Subj: (no subject)
i appreciate that you and the others would take time to updates everyday.
Date: 4/6/02 9:32:22 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Just4Ems
To: NsyncJadedOJC
Subj: Freedback
Just4Ems: hi
Just4Ems: i think your site is really funny
NsyncJadedOJC: Thanks. :)
Just4Ems: yeah, everything keeps me laughing on everybody's free, nothing's corny
NsyncJadedOJC: lol...that means a lot. It's a challenge trying not to redo or play out the same old stuff.
Just4Ems: that's what makes a good humor site
Just4Ems: originality and creativity plus alot of effort
NsyncJadedOJC: Yeah...I"ve been trying to find a decent Site of the Month for two months...and it's just really hard. A lot of sites are recycling the same old jokes...some of the ones that Brit started.
Just4Ems: hope you find one soon
NsyncJadedOJC: Me too. lol
Date: 4/6/02
Subj: Freedback
Katie27360: Hey Olivia! I just figured I would drop a line to you just to say how much I love the site. You and the other girls do such a great job. I've been a fan since way back in the Lou days (Ewww...Lou *shudder*). Keep up the good work!
NsyncJadedOJC: Thanks! :)
Katie27360: You are very much welcome. :-)
Date: 4/6/02
Subj: Everyone's Free
No clue where to start so will jump in and hope for divine intervention as translation.
Having no earthly idea how I came across you, I won't thank that person, instead I;'ll thank my friend Holly, who does so many nice things for me but never gets thanked enough. Thanks Hol!
Okay, so after getting to you, by way of Star Fleet navigation or some such, I spent a delightful meander through your pages, or at least the ones I understood. ( can I buy a vowel please?) and cemented my removal from the All Thing Lady club by snorting at your pictorial commenting. And I only read a few pages, I'm sure with more time, a big rag, and the rest I could manage to get my self locked up somewhere for Public Lewdness. Always good to have goals.
MY new goal is to get others to look at me the way my friends and family do now, with that kind of sad knowledge that somewhere, inside is what used to be a somewhat sane individual who has just gone over the edge into the dark side. They shake their heads and talk in hushed tones. I think your site is just the place to help me achieve it! Pick up the banner and march!
On towards the battle and victory.....
Whatever the hell you are on, keep taking it!
Date: 4/10/02 12:53:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time
To: NsyncJadedOJC
~ Karey
Subj: No Doubt!
I just wanted to tell you I got the posters (they
rock) I ordered (a long ass time ago actually). It
seems school has been an ass. Hate finals and
research papers!
I just wanted to tell you to have fun at the No Doubt
concert and yell some sexually obscene things at Tony
(i.e. that you wanna lick him; consult Ludicris'
lyrics if unsure how to go about that one). Besides
JC, I've always loved Tony. He is too fine. Rarrrr!
Date: 4/10/02 12:58:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Hey Anisa! Glad you dug your posters, and yes...finsals and research papers suck! lol...I had a blast at the No Doubt show. I totally agree with you...Tony is sexay! =D --Liv
Subj: good job
Date: 4/13/2002 3:32:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time
To: NsyncJadedOJC
Hi this is Nikki, Tabz friend and co-editor on the seemingly defunct Jokes on Juju. I haven't been on the net for awhile, but I'm glad to see you guys are going strong. I'm also glad to see my pop review is still Anyway, congrads on the 3 year anniversary.
Subj: Submissions for Everybodys Free
I'm a long running fan of the site and I just wanted to send
you girls a little note. I think you guys are doing a great
job with EF and the updating every day during the month long
celebration kicks total ass. I have a few humor stories that I
wrote a couple of years ago that are odd, but my friends and I
think they're funny in a cracked out sort of way. Feel free to use them if you'd
like. If not, I totally understand. I'll still be a fan of
the site. Keep up the good work!
Date: 4/14/02 6:16:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (Moira Chasez)
Thanks again for your submission, Moira. In case some of you missed it, we used her story, Justy and the Beast.
Subj: hey!
i've been a fan of *NJEF since the first year or something like that (i have
the memory span of a goldfish) and i just wanted to say that i think the
site totally kicks ass! omg, that 'a day in the life of steve' had me
crackin up. its 3:30 in the morning so i laugh at everything, but that
seriously had me laughin so hard i thought i was gonna fall over. lol, oh,
and when joey was on trl the other day, did u notice that he said "..and
lance has got his headS in the clouds"? LMAO now we all know joey dont
always say things right, but me with my sick little mind took that
COMPLETELY the wrong way.
hmm...its 3:45 now and brain has just decided to shut down for the night so
im gonna go, but i jus had to say that the site rocks (before i forgot).
keep up the good work! :)
Date: 4/22/02 3:57:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (Stephanie)
Subj: I hate subject lines. No, that's not the subject, I just hate 'em.
