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Chapter 4 - Eric Comforts Danny... Sort Of
Brittany is in green.
Jen is in blue.
Kate is in purple.
Meanwhile in the infamous "Den of Sin", Danny was still lounging on the floor, his galpal pressed to his ear, twirling his spikes while deep in conversation. Unable to sit still for long, Eric grabbed his dirty sweatpants off of the floor, twisted them in a ropelike fashion, and began jump roping enthusiastically.

"No Authority. No No Authority. We Are No Authority." Eric chanted loudly, ignoring the dirty looks Danny was shooting him from his position on the floor. "Eric. Eric Lee. Eric Lee Stretch, that's ME! Fingerpal...HEY!" Stretch stopped jumping suddenly as a folded up pair of socks bounced off of his face.

"What was that you were saying Josh? No...please tell me?! It was something about Justin. No...I was listening Josh...I swear I was! Eric was just making too much noise!" Danny protested into the phone, on the verge of tears.

"I'm shorry Danny. If you aren't going to pay attention to me then I'm not going to share theshe intimate detailsh of NSHYNC'sh fame with you. Ungrateful bashtard." Josh stated arrogantly into the phone before Danny's protests were quickly halted by the unforgiving dial tone of his galpal.

"BITCH!" Danny screamed, hitting himself in the head with his galpal and busting it in half. "See what you made me do Eric? You and your damn A.D.D."

Eric smiled goofily at Danny from where he now sat on the floor. The socks Danny had thrown at him now hung crazily off of his ears. "Do my ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro...?" Eric burst into song, shaking his head from side to side in order to make the long white makeshift ears swing gently.

Danny looked down at his now broken orange galpal and realized his best friend Josh Weiner just hung up on him. A single tear fell out of his eye and trailed forlornly down his cheek. Eric stopped singing suddenly when he noticed Danny crying. "Danno! What's wrong?"

"Josh Weiner just hung up on me and I...I...don't know what to do. I'm just...upset." he sobbed into Eric's shoulder.

Eric smiled down at his blonde haired buddy. "But really it'sh no big lossh Danno. He'sh a weinerdog anywaysh." he said, mocking Josh's speech impediment, hoping to make Danny laugh or smile.

Danny just cried harder as Eric suddenly had the urge for some aerobic activity. Crunking Danny off to the side, he hurled himself into a backwards somersault, quickly jumped to his feet and burst into some Tae-Bo. "Double time!" he shouted, punching and kicking into the air at warp speed as Danny looked up at him from the floor, his eyes dull and his mouth open in shock.

"Why am I even in this group? I HATE THIS." Danny said, bopping himself in the head with the half of his galpal that he still held in his hand. Suddenly he had a revelation as visions of Moe danced in his head, and grabbing Eric by the sweatband he now wore around his head, began his pig hunt once more.


Chapter 5 - New - Main