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Chapter 9 – Ricky Survives, His Fans Aren’t So Lucky
Brittany is in green.
Jen is in blue.
Kate is in purple.
Ricky was nearing the ground at full force. Below, the two girls, still fighting over who had ownership to the boypal were rushing around trying to catch him.

"He's MINE!" The one nappy haired teenager shouted to the other.

"Not if I catch him first!" The one dressed in a school uniform shouted, shoving the other girl out of the way. At the instant Ricky struck the ground both girls were in full battle over who would save him. As luck would have it, he landed on BOTH girls.

"Ouch." Ricky said, standing up and rubbing his backside. "I hurt my tooshie."

Turning around and looking at the mangled mess on the ground below him Ricky tilted his head back and to the side. "Oh my goodness!" Ricky's hand reached up to cover his open mouth. "I killed Britney Spears!" Tears began to fall as Ricky continued to stare the two flattened fans. "Lalalalala, what's THIS?" Ricky kicked the tangled fro belonging to the other girl and frowned. "It looks like Macy Gray. No big loss."

Before turning to leave Ricky heard a scream. "More fans!" He thought, waiting to greet his public. A moment later a Sharpie was shoved in his face.

"Sign my jeans." A mother, sporting a mullet and a drawn on fu-man moustache begged, “And can ya get Moe to sign them too?”

Her mention of the pig made him think of his pet, he hurriedly signed her acid washed jeans and thought, "I have to get back to Tommy before Eric tells Danny." He threw the Sharpie at the mom and ran inside.

Moments later, Ricky was at the door of Tommy and Danny's hotel room. Knocking lightly on the door with one hand, he waited patiently for someone to answer. Inside the room, Danny looked through the peephole and sneered. Turning to Eric, he gestured toward the door. "It's Shitface."

Eric laughed from his upside down position on the bed where he now stood on his head, moving his legs in the air with careless abandon. "Greeeat!" he said enthusiastically, forgetting that he still hadn't told Danny where to find Moe.

Hearing Ricky knock again, Danny opened the door a crack. "It's 10:00, do you know where your pig is?" He said, laughing loudly, then continuing as Ricky opened his mouth in protest. "Sorry Shitface, we don't want any. Find a new group." Then, before Ricky could speak, Danny shut the door in his face.

Ricky sat on the floor in a tired heap as tears began making their way down his face. 'I hope those two aren't torturing my little Lizard King!' he thought to himself. Suddenly terrible images of Danny and Eric torturing Tommy popped into his head. 'Oh my god! What if they tie him to a chair and shove those giant marshmallows into his minimouth...he'll never make it out of there alive!' Then, remembering that Moe always consoled him in his time of need and helped him think more clearly, he decided to go back and get on the bus to spoon with his pig.

In the meantime, Tommy was just getting ready to pen himself a prize-winning ballad when his umbrella hat began leaking. Then, his waterproof galpal that was hooked to the underoos that he always wore when composing a song began ringing. Picking it up, he almost slipped and fell when he heard who it was on the other end.

Chapter 10 - New - Main