and a bed anyway.

Eat what? Triscuit crackers? No. Jelly beans? Yes.

Something that involves crumbs? No. I don't like to roll around in others' filth. To me, that's just NOT a turn on.

8) What do you think of Lance's Adam's Apple?

I don't. I don't see the big deal.

Haven't we been over this already? It's a BOULDER, he has a boulder stuck in his throat.

I'd like to take a big bite out of it...okay, I just disgusted myself...

Okay all this talk of food is making me hungry.

Hairy asses and food here, people? What are you doing to me???

9) What would you do to meet NSYNC?

go to a concert. lol. I'm no a stalker. Although I would go to BOFF's house.

Ditto. And FYI, BOFF's house is the shiznit.

I would sell my soul to the boyband fairy

Well, probably nothing. Seeing as how I did nothing to meet Joey. I happened to run into him at a hotel before I was even a fan of the group. So I suppose I'll try the non-seeking approach since it's worked so well thus far.

Probably nothing. I mean I'd sell my soul to the devil, and Justin would probably run me over with his vehicle du jour, so I mean I'd rather skip the trip to the hospital and go about my merry way.

10) What is the nastiest thing you would do to spend the night with one of the guys?

touch Stever.

Touch Stever while he's wearing that FUGLY lime green shirt.

Touch Stever while NOT wearing gloves.

Uhm, use a mud mask on my face?

I think spending a night with any one of them would be pretty nasty knowing their track records.

11) What two of the guys would you sleep with at the same time?

lol. Chris, Joey & I could have a slumber party. it would be fun! We can paint eachothers toenails, braid hair, gossip about Lance, and crank call Justin @ 4am. ::snicker::

JC and Chris.

Justin and Bob the Builder.

Okay, why do I feel like I'm being interviewed for a porn video?

I'm with Mel once again, what's the next question? "What position would you use with which guy, and why?"

12) What's the stupidest thing you've heard Justin say?

OH the possibilities! I'll go with... "these pants are so tight, it's like I'm having sex with myself!" LMFAO. That CRACKS me up.

"I make miracles happen! I don't know what the hell I just said!" Check that ego, bitch.

Justin doesn't say stupid things...Justin is perfect...*Chokes on her M&M's*

"Yeah, I-I was beat interrupted me with th-"

"I'm not old enough to go ca-lubbin'" I mean he's Justin from *NSYNC, who's NOT going to let you in?

13) Do you think Justin knew Britney was a hoe when he got with her?

Britney's not a hoe. YOU'RE a hoe beeyoch!

Did *NSYNC sell 2.4 million copies of NSA in the first week?

I never knew Britney was a garden tool...

Britney's not a ho, she just wanted to play with fire. And she did a good job seeing as how she had sex with the devil.

I think Britney's not a ho, GEEZ, she was a virgin before Justin. I think whoever wrote this has a Brit complex...

14) What would you lick off Joey's stomach?

Whipped Cream. Yum yummy!



I'll go with "Things I'd Never Do in a Million Years for 200", Alex.

I'm going to say, that if you paid me a million dollars, and gave me everything I wanted for the rest of my life, I still wouldn't put my tounge in the same vicinity as Joey's stomach.

15) If you could tie up Lance what would you do to him?

Poke him with a stick and force him to say "Let's get it on" in that sexXxy voice of his over & over.

I would simply enjoy tying him up. ;)

This is a family site...I can't say that in public...

Ooh! *Claps and giggles.* I'd carry him around wif me and show him to evwybody and say "Lookie what IIII found!"

I'd tickle him with a feather saying, "tell me about how you rode the bull again. PLEASE TELL ME"

16) Would you let Chris cook for you?

YES! I'd love that. Seriously I would. lol.

I second that!

Chris cooks? Or is that the irony of the question?

Sure, as long as it's vegetarian.

As long as I got to supervise and make sure he wasn't putting anything weird like pork in it

17) Which two NSYNC members would you like to see fight over you?

Justin & Chris. those 2 are hilarious together. I'm sure 'd piss myself laughing @ them. And then I'd go makeout with Lance. NASA does a body GOOD! rawr.

JC growls when he's angry (ie: "The Game is Over") and that's sexay, and Chris would crack me up. Humor is sexay.

Justin and Bryan Adams.

SteveR and Wade.

Wade, and...well..Wade can fight with his scary multiple personalities

18) Which would you rather have, a sweaty shirt that Joey had on for three days or a pair of J.C.'s underwear that he had on for three days?

UNDERPANTS! lol. Do you have any idea how much I could make off those on Ebay?! Tuition would be NO problem then!

Like JC would have underwear on for three days. Isn't he the one that doesn't wear the same pair of underwear more than once on tour, and hates laundry enough to throw out the old and buy new instead? lol

I would take neither thank you...I'm trying to quit my smelly shirt habit...and JC's butt sweat somehow does NOT appeal to me.

Okay, I'm not a fan of stinky men. Although my friend and I got into a cat fight with a woman over Lance's sweaty towel at the NSYNC concert in Jackson. Ahhh, good times, good times.

I don't like the smell of sweat. I think that would be gross to have either. I mean COME ON...

19) Who would you shower with?

a rummber ducky.


JC and Liv.

Mr. Clean.

Ummm...myself? And my poof?

20) Who most needs the shower?

Kevin of BSB

LMAO@Lux! Based on your answer about touching Stever, I thought you'd have said him.

Brad Pitt.

Wade. He needs to wash some of dem sins away, hallelujah!

Right now? Me

21) Would you be like the fans that follow their tour bus across the country?

The Whinnie girls? Nope. I'd rather be an NJEF girl!

Amen to that. But, I have to say that EF girls (past and present) collectively have logged a lot of cross-counrty travel in the US and Canadia.

I travelled on a bus for three days to see Steve once...

I'd rather fly back to Paris.

I don't have that kind of money, and plus, like when was the last time they toured? Two years ago? I'll hold my breath for the next tour.

22) What is the stupidest joke you've heard Chris tell?

he never tells stupid jokes. They're ALL funny because CHRIS told them. So there!

They're purposely stupid, which is why they're funny!

I'm trying to think...have I ever heard Chris tell a joke???

Although it's not a joke, the whole "look man it's a fu-man skeeto" is pretty friggin stupid.

I dont know, I haven't committed everything Chris ever said to memory so I can't really have an accurate and precise meter of the stupidity of Chris' being.

23) Do you think Lance was a woman?

No but Jayce is. See...

Yeah, isn't he HOT? lol ;)

FLAMING hot, Liv.

Not with a voice like that.


24) What would Lance have to do to get you to sleep with him?

ask me.



Marry me. Or get me really drunk. Is there a difference?

Nothing, cause I don't want to sleep with him?

25) Would you strip dance for all of the guys?


Sure...but I'd enjoy it more if Chris stripped those chaps for me. *cues "The Stripper" and busts out dolla dolla billz*

Only if it didn't involve taking my clothes off...

Ask Wade, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

Put enough liquor in me and I'll strip for the world...

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