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What If...

...NA stopped doing mall tours and weren't allowed to be on the "All That" tour due to the fact that they're veterans and STILL not headlining? Danny would need a new hobby, so here's what he'd be doing with all that extra free time...

Entering the large venue, Danny glanced around with wide eyes before proceeding towards the large booth of merchandise that stood before him. Walking up to the lady hawking the goods, he smiled shyly at her before making his request.

"I'd like 5 tour books, 1 Justin t-shirt, 3 Justin posters, 2 JC's, 1 Lance, 1 Chris, I guess." He said with some hesitation after glancing at the overflowing pile of Chris glossy photos. "Um..I'll also need 10 glowsticks, a beach, the Justin one. Oh, and give me one N Sync speedo. Pink...yeah. Cool." he said, nodding his head as he pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket.

"Alright honey, anything else? Would you like to buy a fake backstage pass or anything?" the woman offered, pointing towards a stack of realistic looking plastic passes.

Thinking quickly about the possibilities, Danny grinned. "Sure."

"Okay sweetie, your total comes to 350 dollars."

Counting out 350 dollars quickly, Danny didn't even blink an eye. Usually he spent WAY more money than that at an N Sync concert, but he had just gone to one the day before and stocked up on most of what he needed. Gathering up the merchandise he had purchased and tossing the fake backstage pass around his neck, he entered the seating area and looked around for his seat.

Stepping over several tube top clad girls, Danny blushed as they whistled and hollered at him as he made his way to his seat. Sitting down, careful not to drop any of the posters he clutched tightly, he pulled off his IMA JACKOFF backpack and began cautiously placing his purchases inside.

"Hi, my name's Rachel, what's yours?" The blonde sitting to his right asked, holding her hand out for him to shake it.

Looking up, slightly flustered, Danny smiled. "What's up?"

"Your name is what's up?" the girl asked, slightly confused.

"No. My name is Danny."

"Cool, so are you here with your girlfriend? Little sister?" Rachel asked, not noticing the "I Love Justin" written on Danny's left cheek. "Wow, she must really like N Sync if she's buying all their shitty merchandise." she commented, noticing the abundance of N Sync gear peeking out of Danny's backpack.

"I'm here alone." Danny stated in a monotone voice.

"Oh..." the blonde replied, raising a questioning eyebrow as she looked at Danny in shock.

"Yeah. This is my 35th concert. I'm a big fan." he stated, running a hand through his spiky hair.

"REALLY?" she asked incredulously, not sure if he was joking.

"Yeah. Who's your favorite?" he inquired curiously.

"Justin." Rachel gushed.

"Justin is mine." Danny said possessively, bopping Rachel on the head as he stood and moved towards the aisle, backpack in tow.

"What was that for?" Rachel screeched, holding her head. "WEIRDO!"

Tears flowed freely as he walked purposefully towards the stage, rinsing the "I Love Justin" from his cheek by the time he had made it to the backstage entrance. "Justin IS mine, and nobody can take him away from me." Danny thought angrily to himself.

"Excuse me, do you have a pass?" a thick Brooklyn accent interrupted Danny's thoughts.

Turning towards the warted figure that stood leaning against the stage with a large video camera in hand, Danny grinned. "Hey Stever."

"The name's STEEEEVE." the man drawled out. "Do you have a pass? If not you're not allowed back there."

Just then, three girls ran up to Steve and tossed a large guady magnet at him. "Hey Stever, remember us? Sexy, sexy, SEXY!" the girls giggled, shimmying towards the rat bastard himself. As Steve looked at them in disgust, Danny realized now was his chance.

The spiky surfer darted backstage, flashing his pass with 'authority', he quickly arrived at the N Sync "Toy Room". Flinging open the door, he walked in on Justin and Britney in the midst of a heated make out session.

Not realizing someone was in the room with them, Britney and Justin continued to kiss as Danny approached them. Grabbing Britney's weave, Danny pulled the lip locked lovers away as he glared down at the pop princess in disgust. "How DARE you seduce Justin!" he screeched, pulling Britney off the couch by her extentions and throwing her out into the hallway despite her protests. Locking the door behind him, Danny turned around and smiled sweetly at Justin.

A confused look on his face, Justin ran a hand through his curly hair. "Man, why you gotta be wastin my flava?" Then, noticing who it was standing in the room with him, he screamed loudly and wet his pants. "DANNY ZAVATSKY! Get out! Get out! This is a violation of a restraining order. What the FUCK! How did you get in here anyways? Oh my god. Lonnie! Johnny! JC!" he yelped. "Um...Joey? Where's Joey when you need him to sit on someone for you. Oh SHIT!" he screeched dramatically, clutching his curls.

Danny looked terrified as Justin ranted and raved around the dressing room. Finally he spoke. "I just want one more picture with you Justin. I need just one more to complete my collection of 875 photos. Look, it's my 35th concert!" he said proudly, pointing down at the tshirt he wore which was hand made with marker and stated "Danny's 35th N Sync concert". Underneath it, he wore several others with the same slogan, the numbers going in numerical order so he could change quickly on his way to the next show.

Just as Danny moved towards Justin for one last picture, security, after hearing Justin's high pitched pleas, broke down the door and restrained the spiked skater. As he was pulled out of the room, Danny whimpered, "But Justin...we're soulmates!"


After being removed from the premises, Danny was court ordered to enter rehab for his N Sync obsession. He attended every meeting in an "I'm a Justin addict" tshirt that Eric made for him, and only spoke in N Syncese. His counseler through the lengthy therapy sessions was boyband drop-out Phoenix Stone. Danny is now obsessed with him.

Justin, after his traumatic experience with Danny, decided to get back at his fanatic. He broke up with Britney Spears and soon began dating both Mandy Moore and Ashlee Simpson.

Britney Spears, mourning the loss of Justin to younger women, decided to date someone who was just as obsessed with the N Sync hearthrob as she was. Ms. Spears was last seen waiting on the steps of Danny's trailer, singing the lyrics to the hit "Stronger".

Steve Fatone was sent to prison after beating three girls by the name of Kerri, Jenna, and Katherine with his video camera. On route to the trial, Steve's only comment was, "I HATE those girls."

Kerri, Jenna, and Katherine recovered beautifully from their head wounds and now spread the Stever hatred by giving out his email address on the internet.

The End.
