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Chapter 8 – The Death Of A Pickle?
Brittany is in green.
Jen is in blue.
Kate is in purple.
As Tommy stood up they heard a noise outside by the balcony. He walked over and pulled back the curtain, looked out the door, and spotted Ricky clinging to the side of the building, that damn mechanical smile on his face despite the fact he was thirteen floors above the ground.

"Tommy thank goodness!" Ricky squealed with delight. "I need to talk to you, Eric knows..." Before Ricky could say another word his grip began to loosen. "Tommy help me!" Ricky pleaded in fear. Tommy stood watching as Ricky clutched the building, holding on for dear life. Shrugging, Tommy reached out to pull Ricky into the room. Extending his one hand, while keeping the other grasped to the building, Ricky grabbed a hold of Tommy. Before he could fully get into the room there was loud commotion down below.

"No! Ricky is MINE!" One female voice shouted.

"I don't think so bitch!" Another young girls voice squealed.

Ricky turned away from Tommy excited to hear his name coming from the ground below. "I have fans?" Ricky asked, looking back at Tommy with bewilderment. Tommy took the opportunity to let go of Ricky's hand. Not having a proper grip on the building Ricky fell, somersaulting the whole way down. "Wheeeeeee!!!" Ricky giggled, as he picked up speed, not realizing the ground was only a few feet away...

Back in the room Tommy turned back to see Danny grinning widely. "Thanks Tommy, maybe now that the little shit is dead we can find that damn pig and have a feast."

"Yes." Tommy shook his head and winked at Danny before walking towards the bathroom. "I'm getting in the shower, I'm in the mood to write a song. Between Ricky’s death and our fight I should have enough inspiration for a real winner. Maybe I’ll write a rap in German!" He exclaimed proudly, shaking his ass as he shimmied into the bathroom mumbling “Guten tag fette frau, ich liebe ven du geist unter”

Before Tommy had closed the door, a no longer unconscious Eric came bounding into the room. "Heeeeeeey guys! I know where the shitheads porker is!" Eric did a cartwheel then hopped onto the bed and began jumping. "Where are you going Tommy?"

"The shower, I want to write a song.”

“Oh yeeeahhhh! You always write your songs there! Wait, you wrote Thinkin’ with Ricky... does that mean the two of you were.... huhuhuhuh” Eric laughed his stoner chuckle before adding, "Anyway, you can’t forget this.." He reached into his fag bag and pulled out an umbrella hat. "That way all your hard work won't get wet. It's grrrreeeat!" Eric threw the hat towards Tommy than went back to bouncing on the bed.


Chapter 9 - New - Main