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Danny’s Bio Our Way

All the teenies sites use bios, so we figured we’d do them too.. but ours are a little bit different.

Name: Danny Jacob Zavatsky
Birthdate: June 1, 1982
Height: A lil bit shorter than Tommy.
Weight: He has muscle.
Nicknames: Little Dutch Boy, D-Smack, Chick Magnet, Times Square, Unibomber, Frankenstein, Danno, Drain-O
Leather, NSYNC, cheese balls, strawberry Pez, stealing Pez off Ricky, calling “meetings”, being quiet, dancing to CIGY#B, giving hugs when they aren’t wanted, wooden clogs, mesh, MESH clogs, Slip-N-Slides, capris, bathrooms.
Hates: "Big Fans", when he doesn’t get any play, being in No Authority, being told to go to bed, being on Double Dare, the Jacko mask, Ricky
Personal Quote: "It scared the SHIT outta me" "Carson, LET ME up!"
Wanna read more bios?
Tommy - Eric - Ricky

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