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Danny's Survey

Danny finally got off his lazy ass and found a computer to use to fill this out for us. Sorry he's so boring, it's just the way he is.

Full Name: Daniel Jacob Zavatsky Zavatsky
Nicknames: Danny, Danno, Teste Chin, Draino (I don't know what it means).
Age: 18
Birthday: June 1, 1981
Location: Right now I'm at my neighbor Jay-Z's house. I don't have a computer computer, so he let me use one of his. He has a lot, he's big pimpin.

Hair Color: Right now it's brown and I comb it with a rake.
Eye Color: Green.
Shoe Size: My pimp sneaks are size 9.
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 195 lbs, but I'm not a fatty. Only muscle...ya know, from surfing.


1. Who's your favorite band? Deftones. I'm ghetto.

2. What's your favorite song at the moment?: It's Gonna Be Me. N Sync's my favorite group.

3. What's your all-time favorite song?: Can I Get Your Number Baby. I LOVE skipping around in my clogs. It's the only thing I get excited about.

4. What's your type of music? Rap. I can rap. Sort of.

5. BSB or *NSync? N Sync, they're my favorite group. I now own the board game, but Eric always wins.

6. Who's your favorite female singer?: Jessica Simpson. Her sister? She makes me feel nutty.

7. Who's your favorite male singer?: Snoop Dogg

8. Do you ever listen to pop?: I sing it but I don't like it. Unless it's N Sync.

9. Are you in a band?: Well this one time I pretended to play the drums but other than that, no.

10. Is your band famous, if you're in one?: Um...what's up?

11. What CD is in your CD player right now?: Deftones

12. If you turned your CD player to "radio", what kinda station would it be on? KIIS FM.

13. Korn? Their videos scare me.
Britney Spears? Does she know Ashlee Simpson?
JayZ? My next door neighbor.

14. What's the last CD you bought? O-Town. Eric found it and he busted it in half. All I could say was, "What's up?"

15. Spice Girls or All Saints? Ashlee Simpson?

16. Come on...Have you ever (or do you) like Hanson? They're no N Sync.

17. What band posters are on your wall? N Sync, No Authority, N Sync, Deftones, and Snoop Dogg...oh yeah and the Deftones.

18. Do you like the local music of your town? What's up.

19. What was your first CD? It was when I was a fatty. I don't want to talk about it.

20. Ever met any famous bands/singers? Yeah, and I always start out conversation with "What's up". Then I forget how to talk and they end up walking away.

21. Would you say you have an advanced knowledge of music? I don't have an advanced knowledge of anything cept..."what's up" and surfing.


1. Food: Cheese puffs in a can.

2. Drink: Long Island Iced Teas. It's really cool when you drink them in Long Island.

3. Clothing Acessory: My Pimp Sneaks. My cell phone. My capri's.

4. Color: Black.

5. Name for a girl: Kiki

6. Name for a boy: Justin

7. Family Member: I hate my sister when she blocks in my truck.

8. Store: GhettoFabulous

9. Board Game: N Sync board game. They're my favorite group.

10. Sport: Bathroom olympics. I'm really good at them.

11. Cartoon Character: Mary Quite Contrary. I know a Mary Quite Contrary...she lives in Long Beach...LA...where I'm from.

12. Computer Game: I don't have a computer computer.

13. Amateur website: I don't have a computer computer.

14. Professional website: I don't have a computer computer.

15. Piece of Jewelery: No.

16. (Girls) Nail Polish (Guys) After Shave: I love showers.

17. Cologne/Perfume: What's up?

18. Book: I don't read.

19. Condom: Huhuhuhuh. What's up?


1. Hawaii or New York: New York, New York. Big bathrooms.

2. Hot dog or Hamburger: I have a friend named Josh Weiner. I still talk to him.

3. *N Sync or BSB: N Sync is my favorite group.

4. Pen or Pencil: IMA JACKOFF

5. Gold or Silver: Silver

6. Box or Bag: Cool.

7. Middle finger or Ring Finger: Middle.

8. Regular Kiss or Gimme some tongue: Gimme a bathroom BATHROOM!!


1. Are you crazy or are you more laid back? Laid back.

2. What kind of person are you? I'm mute. Well, almost.

3. Memory you would like to forget? Whatever.

4. What is the thing you just started saying recently?: Like my pimp sneaks?

5. What have you been saying for a long time?: What's up? Cool. Whatever. Heeey.

6. Do you have AIM, if so what is your SN?: I don't have a computer computer.

7. Last thing you said aloud: Cool.

8. What car do you drive? I have a truck named Pam. Mandy named it. Where's Ashlee Simpson?

9. Do you ever make prank phone calls? My phone is glued to my ear.

10. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? What's up?

11. Did you ever win anything considered "big": Whatever.

12. Have you ever hacked an email account?: I don't have a computer computer.

13. How many buddies are on your list? I don't have a computer computer.

14. Have you ever created and sent a virus?: I don't have a computer computer.

15. What kind of shoes do you like? Mesh clogs.

16. What are your wearing (accessories and all, in detail) right now? Capri's, a white tshirt, my Dickies coat, my phone, white socks, and my pimp sneaks.

17. Do you have a website, if you do give the address?: I don't have a computer COMPUTER!

18. What are the last 4 digits of your phone number? Whatever. I'll give you Tommy's.

19. What is your most prized possesion: my pimp sneaks.

20. Is 2Pac alive? I just saw him yesterday.

21. Who do you look like? I'm hot.

22. Do you have any pets? Whatever.

23. What's the best trick you ever played on someone? Um. Cool.

24. Do you have any tattoos? What of? Yes. One I designed myself. It's big. The second one is in my armpit. My friend has the same one, but the other half. Cool.

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