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Double Dare 2000

Although this is an old TV appearance for the NA boys, it’s new to us. Kate’s giving this review. P.C. stands for physical challenge. Oh yeah, and this is LONG so if you missedoutpeace you’ll get all the details here and if you saw it you’ll know EVERYTHING to look for by the time you’re done reading this.

Tommy & Danny should just get two more of those bumble bee costumes and use them on stage. Not really, I hated them. I bet they did too.

I love to watch Ricky and Eric in the background clapping and getting all kinds of happy for their group mates.

Now this next thing is hard to catch. It’s editing bloopers that Nickelodeon did: Notice that when the host (as Brit, Jen & I call him “Ben Savage”) tells the N-Toon boys to pour that the containers they pour into are EMPTY. Next shot they’re pouring and the N-Toon container is about ½ full already and NA’s has some liquid in it too. Than it goes back to them in another shot after that it shows Tommy going back from pouring. This is where the mistake is, that was the 1st and only time Tommy poured and it was AFTER they already showed NA’s container with liquid (which wouldn’t be possible). **NOTE: If you don’t understand that, it’s too hard to explain and I won’t try again so DO NOT email us asking about it. Thanks! **

I find this next part to be one of Ricky’s many “awe how cute” moments. When the dog runs out for the triple dare challenge thing and the confetti explodes Ricky gets startled.

What in the world makes freakin’ Ben Savage, butt hole say “two hot new bands”? Sorry, moron, but that’s ONE new band and ONE band that’s been around longer than your sorry ass has been hosting Double Dare. Get your facts straight or find a new job.

Ricky says “yeah” and you can hear it. It’s right after the host intros the NA guys.

Maybe it’s just me, but Eric looks thoroughly unamused to have his name announced during the introduction part.

After Tommy says what charity the guys are playing for and the host starts to babble some more Tommy goes “yes” pretty much for no good reason in response to what the host is going on and on about. If you watch other NA interviews, it’s something Tommy does frequently.

Ricky must not have seen much Double Dare in his lifetime because he’s the only member of No Authority involved in the rules of the game.

Time to watch boypal again…When the host says “start all off” about N-Toon it’s an ariel camera view; Ricky is tucking in his shirt.

It might seem like I only watched Ricky, but it was only cause he’s in a lot more of the camera shots than the other guys. When the first dare happens Ricky is just kicking the floor with his foot and it’s the second “awe” moment in Double Dare 2000.

Now N-Toon gets their first physical challenge and “Ben Savage” the babbling bonehead of a host that he is repeats himself and says “two of you guys” twice. The SECOND time he says it, watch Ricky. He is pulling Eric’s arm and getting ready to head to the obstacle area for the P.C.

Ashamed of his cluelessness Ricky picks up a piece of the fallen confetti and is ripping it. I’ve also heard that’s a sign for sexual frustration.

Anyone else notice yet that boypal is on a box to make himself taller? If not, the best time to catch it is around this 1st P.C. time.

When N-Toon is told by “Savage” (the host) that they have to use their butts Eric *of course!* gets excited and you can see his big fine smile in the background.

Danny seems VERY unamused about being on Double Dare.

At the word “go” (which starts the first physical challenge), Ricky takes one foot of his little ‘height box’.

Eric is the first of the four to get happy that N-Toon missedoutpeace on winning the physical challenge, but TOMMY is the one to watch because his arms fly up in the air and he throws his head back all while cheering like he’s watching an Olympic event and the U.S. just won.

I’m not sure if the next thing is just gross or funny, maybe both. When N-Toon comes back from the ‘pie sitting’, challenge notice the little boy closest to the TV. He picks some of the pie cream off his ass and right as the camera changes to another viewpoint you can see him putting that pie goop into his mouth. Ewwww.

Another “awe Ricky” moment is when the guys are going for the $25 question about what do you put in a balloon to make it float –helium- Ricky tilts his pretty little head back. It isn’t much, but it pulls on your heart strings just the same as anything ‘woo woo’ might.

After the question is answered and the camera is about to cut away, Eric wipes something on Tommy’s back. ROFL for that one Stretchles. Ever hear of a towel?

Another brilliant editing blunder from Nick happens when the guys are asked the question to which they dare and the answer is Egypt… While “Ben” is still reading the question it goes to NA who are already in a huddle BEFORE the question is done being asked. That to me just doesn’t seem to fit the rules or make sense, since “Ben” had just began to read the question.

By the way, what HARVARD accepted student, valedictorian, 4.9938413412 GPA doesn’t know the answer to the questions that NA basically gave away to N-Toon, starting with the one about Egypt?

When N-Toon gets the next two questions and Double Dare is about to go to commercial break watch Justin from N-Toon. (He’s the oldest one, furthest from the camera.) He does a hand motion that can be implied as ‘jerking off’.

Before the commercial the clip of NA scares me… THANKS TOMMY! That face, ew. No. Don’t EVER make it again, EVER. But he makes up for it by whispering with Danny afterwards.

Back from the commercial break is the best 15 minutes (not even) in No Authority television history…not that there’s much to go on. 

The announcer chick says something about buggin’ – Psssh, she would have gotten my attention more so if she had said “cause it’s the BOOOOMB baby!” But she didn’t.

