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Chapter 13 – Moe... or Kitty?
Brittany is in green.
Jen is in blue.
Kate is in purple.
Eric sat smiling, a goofy grin plastered on his face. "LAAAAAAAAAAAA." He sang while flapping his arms in the air like a bird.

"Laaaaaa." Tommy returned Eric's note in perfect harmony.

"Enough with your mating calls", Danny scowled, "I want some pork. Where's the pig?" Tommy shrugged, drank his can of beer, crushed it on his head and belched. Eric laughed in a loud, drawn out manner and flapped his arms more.

"HIGH HIGH, IIIIIIIIIIII just wanna fly! Put your arms around me baby..." Eric stood up and prepared to jump from the chair.

Danny blocked his way. "Not until you tell me where Ricky and Moe are!" Eric frowned and pointed to the back room. Danny took off for the Den of Sin and Eric leaped from the seat, hitting his head on the roof of the bus and knocking himself out again.

"Don't you know silly boy, Ostrich's don't fly. We learned that on Double Dare!” Tommy stated, looking up at his framed bumblebee costume with a smile. He then pushed Eric to the side and headed back to where Danny stood pounding on the door to the back room.

"Let me in you little shit!” Danny screamed in anger.

In the back room...

Ricky sat with Moe cradled in his arms, tears falling from his eyes and streaming down his checks. "This is the end Moe! My little baby is going to be in the bellies of my bandmates soon." Ricky continued to cry as Danny's yelling and banging got more persistent. "I hope Tommy finds a way to save us." Just then a light bulb clicked on inside Ricky's little head. "I'll make you a cat!" Ricky put Moe in the seat and ran around the back room trying to find anything that could become a cat costume and disguise his pet.

As Danny broke down the door his eyes shifted quickly around the room. "Where is he?!" he screamed. Tommy stumbled in behind him, another beer in his hand. Winking at Ricky he nearly spit out the alcohol he has just consumed. Resting on one of the couches was Moe. He was clothed in one of Danny's fur coats, a headband with cat ears was placed with love on the piggy, and attached to the short curly tail was one of Eric's socks.

"A cat." Ricky smiled mechanically and pointed to Moe.

"I see the damn cat, but where's the pig you BITCH!" Danny snarled.

Still smiling Ricky shrugged. "Lalalalala, I don't know."

In frustration Danny punched Ricky in the head, cutting his hand on the glass that still stuck out of the side. "You bastard!" He screamed, fighting back tears. Storming out of the room, Danny tripped over Eric, who lay sprawled out in the front of the bus. "Will someone DO something about him?" Danny yelled, kicking Eric then crawling into his bunk. Moments later a shit covered NSYNC pillow flew out and hit Eric’s still passed out body in the head. It was followed seconds later by a shit covered NSYNC T-Shirt, which also landed on Stretch. "I HATE YOU ALL!" Danny screeched, yanking his curtains closed.

Chapter 14 - New - Humor