Okee, lessee here...I do believe that I was going to write about the Chris
Calender and it said that Liv (who I am assuming is Olivia, whose e-mail
this had better be) made it...or helped with it...or something...anyway, my
compliments on the calender of hotness. A picture for eeeeeeeeeevery month
of the year...I wish I could steal the calender. I'm a little dot happy
today... dot dot dot ... anyway, the site is the tiger sez
it...grrrrrrrrrreat...yeah...okay. I guess that's it.
Oh, and if you wonder about my e-mail address, no, I wasn't smoking anythign
when I came up with it.
Date: 4/22/02 4:00:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (Maureen)
Subj: Feedback
MSKTR: HI! wanted to tell you how much I like you NSync humor site!! I laugh myself silly over the picture captions!!
NsyncJadedOJC: lol...thank you.
MSKTR: You bet!! :o)
Date: 4/23/02
Subj: Joey on TRL
Thank you for writing about Joey's visit to TRL on 4-17-02. Why is it that every time I decide not to tape TRL, that's the day one of them shows up? (I tried before to tape it every day but I can only take so much Carson - bah!) All I had heard before is that he cleared up some rumors, but nothing specific. Oh, the real reason for this note? Tasslecrotch!?! Gawd, you've outdone yourself on that one! I keep cracking up and my throat is so sore- you're killing me! Ow Ow!! Stop! LMAO!
Take care,
Date: 4/24/02 11:53:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (kamari)
Hi Kathy! I know what you mean about the TRL thing. EVERY time I decide not to watch, they're like, there! My friend actually taped it, so that's how I saw it. And that Tasselcrotch nickname for Jayce...I can't take credit for that. Nikki (from the Joke's on JuJu) contributed her "Pop" Review, and she named him that because of those tassles hanging from his pants. LOL
Subj: Not Hate Mail
Hi (yeah original right) any way I wanted to say I absolutely love your site. It's really the funniest I have seen in a long time. The only question I wanted to ask is Why do you constantly refer to Jc as a crack ass and a wife beater. yeah yeah I know the never ending jokes about the drugs any one who goes to any humor site hears that one but I was really just curious about the other, don't worry this ain't hate mail and I'm not a rabid fan (wiping foam from my mouth!!! ) But From what I have seen from your site you have meet the guys or at least some of them and their family so where did that joke start from.
PS (whispering) I promise not to tell any one.
Your fan,
Date: 4/26/02 7:55:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Screensyren
To: NsyncJadedOJC
Subj: The "Mississippi" syndrome continues .....
Date: 4/28/2002 3:33:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Friskablefriek
To: NsyncJadedOJC
Hey there :)
Don't know if you, or which of the editors would care the most or laugh the most at this, but just to inform one and all ... Lance struck again ;)
I was at work, minding my own business when someone announced that NSync was on the radio ... they were making an appearance on John Garabidien's nationally broadcast radio show ... woooooo for them :)
Anywho, I was half listening on a break, when I heard John say something about Lance going to space, blah, blah, blah ...
Then ... he struck ...... in the midst of everyone making comments, you hear that smooth-ass bass voice say "Well, I came from Mississippi" ..... as if THAT itself is enough of an explanation for why he might be going to space ..... lmao
Of course, I start cracking up, leaving many of my co-workers wondering about my mental condition .....
Just thought I should pass on the information :)
Sarah ... a fellow Michigan chick *K-zoo!!* ... don't ask, I think it's somethin' in the water on this side of the state ;)
Subj: Reedback
chibastbaby: wonderful job on the site...congrats..i love it
chibastbaby: happy 3 year
NsyncJadedOJC: Thanks
chibastbaby: no prob man. yall are doin great...i was so happy someone took over when brit left
NsyncJadedOJC: Glad someone is. lol
chibastbaby: i am... man yall are funny as hell
chibastbaby: and um since yall are keeping trach of wether or not steve says friend got a what out of him
NsyncJadedOJC: Haha.
chibastbaby: shes was like "i havnt talked to you in forever!!!"
chibastbaby: and he said what..then shut up
NsyncJadedOJC: That's steve for ya.
chibastbaby: lol
chibastbaby: yeah
NsyncJadedOJC: It takes him a second to realize...I don't know this person.
chibastbaby: LOL
Date: 4/29/02