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Chapter 3 - BoyPal Gets An Accomplice
Brittany is in green.
Jen is in blue.
Kate is in purple.
"Hi Danny, it'sh me"

"Oh my god! Josh, Hi! How are you? Oh my god, are you with NSYNC right now???

"Not right thish shecond, NSHYNC ish doing an interview right now. We're in Lash Vegash."

"Oh my god Josh! So are we!! But you're with them, you are soooo lucky. What's Justin doing? Will you tell him I said hi, and let him know I LOVE the This I Promise You Video..."

"Yesh, it'sh a great video, I'll tell him you like it. Oncshe I'm a sholo shupershtar I'll have cool mushic videosh too." Josh stated proudly

"Like Can I Get Your Number? I wear clogs in that! Does NSYNC think my video is cool?? Do they Josh, DO THEY?!" Danny asked his former bandmate excitedly.

Ricky sat up and cocked his head to the side, noticing Danny deep in conversation with the vocally challenged Weinerdog. "I have to save Moe" he thought, getting up and silently slipping out of the room. "I'll need some help though..."

Ricky wandered back to Tommy's bunk and gently pulled back the curtain. "Tommy" he whispered, "Idle Hands is on TV" Before Ricky said anything else, Tommy sat up straight and grabbed his Burger King crown from the shelf in his bunk.

"I'm the Lizard King!!" Tommy said proudly.

"Oh Tommy," Ricky whined, "I'm so glad you're awake. Idle Hands isn't really on, but Danny's going to kill Moe and make us all Weiners for dinner! I need your help Homeskillet!"

Tommy's smiling face immediately turned to a frown, then anger as he punched Ricky in the eye. "Don't lie to me you little piece of shit! And Danny's doing WHAT? Inviting Josh Weiner to dinner? Wait'll I get my hands on him. I'm better than Josh, right Ricky? You agree with me, right?? Listen to me sing" Tommy burst into song "You know you're the rainbow... "

Ricky interrupted him "Yes of course Tommy, you're better than Josh, I tell you that everyday! But that's not what Danny's doing, he's going to.." Ricky stopped himself short, realizing if Tommy REALLY believed Danny was inviting WeinerDog to the bus, it was the only way he'd help him. He paused dramatically before continuing with.. "he's going to ASK JOSH TO REJOIN THE GROUP!!!"

Tommy's face turned purple as he opened his mouth wide to scream. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" Ricky was glad Tommy's mouth is so mini, even with a scream like that, BoyPal had to strain to hear him, so he knew the boys in the back were not aware of Tommy's anger.

"Yes." Ricky said with a straight face, "The only way to stop this from happening is to make sure Moe NEVER dies. Moe is a pig, which reminds Josh of hotdogs and brings back memories of his Weiner name. Josh HATES Moe, and as long as Moe's around, he will NEVER come back! Will you help me Tommy??"

"Yes." Tommy answered.

Chapter 4 - New - Main