When dumb ass Ben Savage says something about oil delivery being another job Stretch claps. Could it be that the long legged sexxxxy boy is looking for something else to do if another 7 years go by and NA doesn’t make it. *tear* I’m really am being harsh.

So was it just me or did EVERYONE night find it funny and adorable when Eric starts pouring the ‘oil’ all over him. hehe

Was Ricardo G. not just a little more than enthusiastic to be there doing this busted ass physical challenge or what?

Tommy and Danny are talking to each other as the ‘oil’ flows through their tubes. I swear Tommy is saying, “I hate this. I hate this.” However, I’m not the best lip reader so maybe not.

“Awe Ricky” moment when the boypal throws a thumbs up to the audience.

Now, this next part is to be watched over and over and over and over and over and over and over again in slow motion, in slow reverse motion, in regular mode, in fast mode…how ever way you can get your VCR to play it just watch it as many times as you can and laugh your ass off. One word: Ricky. He is ‘flamboyant’ (this is the only nice way I can think of describing him). I find myself bored in public and doing that double swirl kick he does just for my own amusement.

Danny points and laughs at Ricky while he celebrates the red teams win.

The boys have the lead and the next question. Ally McBeal is the answer. Ricky knows this and you can hear him say “Mc” before the guys have even started the huddle.

When Tommy says, “dare” another “awe Ricky” moment happens. The look of shock that boypal has on his face is classic. He just cannot believe that his friends would say that when the answer is so obvious. What makes it even more laughable is the fact that the other 3 guys are huddle together seeming like they’re trying to “get away” from Ricky?

When N-Toon double dares back and Tommy says the answer –Ally McBeal- not only does Ricky seem confused so does Danny. But almost right away Ricky gets a look of joy on his face. Yup, count that as another “awe Ricky” moment.

Tommy to the rescue. He leans over to Rick and damn I wish I could read lips. He says something along the lines of “they didn’t know the answer”. When host “Savage” is saying “strategy going on here” Tommy says, “I tricked them”.

Here come some more “Awe Ricky” moments…

Ever so slightly, when the damned host says “guinea pig” Ricky smiles. He was thinkin’ of Moe.

The answer to the question is cat, but Tommy wants to play his trick on N-Toon again so he dares. When he’s saying, “dare” Ricky tilts his head ever so slightly and mouths “a cat”. When said with an overly feminine voice, high pitched confused sounding voice it can be hours of laughter. Don’t ask why or how. *LoL*

The NA boys go to take the physical challenge. Tommy and Danny seem a little too happy about this, maybe because they thought that they wouldn’t have to go, only Eric and Ricky would. In fact, Danny is so happy that he goes to talk over Tommy to share with “Ben” that they’re taking the P.C.

Tommy and Danny stick behind the counter until host “Savage” says “all four of you. They really didn’t want to go or didn’t think they had to. haha Sucks to be them.

You’ll notice on the site that we have Eric saying “grrrreeeat” a lot. This is the reason why. When “Ben” talks about being a baker and asks what NA thinks of that he shoves the mic in Eric’s face and he says “great”. It’s just a very cute moment for Eric and I just love his tone of voice when he says it. We’ve have now adopted it into our regular vocabulary. Thanks Stretchles. Psssh.

Danny is laughing like a mad man in the background. You can see and hear him.

They’re asked to have 2 people sit in the chairs…Tommy and Danny stand back not even volunteering to go.

“Ben Savage” is saying, “look how tasty that looks” referring to the icing, however all I noticed was the fact that the camera is zoomed into Ricky’s crotch.

Danny gets an evil smile on his face while making Ricky go up and down, up and down, up and down before the P.C. starts.

Finger Pal can also be spotted while Eric demonstrates how he goes up and down in the chair.

Than they take the triple dare challenge and Tommy tells Eric to put the candle in his shirt. Eric SHOVES it in.

Even though they were told not to help Danny is focusing more on getting the cake made than he is moving Ricky up and down.

Ricky doesn’t get any layers on the cake until the 5th one. It helps to have a guy like Stretch sometimes. He was tall enough to reach and add on the layers.

When the guys loose and they’re waiting to get out of the seats Ricky gets crunked in the groin. He looks like he’s in some serious pain and one of the Double Dare staff has to tell Danny to stop moving the chair.

I love the fact that the damn Nick editors can’t splice for shit the REST of the time but when 3 of the 4 members of No Authority walk IN FRONT of “Ben Savage” while he’s talking they just show it. What’s weird is you KNOW they’re there but it looks like they’re walking in front of a green screen.

Speaking of editing mistakes, here comes another one. When Eric puts his hands around Tommy and Ricky’s shoulders it’s up close. Next cut from the ariel camera shows Eric putting his arms around Tommy and Ricky again. (It’s the same take, two different shots and put in twice by some editing retard).

All the fun and games are over, N-Toon win because it’s blantenly obvious that No Authority let them. Ricky’s last “awe moment”. He goes “it’s over?” Too cute.

Ricky licked his lip a total of three times through this show. Watch for them and enjoy.

You thought I forgot…
Tommy needs to get over himself and his group and stop wearing NA gear. I love the pointing though. It’s a ‘trademark Tommy’ thing that just gets me every time.

I hate that when Eric goes to grab the camera they move it away to show 4 very gook covered N-Toon members. ARGH!

Ricky and his damn thumbs up. Maybe that’s his “hello” to Moe.

Danny just walks away. hahaha I love that.

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