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Teenies Are Bad

Okay, I understand that because I work on a largely read website, I tend to get a lot of email and IM's. And while I like hearing from people, it's absolutely AGGREVATING when people act stupid. I have a classic example right's New Year's Eve and I'm minding my own business and Argh! The screen names have been changed to protect the idiotic (and you thought we were mean.) Everything that I was thinking will be in the color orange.

IMakeNoSense: hi
NsyncJadedOJC: Hello. Cool! A reader! Nobody IM's much anymore.
IMakeNoSense: waz shakin my bacon ?????
NsyncJadedOJC: Not too much.
IMakeNoSense: kool
IMakeNoSense: im just tworkin That's cool. *yawn*
IMakeNoSense: happy new year
NsyncJadedOJC: Thanks! Same to you! I really did mean that. Wouldn't pass down a holiday where alcohol is involved. lol
IMakeNoSense: yuppers
IMakeNoSense: who are you
IMakeNoSense: cuz i dont you Excuse me? Why the HELL would you IM me FIRST if you don't have any idea who I am? *looks up her profile* She has none...and neither do I, so she HAS to have some of idea of who I am. Bitch.
NsyncJadedOJC: I work at the website Everybodys Free [to make fun of nsync]
IMakeNoSense: i like nsync Yeah, me too!
IMakeNoSense: itz not nice to make fun of them *SNORT* ROFLMMFAO!
NsyncJadedOJC: *shrugs* They don't take themselves too seriously. And they really aren't as innocent as everyone makes them out to be.
IMakeNoSense: ya
IMakeNoSense: justin isnt a virgin Ya think?
IMakeNoSense: yup!yup
IMakeNoSense: r u ignorein me Okay, so you instant message ME first and wish me a "happy new year!" so I think you're a reader or something. Then you ask who I am cuz you don't know me. DUH. Why did you IM me then? Then when I tell you I work for a humor site, you declare it's not nice to make fun of them. Now you have the nerve to ask "Are you ignoring me?" Damn straight I am!
NsyncJadedOJC: No, I get a lot of IM's on here because of the site.
She came back about two hours later. *RE*

IMakeNoSense: hola chica *groan* Not again...
NsyncJadedOJC: Hello.
IMakeNoSense: wazzzzzzup
NsyncJadedOJC: Having a drink. Might as well start the celebration early. *shrugs*
IMakeNoSense: ohhhhhh DUUUUUUH!
IMakeNoSense: bad gurl
IMakeNoSense: im tworkin it if ya know what i mean Actually, I didn't need to know...and didn't WANT to. But whatEVER floats yer boat.
NsyncJadedOJC: Drinking isn't bad.
IMakeNoSense: well if ur under agi it is Oh really?
NsyncJadedOJC: I'm not.
IMakeNoSense: oooooo
IMakeNoSense: i am Gee, I never would have guessed! *RE*
NsyncJadedOJC: Ah...well, then don't go drinking until you're legal. brb
NsyncJadedOJC: I have a phone call.
IMakeNoSense: ya!
IMakeNoSense: o awesome
Auto response from NsyncJadedOJC: I am on the phone right now.
IMakeNoSense: so do i!
IMakeNoSense: im callin u That would be called STALKING.
IMakeNoSense: OMG
IMakeNoSense: GREAT AND DANDY Great and dandy? WTF?

And then I put her ass on block. =P

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