Although he comes off like he never has anything to say, a lot spins around that hot little head of his. So here's Danny's diary. It will be updated when he writes more, newest entries come first.
Today is Tommy's birthday. I bought him new bed sheets cause I wet his bed so much that he complains. I hope he likes the new ones. They're cool. Peace. Danny
What's up? Cool. I haven't had a chance to write in a long time. For Christmas I got a pair of Pimp Sneaks. They're cool. At the end of January we were in Georgia and Tommy's weird girl friends came to visit. The one told Tommy my card game I invented was stupid. I think it's cool. In a couple of days it will be Valentine's Day. Last year Eric was my Valentine. I wrote Justin a letter for the occassion. Josh said he would give it to him, so MAYBE I'll get to be Justin Timberlake's Valentine. Cool. I feel so safe telling you that I am jealous that Justin and Britney are together, *I* should be with Justin! I think I'll cry now. I'm going to tell Tommy. Bye.
New Years Eve. It's New Years Eve. I'm excited to start a new year. For Christmas the guys all chipped in and had my bathroom redone. Now it's bigger than ever. I bought them all surfboards. Some day I'll get them out in the Pacific. Hopefully Ricky will float away and end up in another country. I have a few New Years resolutions. I plan on getting A LOT more use out of my new bathroom. Also, I'm going to be nicer to Ricky. For a day anyway. My final resolution is to stop spending so much money on *NSYNC merchandise. Bye now.
On the 22nd we were walking through the airport and I realized that it had been a long time since I had hit Ricky. I tried to kick him but I hit his damn suitcase instead. That's when the shitty pig fell out. I hate Moe. I hate Ricky. I hate No Authority. On a happier note, we got to be on TV tonight. It was for that ice skating thing we taped last month. One mulltet closer to fame. *NSYNC here I come, here I am. I'm out.
Tonight was the Nickelodeon Chat. I told the fans how I want to read *NSYNCs diary. I bet no one reads mine. I was listening to "Can I Get Your #" earlier today and it helped. I just skipped around the room in my clogs until I cracked a smile. I think Ricky tried to talk to me today, but I hit him before I heard what he said. Who cares? I just wish he would go away. I need to go write a rap with Tommy. I'm glad today is almost over because it means I'm one day closer to fame.
Where the hell did I find these guys? I mean really. I’m SO only in this for the bitches. Seven years of this shit. Is it ever going to end? I’m hungry. I have nothing to say.
Ya know what fucking sucks? I’ll tell you what. Just because I look good, all the nasty fans like me. I mean, we only got like 28 fans to begin with, and 23 of them are BUSTED. Guess which 23 like me, the D-Man? You got it. Argh. Then that little shit face Ricky tried talking to me again, I swear someday soon I’m going to beat that boy. Don’t they understand I’m only IN this group to begin with because Jacko said he’d…. nevermind, I can’t talk about it. I’ll have nightmares again. Oh shit, I’m crying on the pages. I have to go, I need Tommy to comfort me. Later, Danny.