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Chapter 14 – Ricky Seeks Advice
Brittany is in green.
Jen is in blue.
Kate is in purple.
Feeling compassion, Tommy winked one last time at Ricky. "Good thinkin'." He said, exiting the room with a shake of his ass. He went to the bunk area to comfort Danny. "Don't worry, Danno, we're on our way to lunch now, we can have pig for dinner," he whispered into his bandmates bunk.

"Really?" Danny asked pulling back the curtain and wiping away his tears.

"Yes." Tommy said, grabbing another beer and crawling into the bunk to spoon with Danny.

After a few minutes, Tommy was startled by something small hitting him above the eye. It was followed immediately by another small object whizzing in the bunk and hitting his side. “What the FUCK!” He screamed, ripping open the curtains to reveal Eric standing there, his hand and mouth full of marbles.

“Msjhdhfs gwydjcnc sdforefdsl”, Eric exclaimed, as he loaded a marble into his fingerpal and shot it in a slingshot like fashion, bouncing it off Tommy’s nose.

“Retard!!”, Tommy yelled, grabbing his nearby beer can and hurling it at Eric’s stomach. The tall boy grinned a marble-filled smile before spitting all the marbles into Tommy’s face and doing a jig to the back of the bus. In frustration, Tommy punched Danny in the back of the head, waking him up.

Ricky, deep in conversation on his galpal, did not notice Eric enter the Den of Sin, where he sat petting his "cat." "Is Hondo there?" he asked his mother, hoping his older brother would have advice for him.

“Hondo! It’s Shitface, “ his mother yelled. “And make it fast, I’m waiting for someone IMPORTANT to actually call,” she added as Hondo picked up the phone and said hello to his brother.

“Hondo! I need your help. The guys are trying to steal Moe and eat him for dinner. What should I do??”

“The power, my brother, is in the pickle.” Hondo stated in a monotone voice, “That is all you need to know. I am Hondo.” Ricky again heard the familiar dial tone, as he stared at his phone with confusion.

The silence was broken when Eric began singing loudly, “Ricky Ricky bo bicky, banana fanna fo ficky, ee eye oh icky, RICKY!” He finished his song and leapfrogged Ricky. The boypal took the opportunity to let out some frustration and bopped both Eric’s kneecaps with his galpal.

“You little shitface bastard!” Eric screamed, jumping up to chase him. Ricky grabbed Moe and hauled ass from the Den of Sin, straight into Danny and Tommy who were about to enter the room.

“Uh oh,” Danny said with a sinister laugh, “Looks like your time is up.... MOE!” He pointed at the pig and continued laughing.

“B-b-but.. how did you know?” Ricky questioned aloud. “The only one in this group smart enough to know it was Moe and not a cat is Tommy...”, he added, looking at the smiling frolicious man. “I thought you were on my side.. YOU BETRAYED ME!!”, Ricky squealed.

“Yes.” Tommy answered, shaking his head.

Ricky dropped to the ground and ran under Danny’s legs towards the front of the bus. Danny grabbed him by his shirt collar, and was about to grab Moe when suddenly Starr and Tony pulled away from each other and looked up from their steamy, over 3 hours long, makeout session.

“Bus just stopped, time to eat!” A lipstick covered Tony exclaimed, standing up and pushing Ricky ahead of him, his large body separating Ricky from the BossHogs as they exited the bus once again.

To Be Continued…

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