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Bommy and Dodie?
Who are Bommy and Dodie? Well, here’s the best explanation we can give. We figured we’d explain them since we’ll be talking about them a lot.

Dodie started because of Wade. J Robson, NSYNC’s choreographer. Wade was in a rap group when he was 12 called Quo. Well, when NSYNC was here in Philly a few months ago, we were going to go to the hotel. (Not to see them, to see Wade) When Wade was in Quo, he went by the name "Kaos". I have pinups of this group from a 1994 teeny mag, lol. I put on a red stocking cap, a pair of glasses that look like those visor Star Trek glasses, and a blue and orange striped sweater. I was going to run up to Wade with the pinups, introduce myself as "Dodie, I'm a BIG FAN! I love you Kaosh, can you shign thish??" Again, it was FUNNY as shit if you were there, seriously. But we never went. Whatever, the character of "Dodie, BIG FAN" was born!

Bommy is Tommy's one armed evil siamese twin. He's also a midget. This came from a No Authority pic we were looking at, where Tommy looked like he only had one arm. So again, it was like 4am. Kate's laying on her floor all sleep deprived, and I said something about the picture being Bommy, then Kate starts slapping her ass and saying "I'm da BOOOOOOOMB Bay-beee!!". So, we decided that's Bommy’s major catch phrase, and that he's dating Dodie. We also decided the only things Bommy says are 80’s and 90’s slang such as "Talk to the hand", "You go girl", "As if", "Whos your daddy?", and "Aint no thing but a chicken wing on a string".

Here are their bios:

Name: Bhomas McCarthy
Nicknames: Bommy
Birthdate: 2.23.80 - Bommy is older, he came out 1st
Likes: Dodie, No Authority, Playing basketball, flourescent color shirts
Dislikes: People with two arms (except Dodie), Kaos
Personal Quote: I'm da BOOOOOOOOMB Bay-bee! (said while smacking his own ass with his one arm)
Little Known Facts: Bommy's arm was joined to Tommy's mouth. When they separated them, Bommy lost an arm, and Tommy lost half his mouth, hence his "mini mouth". Bommy is only 3'2". Bommy's favorite color is plaid.

Name: Dodarella Weiner
Nicknames: Dodie
Birthdate: 12.13.85
Likes: Kaos, Quo, JD Tru, Bommy, riding her scooter.
Dislikes: Not being able to hold hands with Bommy when he's driving.
Personal Quote: I'm a Big Fan
Little Known Fact: Dodie is 15, but Bommy thinks she's 18. She once walked from Connecticut to Los Angeles, just to get a ride in Mortimer! Her and Bommy fight a lot, and everytime they do she threatens to leave him for Kaos, and he calls her a bitch.

Here's how they met:

One day Dodie was riding her scooter, and she fell off. Bommy came over and lifted her up with his one arm, and gave her a stumptified hug. "Kaosh? Ish that you? I'm a Big Fan.." she asked. Bommy answered with "No you bitch, I'm Bommy... I'm da BOOOOOOOOMB Bay-bee"

They've been together ever since.

At press time we were unable to find a picture of the happy couple to share with you. Sorry.

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