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Chapter 2 - The Beginning Of The End For Moe
Brittany in green.
Jen in blue.
Kate in purple.
"Tommy? Tommy wake up." Rolling over in anger Tommy batted Ricky in the head with his empty 40 bottle. "Ouch!" Ricky said, his mechanical smile never leaving his pretty face.

"Did that hurt?" Tommy's compassionate side took over and he reached for a No Authority sticker to bandage his bandmate. Slapping the sticker onto Ricky's head Tommy noticed a piece of glass from the 40 protruding from BoyPals' flowing mane. "This will make for a good laugh." Tommy thought to himself, not bothering to point it out to Ricky.

"Oh Tommy!" Ricky's singsong voice interrupted TMcC's thoughts. "Danny gave me a No Authority sticker already for this!" Still smiling, Ricky produced his wounded hand in Tommy's face. The curly froed beast growled. Quickly Tommy ripped the NA sticker from BoyPals' head, taking a large chunk of hair along with it. At the same time he reached under his pillow and grabbed a very worn and well-used porno magazine. Before Ricky had a chance to react, Tommy had slapped the entire magazine onto Ricky's head - the sharred glass making a nice holding post. "Thanks Tommy! You're the best!" Ricky reached out to hug Tommy only to be greeted with the bunk curtains in his face. "Too bad." Ricky laughed. "Even the most beautiful people need their beauty sleep."

Skipping towards the back room BoyPal was thoroughly happy to have the friends he did. When he opened the door he was immediately noticed by Danny. For the first time ever the silent skater was showing emotion AND interest in BoyPal. "What is this the twilight zone?" Eric hooted in excitement while still bouncing on his pogo stick. But Danny was too involved with the porno magazine hanging from Ricky's head to answer Eric's question. As he turned the pages, full of the same giddiness that BoyPal always has, Danny forgot about the missing clog. Not for long though...

Reaching into the fanny pack that rested on his hip Ricky produced the match to Danny's favorite clogs. "Here you go Danno! I used it for Moe's pooper scooper." Danny paused from his porno bliss to let Ricky's words fully sink in.

Eric froze in the shock, knowing Danny would not be happy with this knowledge and toppled over, his pogo stick flying out from under him and striking Ricky in the knee "Ow." BoyPal complained, bending over to rub his leg. As he bent over, Danny reached down and grabbed a fistful of Ricky's hair.

"YOU USED MY CLOG FOR WHAT!?" Danny screamed

"A pooper scooper.." Ricky whimpered, "I have to clean up after Moe, he's my best friend."

"Not for long.." Danny answered, "and I hope you're hungry Ricky, because as soon as I find him it's hot dogs for everyone!" Danny let go of Ricky's hair, and pushed him backwards, sending him falling on top of Eric.

"Get off me fatass!" Eric yelled, biting Ricky's arm.

As Ricky burst into tears for the third time that morning, Danny stormed out of the room, mumbling "Here piggy piggy piggy" quietly under his breath. Not two seconds later, he re-entered the back of the bus, ripped the porno mag off of Ricky's head, and declared "And THIS is coming with me!" As he turned to walk back out of the room, his cell phone rang. "HELLO. I'm busy! What do you want!?" he demanded into the galpal. He heard a familiar voice and suddenly dropped to the floor Indian style with a silly grin on his face.

Chapter 3 - New - Main